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PC Build Thread
posted in Hardware
0 Frags +

Trying to get the best build possible for $900 not including a graphics card cause I alread have the r9 390.

Trying to get the best build possible for $900 not including a graphics card cause I alread have the r9 390.
0 Frags +

Best build for what?

Best build for what?
0 Frags +

Gaming and productivity

Gaming and productivity
6 Frags +

Could you be a bit more specific? Otherwise I'm going to assume it's Minecraft and Word.

Could you be a bit more specific? Otherwise I'm going to assume it's Minecraft and Word.
0 Frags +

Tf2, pubg, overwatch, fortnite

Sony vegas, other video editing programs,

Tf2, pubg, overwatch, fortnite

Sony vegas, other video editing programs,
0 Frags +

Minor improvements then (mostly replacing all the outdated parts).
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 7 1700 3.0GHz 8-Core Processor ($284.99 @ Amazon)
CPU Cooler: Noctua - NH-U12S SE-AM4 CPU Cooler ($59.90 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: Asus - PRIME B350-PLUS ATX AM4 Motherboard ($59.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: Team - Dark 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($139.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Samsung - 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($94.99 @ B&H)
Storage: Seagate - BarraCuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($49.56 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: MSI - Radeon R9 390 8GB Video Card (Purchased For $0.00)
Case: NZXT - S340 (White) ATX Mid Tower Case ($64.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Power Supply: EVGA - SuperNOVA G3 550W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($58.98 @ Newegg)
Operating System: Microsoft - Windows 10 Home OEM 64-bit ($88.89 @ OutletPC)
Total: $902.28
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-11-18 13:57 EST-0500

There are cheaper coolers (e.g. https://pcpartpicker.com/product/93Crxr/cryorig-cpu-cooler-h7) and other cases though.

Minor improvements then (mostly replacing all the outdated parts).
[url=https://pcpartpicker.com/list/9zQQtJ]PCPartPicker part list[/url] / [url=https://pcpartpicker.com/list/9zQQtJ/by_merchant/]Price breakdown by merchant[/url]

[b]CPU:[/b] [url=https://pcpartpicker.com/product/3kPzK8/amd-ryzen-7-1700-30ghz-8-core-processor-yd1700bbaebox]AMD - Ryzen 7 1700 3.0GHz 8-Core Processor[/url] ($284.99 @ Amazon)
[b]CPU Cooler:[/b] [url=https://pcpartpicker.com/product/7dTrxr/noctua-nh-u12s-se-am4-cpu-cooler-nh-u12s-se-am4]Noctua - NH-U12S SE-AM4 CPU Cooler[/url] ($59.90 @ Amazon)
[b]Motherboard:[/b] [url=https://pcpartpicker.com/product/fPDzK8/asus-prime-b350-plus-atx-am4-motherboard-prime-b350-plus]Asus - PRIME B350-PLUS ATX AM4 Motherboard[/url] ($59.99 @ Newegg)
[b]Memory:[/b] [url=https://pcpartpicker.com/product/VKdFf7/team-dark-16gb-2-x-8gb-ddr4-3000-memory-tdged416g3000hc16cdc01]Team - Dark 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory[/url] ($139.99 @ Newegg)
[b]Storage:[/b] [url=https://pcpartpicker.com/product/3kL7YJ/samsung-internal-hard-drive-mz75e250bam]Samsung - 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive[/url] ($94.99 @ B&H)
[b]Storage:[/b] [url=https://pcpartpicker.com/product/44Gj4D/seagate-barracuda-1tb-35-7200rpm-internal-hard-drive-st1000dm010]Seagate - BarraCuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive[/url] ($49.56 @ OutletPC)
[b]Video Card:[/b] [url=https://pcpartpicker.com/product/ymqbt6/msi-video-card-r9390gaming8g]MSI - Radeon R9 390 8GB Video Card[/url] (Purchased For $0.00)
[b]Case:[/b] [url=https://pcpartpicker.com/product/Vpdqqs/nzxt-case-cas340ww1]NZXT - S340 (White) ATX Mid Tower Case[/url] ($64.99 @ SuperBiiz)
[b]Power Supply:[/b] [url=https://pcpartpicker.com/product/sMM323/evga-supernova-g3-550w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-220-g3-0550]EVGA - SuperNOVA G3 550W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply[/url] ($58.98 @ Newegg)
[b]Operating System:[/b] [url=https://pcpartpicker.com/product/wtgPxr/microsoft-os-kw900140]Microsoft - Windows 10 Home OEM 64-bit[/url] ($88.89 @ OutletPC)
[b]Total:[/b] $902.28
[i]Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available[/i]
[i]Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-11-18 13:57 EST-0500[/i]

