What's that? r_drawviewmodel is locked to 1 in competitive? Can't even control viewmodel_fov, and it's stuck at an abysmal 54?
I have a question - what do you actually ever use viewmodels for, in a perfect world? Do you use a clunky crosshair switcher to have them enabled for melee weapons so you can time your swings? Do you wish you could have them for throwable items like Jarate, Mad Milk, Sandviches, and more, but not have them for things like the Pistol? Do you wish you could enable viewmodels for your inspect animations so you can show off ur l33t 5k1n5 but have them turn back off as soon as you need them to? But mainly, do you want them to just get the hell out of the way when you're playing the official Competitive Mode?
What if I told you I've got the solution? A tiny little tool that can evade cvar restrictions? That can hide viewmodels for every single class, weapon, and ANIMATION individually? That doesn't have the clunky issue with crosshair switchers where they don't work if a weapon runs out of ammo, or if you use a scrollwheel? Does all of this sound like heaven?
Well, it's not. yttrium's competitive viewmodels are here.
It started with a simple idea:
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Just download this installer and run it, and it'll guide you through the rest.
Current version: 1.4.1
Requires .NET Framework 4.5
Looking for a previous release? Look here.
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Does this work on MvM servers, Casual Mode servers, Competitive Mode servers, and sv_pure 2 servers?
Now that a preloader comes bundled with the installer, this works on every single TF2 server. The only downside is a slightly longer cold startup time (initial game load).
How does it even work?
Put simply, I've modified the viewmodel animations for every single class. When one of the weapons marked hidden is pulled out, the animations for that weapon tell the viewmodel to move off-screen rather than to animate normally. Other weapons are not affected because the viewmodel moves back on-screen for them.
Can I use other viewmodel animation replacements with this?
Not yet, possibly in the future.
Does my screen get blurry like with the transparent viewmodels?
Nope. No weird motion blur shader tricks here. It even works in DX8.
Does this work with min viewmodels?
Yes, and I feel like my competitive viewmodels + tf_use_min_viewmodels 1 gives the best experience. It's not required though.
Can these be turned off ingame?
You can hide any shown viewmodels with r_drawviewmodel 0 while still ingame (assuming you aren't in competitive MM), but you can't show any pre-hidden viewmodels without uninstalling the mod first.
Can Valve possibly patch this method?
The only way they can fix it now is by fixing preloading, which has been in the game forever and is a staple of Source. Good luck Valve!
Sauce pls?
This will only make sense if you actually know your way around Valve's MDL internals:
An option isn't working, or something is being disabled that shouldn't be!
Leave a message here telling me every option you have checked, and what behavior is happening that shouldn't be, and I'll take a look. I probably just messed something up in the database that links weapons with their animation files.
Why are the tracers from my weapon coming from really weird angles?
Disable them, for now, with r_drawtracers_firstperson 0.
Help! It doesn't seem to work, or it's working sometimes but then stops working after I join multiple servers.
If you
aren't using mastercomfig, add these lines to the end of your autoexec.cfg:
mod_load_anims_async 0
mod_load_mesh_async 0
mod_load_vcollide_async 0
mod_touchalldata 1
mod_forcedata 1
If you
are using mastercomfig, set these values in tf/cfg/user/modules.cfg:
Can I donate to you?
I want to reiterate that I do not do any of this to make a profit, but
if you really want to I won't complain.
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Merged Oblique's Jungle Inferno updates.- Named 1.4.1 to stem confusion about the unofficial 1.4.0 binary.
Fixed a critical issue where models would be rotated by 90 degrees at the start of an animation.
Settings are now saved between launches using .NET's internal Settings framework.- The previous registry entry has been updated to use this same framework.
Fixed some small grammatical mistakes.
Fixed an issue where returning from an unhidden inspect animation to a hidden idle animation would bug out.
Polished how the image guide behaves.
Added an application icon, which also shows in the About window.
Added icons to the class tabs.
Updated the localization files.
Fixed an issue where trying to install the mod a second time would end with an End Of Central Directory error.
Added a new About window.
Added a visual image guide.
Included the installation of a preloader during the compilation process.- This adds preload_room.bsp to the Maps folder, and adds the following line to autoexec.cfg:
- map_background preload_room; wait 10; disconnect
Updated for the most recent viewmodel changes (as of 10/16/2016).
The install/uninstall progress dialog is now Always On Top.
Updated animation files to support the July 28, 2016 patch.
Added dedicated "uninstall" button.
Moved buttons to a lower panel for better consistency.
Mod now fully installs even if nothing is checked.
Mod now installs as a single VPK archive rather than a set of loose folders and files.- This makes it easier to distribute configurations and wipe over old installs.
The installer now saves your TF2 directory to the registry, and attempts to recall it upon future loads.- The registry path is HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\CompVMInstaller\TF2Path
Base release.