There are cheaper coolers (e.g. https://pcpartpicker.com/product/93Crxr/cryorig-cpu-cooler-h7) and other cases though.
0 Frags +

Ok thank you so much

Ok thank you so much
9 Frags +
ambroonSetsul what is your build?SetsulStill good old 4790K + 780 Ti.

Update: It appears the 780 Ti just died. I'm blaming you for this, ambroon. Correlation = causation, as we all know.

[quote=ambroon]Setsul what is your build?[/quote]
[quote=Setsul]Still good old 4790K + 780 Ti.[/quote]
Update: It appears the 780 Ti just died. I'm blaming you for this, ambroon. Correlation = causation, as we all know.
0 Frags +

Rip lol

Rip lol
0 Frags +

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel - Core i5-8400 2.8GHz 6-Core Processor ($279.00 @ Scorptec)
Motherboard: Gigabyte - Z370M D3H (rev. 1.0) Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($181.50 @ Skycomp Technology)
Memory: Team - Dark 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($259.00 @ PCCaseGear)
Storage: Samsung - 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($122.00 @ Shopping Express)
Storage: Seagate - BarraCuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($62.00 @ Shopping Express)
Video Card: Gigabyte - GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 11GB AORUS Video Card ($1095.00 @ IJK)
Case: Cooler Master - N200 MicroATX Mini Tower Case ($58.28 @ Skycomp Technology)
Power Supply: SeaSonic - FOCUS Plus Gold 550W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($139.00 @ Mwave Australia)
Total: $2195.78
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-11-20 21:35 AEDT+1100

Since the monitor isn't included in the 2.5k there are some options:
8600K + cooler, not for overclock, but for the higher clockrate. Z370 mobo is mandatory anyway so he could overclock later.
Larger SSD/HDD, or large SSD only.
Case is only a placeholder, don't know what he likes, but he can afford pretty much anything.
Going full ATX instead of µATX is also possible.

About the monitor, now that he's back:
Lightboost/strobing/ULMB yes/no?
G-Sync yes/no?
IPS panel yes/no?
1440p yes/no?
240 Hz yes/no?

Of course some things might end up being included anyway and some things are mutually exclusive, I just want a list of the features he definitely wants (or maybe wants) and which ones he doesn't care about.

[url=https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/h6BXxY]PCPartPicker part list[/url] / [url=https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/h6BXxY/by_merchant/]Price breakdown by merchant[/url]

[b]CPU:[/b] [url=https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/LHYWGX/intel-core-i5-8400-28ghz-6-core-processor-bx80684i58400]Intel - Core i5-8400 2.8GHz 6-Core Processor[/url] ($279.00 @ Scorptec)
[b]Motherboard:[/b] [url=https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/wZgPxr/gigabyte-z370m-d3h-rev-10-atx-lga1151-motherboard-z370m-d3h-rev-10]Gigabyte - Z370M D3H (rev. 1.0) Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard[/url] ($181.50 @ Skycomp Technology)
[b]Memory:[/b] [url=https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/VKdFf7/team-dark-16gb-2-x-8gb-ddr4-3000-memory-tdged416g3000hc16cdc01]Team - Dark 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory[/url] ($259.00 @ PCCaseGear)
[b]Storage:[/b] [url=https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/3kL7YJ/samsung-internal-hard-drive-mz75e250bam]Samsung - 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive[/url] ($122.00 @ Shopping Express)
[b]Storage:[/b] [url=https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/44Gj4D/seagate-barracuda-1tb-35-7200rpm-internal-hard-drive-st1000dm010]Seagate - BarraCuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive[/url] ($62.00 @ Shopping Express)
[b]Video Card:[/b] [url=https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/cHFXsY/gigabyte-geforce-gtx-1080-ti-11gb-aorus-video-card-gv-n108taorus-11gd]Gigabyte - GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 11GB AORUS Video Card[/url] ($1095.00 @ IJK)
[b]Case:[/b] [url=https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/T3rG3C/cooler-master-case-nse200kkn1]Cooler Master - N200 MicroATX Mini Tower Case[/url] ($58.28 @ Skycomp Technology)
[b]Power Supply:[/b] [url=https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/bkp323/seasonic-focus-plus-gold-550w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-ssr-550fx]SeaSonic - FOCUS Plus Gold 550W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply[/url] ($139.00 @ Mwave Australia)
[b]Total:[/b] $2195.78
[i]Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available[/i]
[i]Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-11-20 21:35 AEDT+1100[/i]

Since the monitor isn't included in the 2.5k there are some options:
8600K + cooler, not for overclock, but for the higher clockrate. Z370 mobo is mandatory anyway so he could overclock later.
Larger SSD/HDD, or large SSD only.
Case is only a placeholder, don't know what he likes, but he can afford pretty much anything.
Going full ATX instead of µATX is also possible.

About the monitor, now that he's back:
Lightboost/strobing/ULMB yes/no?
G-Sync yes/no?
IPS panel yes/no?
1440p yes/no?
240 Hz yes/no?

Of course some things might end up being included anyway and some things are mutually exclusive, I just want a list of the features he definitely wants (or maybe wants) and which ones he doesn't care about.
0 Frags +
SetsulambroonSetsul what is your build?SetsulStill good old 4790K + 780 Ti.Update: It appears the 780 Ti just died. I'm blaming you for this, ambroon. Correlation = causation, as we all know.

what you gonna replace that 780 ti with? if you a big star wars fan you could cash in on those Titan Xp collectors edition.

[quote=Setsul][quote=ambroon]Setsul what is your build?[/quote]
[quote=Setsul]Still good old 4790K + 780 Ti.[/quote]
Update: It appears the 780 Ti just died. I'm blaming you for this, ambroon. Correlation = causation, as we all know.[/quote]
what you gonna replace that 780 ti with? if you a big star wars fan you could cash in on those Titan Xp collectors edition.
0 Frags +
SetsulAbout the monitor, now that he's back:
Lightboost/strobing/ULMB yes/no?
G-Sync yes/no?
IPS panel yes/no?
1440p yes/no?
240 Hz yes/no?

Thanks, he's really happy with this.
For the monitor he says "ULMB, 1440p but the rest doesn't matter that much"

About the monitor, now that he's back:
Lightboost/strobing/ULMB yes/no?
G-Sync yes/no?
IPS panel yes/no?
1440p yes/no?
240 Hz yes/no?

Thanks, he's really happy with this.
For the monitor he says "ULMB, 1440p but the rest doesn't matter that much"
2 Frags +

I'm totally going to spend an extra 600€ to get red LEDs. Definitely.

Well that's difficult. IPS panels are out, won't get that 1ms he wants, and there are no 1440p 144Hz TN panels with other forms of strobing, which leaves only those with G-Sync. And those are always expensive. Right now there seem to be only 2 available and those are the same.

I'm totally going to spend an extra 600€ to get red LEDs. Definitely.

Well that's difficult. IPS panels are out, won't get that 1ms he wants, and there are no 1440p 144Hz TN panels with other forms of strobing, which leaves only those with G-Sync. And those are always expensive. Right now there seem to be only 2 available and those are the same.
0 Frags +


my current PC situation is a bit of a mess and I would like to build a new one. I have no experience and don't really know how and where to start.
I only play TF2 and I would like to be able to stream while playing. I don't know how realistic this is but I was hoping to build something for these uses while also keeping the option to upgrade fairly easily in the future. For example I would imagine it makes sense to buy a PSU that is a bit overkill so if I want to upgrade anything in the future I don't also have to buy a new PSU.
I am using a BenQ XL2411 Monitor and I have a Geforce GTX 1050 which I could hopefully use in the new build.
I was hoping I could get something for ~800€ but I have no idea how realistic that number is. If there are good reasons to go over budget I can definetly do that.
I have no experience with overclocking so I probably wouldn't want to do that.


my current PC situation is a bit of a mess and I would like to build a new one. I have no experience and don't really know how and where to start.
I only play TF2 and I would like to be able to stream while playing. I don't know how realistic this is but I was hoping to build something for these uses while also keeping the option to upgrade fairly easily in the future. For example I would imagine it makes sense to buy a PSU that is a bit overkill so if I want to upgrade anything in the future I don't also have to buy a new PSU.
I am using a BenQ XL2411 Monitor and I have a Geforce GTX 1050 which I could hopefully use in the new build.
I was hoping I could get something for ~800€ but I have no idea how realistic that number is. If there are good reasons to go over budget I can definetly do that.
I have no experience with overclocking so I probably wouldn't want to do that.
2 Frags +

Anything you might want to reuse other than the GPU?
Focus on most fps in TF2 or streaming?
Should be doable with 800€.

Anything you might want to reuse other than the GPU?
Focus on most fps in TF2 or streaming?
Should be doable with 800€.
0 Frags +

Nothing reusable besides the GPU.
As long as I have stable 240 fps I'm happy and if it dips a bit while streaming that should be fine.
So I guess a bigger focus on TF2 performance.

Nothing reusable besides the GPU.
As long as I have stable 240 fps I'm happy and if it dips a bit while streaming that should be fine.
So I guess a bigger focus on TF2 performance.
1 Frags +

In that case: SSD only or SSD + HDD? Size for each?

In that case: SSD only or SSD + HDD? Size for each?
0 Frags +

SSD + HDD please

SSD doesn't have to be super big since I'm only going to be using it for TF2, OS and maybe 2 other games max. Not sure what a good size for that would be, if you want you can just chose one and I guess it could be easily adjusted later.

Don't need a lot of storage, 1TB HDD is going to be more than enough.

Btw any recommendations on Windows 10 vs 8? I am currently using Win8 and I saw a few ppl here and there having TF2 related problems with Win10. Any big reasons against sticking with Win8?

SSD + HDD please

SSD doesn't have to be super big since I'm only going to be using it for TF2, OS and maybe 2 other games max. Not sure what a good size for that would be, if you want you can just chose one and I guess it could be easily adjusted later.

Don't need a lot of storage, 1TB HDD is going to be more than enough.

Btw any recommendations on Windows 10 vs 8? I am currently using Win8 and I saw a few ppl here and there having TF2 related problems with Win10. Any big reasons against sticking with Win8?
0 Frags +



My dad showed me these monitors and was wondering if they'd be a good choice for gaming. The first one is 120 hz (or that's what is listed in its specs) and the other is 75 hz but both have a 5 ms gray to gray time. Regardless of price, are these worth buying? Mainly wondering for the higher refresh rate panel



My dad showed me these monitors and was wondering if they'd be a good choice for gaming. The first one is 120 hz (or that's what is listed in its specs) and the other is 75 hz but both have a 5 ms gray to gray time. Regardless of price, are these worth buying? Mainly wondering for the higher refresh rate panel
2 Frags +

Well 250GB SSD + 1TB HDD costs almost the same as a 500GB SSD, so if 1TB is more than enough then maybe 500GB are enough and you don't need to worry about what to put where? Also you can just keep your old HDD.

Windows 8.1 I hope?
Not so much TF2 related problems with Win10, only Win10 related problems with Win10. E.g. replacing working drivers with broken ones, automatic updates, breaking full screen, breaking VSync, forcing VSync and so on.
Main problem with Win8.1 is actually that Microsoft decided since even after they announced there would be no performance updates for new CPUs on Win7/8 no one wanted Win10 it was time to take drastic measures and block all updates if you dare to use a new CPU with Win7/8. Of course there's a user-made patch that just disables the software they use for detecting offending CPUs.
The other problem would be Win8(.1) being weird in general, but most of that can be fixed with e.g. Classic Shell (except the control panel being split between metro and classic interface, only Win10 fixes that).

So here's a few options. These are by no means the final partlists because pcp is awful for Germany (outdated prices, few shops, counts shipping for every item so everything <100€ basically defaults to Amazon).
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel - Core i5-8400 2.8GHz 6-Core Processor (€239.99 @ ARLT)
Motherboard: ASRock - Z370M Pro4 Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard (€113.96 @ Mindfactory)
Memory: Corsair - Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2800 Memory (€183.76 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Storage: Samsung - 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (€93.98 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Storage: Seagate - BarraCuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (€41.32 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Case: Cooler Master - N200 MicroATX Mini Tower Case (€40.46 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Power Supply: Corsair - CXM 550W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply (€73.13 @ Mindfactory)
Total: €786.60
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-11-22 20:19 CET+0100
Probably the fastest just for TF2, assuming it actually gets the full turbo clockrates (might have to fiddle with mobo settings because of power draw, maybe add a cooler because of the heat).

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 1600X 3.6GHz 6-Core Processor (€209.00 @ Caseking)
CPU Cooler: CRYORIG - H7 49.0 CFM CPU Cooler (€34.90 @ Caseking)
Motherboard: Asus - PRIME B350M-A Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard (€76.99 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Memory: Corsair - Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2800 Memory (€183.76 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Storage: Samsung - 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (€93.98 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Storage: Seagate - BarraCuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (€41.32 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Case: Cooler Master - N200 MicroATX Mini Tower Case (€40.46 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Power Supply: Corsair - CXM 550W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply (€73.13 @ Mindfactory)
Total: €753.54
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-11-22 20:20 CET+0100
Cheaper, better for streaming, but slightly worse for TF2 when not streaming.
If you were willing to overclock you could get the 1600 instead of the 1600X, would end up being the same speed. 15€ isn't much but you can actually get away with using the stock cooler (1600X doesn't include one) even with an overclock so it ends up being >=50€ cheaper.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 7 1700 3.0GHz 8-Core Processor (€284.59 @ Alza)
CPU Cooler: CRYORIG - H7 49.0 CFM CPU Cooler (€34.90 @ Caseking)
Motherboard: Asus - PRIME B350M-A Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard (€76.99 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Memory: Corsair - Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2800 Memory (€183.76 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Storage: Samsung - 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (€93.98 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Storage: Seagate - BarraCuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (€41.32 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Case: Cooler Master - N200 MicroATX Mini Tower Case (€40.46 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Power Supply: Corsair - CXM 550W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply (€73.13 @ Mindfactory)
Total: €829.13
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-11-22 20:22 CET+0100
Even better for streaming, but probably overkill. Also basically requires an overclock or you'll get less fps in TF2 than with option 2 (with an OC it would be the same).

You can change your mind about SSD/HDD and overclocking or don't, then you can pick one of the three options and I'll make the final partlist.

Well 250GB SSD + 1TB HDD costs almost the same as a 500GB SSD, so if 1TB is more than enough then maybe 500GB are enough and you don't need to worry about what to put where? Also you can just keep your old HDD.

Windows 8.1 I hope?
Not so much TF2 related problems with Win10, only Win10 related problems with Win10. E.g. replacing working drivers with broken ones, automatic updates, breaking full screen, breaking VSync, forcing VSync and so on.
Main problem with Win8.1 is actually that Microsoft decided since even after they announced there would be no performance updates for new CPUs on Win7/8 no one wanted Win10 it was time to take drastic measures and block all updates if you dare to use a new CPU with Win7/8. Of course there's a user-made patch that just disables the software they use for detecting offending CPUs.
The other problem would be Win8(.1) being weird in general, but most of that can be fixed with e.g. Classic Shell (except the control panel being split between metro and classic interface, only Win10 fixes that).

So here's a few options. These are by no means the final partlists because pcp is awful for Germany (outdated prices, few shops, counts shipping for every item so everything <100€ basically defaults to Amazon).
[url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/list/qvrH6X]PCPartPicker part list[/url] / [url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/list/qvrH6X/by_merchant/]Price breakdown by merchant[/url]

[b]CPU:[/b] [url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/product/LHYWGX/intel-core-i5-8400-28ghz-6-core-processor-bx80684i58400]Intel - Core i5-8400 2.8GHz 6-Core Processor[/url] (€239.99 @ ARLT)
[b]Motherboard:[/b] [url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/product/Vys8TW/asrock-z370m-pro4-micro-atx-lga1151-motherboard-z370m-pro4]ASRock - Z370M Pro4 Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard[/url] (€113.96 @ Mindfactory)
[b]Memory:[/b] [url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/product/HwzZxr/corsair-memory-cmk16gx4m2a2800c16]Corsair - Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2800 Memory[/url] (€183.76 @ Amazon Deutschland)
[b]Storage:[/b] [url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/product/3kL7YJ/samsung-internal-hard-drive-mz75e250bam]Samsung - 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive[/url] (€93.98 @ Amazon Deutschland)
[b]Storage:[/b] [url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/product/44Gj4D/seagate-barracuda-1tb-35-7200rpm-internal-hard-drive-st1000dm010]Seagate - BarraCuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive[/url] (€41.32 @ Amazon Deutschland)
[b]Case:[/b] [url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/product/T3rG3C/cooler-master-case-nse200kkn1]Cooler Master - N200 MicroATX Mini Tower Case[/url] (€40.46 @ Amazon Deutschland)
[b]Power Supply:[/b] [url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/product/3hkwrH/corsair-power-supply-cp9020102na]Corsair - CXM 550W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply[/url] (€73.13 @ Mindfactory)
[b]Total:[/b] €786.60
[i]Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available[/i]
[i]Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-11-22 20:19 CET+0100[/i]
Probably the fastest just for TF2, assuming it actually gets the full turbo clockrates (might have to fiddle with mobo settings because of power draw, maybe add a cooler because of the heat).

[url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/list/hdkLhq]PCPartPicker part list[/url] / [url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/list/hdkLhq/by_merchant/]Price breakdown by merchant[/url]

[b]CPU:[/b] [url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/product/8hwqqs/amd-ryzen-5-1600x-36ghz-6-core-processor-yd160xbcaewof]AMD - Ryzen 5 1600X 3.6GHz 6-Core Processor[/url] (€209.00 @ Caseking)
[b]CPU Cooler:[/b] [url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/product/93Crxr/cryorig-cpu-cooler-h7]CRYORIG - H7 49.0 CFM CPU Cooler[/url] (€34.90 @ Caseking)
[b]Motherboard:[/b] [url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/product/nLx9TW/asus-prime-b350m-a-micro-atx-am4-motherboard-prime-b350m-a]Asus - PRIME B350M-A Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard[/url] (€76.99 @ Amazon Deutschland)
[b]Memory:[/b] [url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/product/HwzZxr/corsair-memory-cmk16gx4m2a2800c16]Corsair - Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2800 Memory[/url] (€183.76 @ Amazon Deutschland)
[b]Storage:[/b] [url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/product/3kL7YJ/samsung-internal-hard-drive-mz75e250bam]Samsung - 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive[/url] (€93.98 @ Amazon Deutschland)
[b]Storage:[/b] [url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/product/44Gj4D/seagate-barracuda-1tb-35-7200rpm-internal-hard-drive-st1000dm010]Seagate - BarraCuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive[/url] (€41.32 @ Amazon Deutschland)
[b]Case:[/b] [url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/product/T3rG3C/cooler-master-case-nse200kkn1]Cooler Master - N200 MicroATX Mini Tower Case[/url] (€40.46 @ Amazon Deutschland)
[b]Power Supply:[/b] [url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/product/3hkwrH/corsair-power-supply-cp9020102na]Corsair - CXM 550W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply[/url] (€73.13 @ Mindfactory)
[b]Total:[/b] €753.54
[i]Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available[/i]
[i]Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-11-22 20:20 CET+0100[/i]
Cheaper, better for streaming, but slightly worse for TF2 when not streaming.
If you were willing to overclock you could get the 1600 instead of the 1600X, would end up being the same speed. 15€ isn't much but you can actually get away with using the stock cooler (1600X doesn't include one) even with an overclock so it ends up being >=50€ cheaper.

[url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/list/y3xr3F]PCPartPicker part list[/url] / [url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/list/y3xr3F/by_merchant/]Price breakdown by merchant[/url]

[b]CPU:[/b] [url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/product/3kPzK8/amd-ryzen-7-1700-30ghz-8-core-processor-yd1700bbaebox]AMD - Ryzen 7 1700 3.0GHz 8-Core Processor[/url] (€284.59 @ Alza)
[b]CPU Cooler:[/b] [url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/product/93Crxr/cryorig-cpu-cooler-h7]CRYORIG - H7 49.0 CFM CPU Cooler[/url] (€34.90 @ Caseking)
[b]Motherboard:[/b] [url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/product/nLx9TW/asus-prime-b350m-a-micro-atx-am4-motherboard-prime-b350m-a]Asus - PRIME B350M-A Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard[/url] (€76.99 @ Amazon Deutschland)
[b]Memory:[/b] [url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/product/HwzZxr/corsair-memory-cmk16gx4m2a2800c16]Corsair - Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2800 Memory[/url] (€183.76 @ Amazon Deutschland)
[b]Storage:[/b] [url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/product/3kL7YJ/samsung-internal-hard-drive-mz75e250bam]Samsung - 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive[/url] (€93.98 @ Amazon Deutschland)
[b]Storage:[/b] [url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/product/44Gj4D/seagate-barracuda-1tb-35-7200rpm-internal-hard-drive-st1000dm010]Seagate - BarraCuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive[/url] (€41.32 @ Amazon Deutschland)
[b]Case:[/b] [url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/product/T3rG3C/cooler-master-case-nse200kkn1]Cooler Master - N200 MicroATX Mini Tower Case[/url] (€40.46 @ Amazon Deutschland)
[b]Power Supply:[/b] [url=https://de.pcpartpicker.com/product/3hkwrH/corsair-power-supply-cp9020102na]Corsair - CXM 550W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply[/url] (€73.13 @ Mindfactory)
[b]Total:[/b] €829.13
[i]Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available[/i]
[i]Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-11-22 20:22 CET+0100[/i]
Even better for streaming, but probably overkill. Also basically requires an overclock or you'll get less fps in TF2 than with option 2 (with an OC it would be the same).

You can change your mind about SSD/HDD and overclocking or don't, then you can pick one of the three options and I'll make the final partlist.
0 Frags +

Wow thats amazing, thanks a lot!
I will take my time and read through all of the stuff you wrote and I also want to read a bit about overclocking and Win8.1/10 so I should be back tomorrow but for now this is already super helpful.

Wow thats amazing, thanks a lot!
I will take my time and read through all of the stuff you wrote and I also want to read a bit about overclocking and Win8.1/10 so I should be back tomorrow but for now this is already super helpful.
0 Frags +

I cleaned up my PC a bit and uninstalled programms that I don't need and right now I am sitting at 230GB used storage so you're right, a 500GB SSD is going to be enough. No need for an extra HDD.

I read up a bit on it, and I would now definitely like to overclock the new processor.
I want to pick either the first or the second build and I see that one of the differences is the extra CPU cooler in the second build.
This is where my inexperience shines but doesn't it make sense to get a build with an external CPU cooler in mind, since if I needed to upgrade in a few years I would probably need an external cooler anyways? And with overclocking in mind (and potentially overclocking future processors?) is an external CPU cooler not "better" to be on the safe side?
What I'm trying to say is I don't mind spending a few extra bucks to make sure that the build can comfortably run an overclock instead of just getting the bare minimum.
I don't know if this makes sense but if you want you can just pick either of the options, whatever you think is best.

I forgot to mention I will also need a CD-Drive and I am going to be using Win10, not sure if that influences any of the hardware stuff tho. Thanks!

I cleaned up my PC a bit and uninstalled programms that I don't need and right now I am sitting at 230GB used storage so you're right, a 500GB SSD is going to be enough. No need for an extra HDD.

I read up a bit on it, and I would now definitely like to overclock the new processor.
I want to pick either the first or the second build and I see that one of the differences is the extra CPU cooler in the second build.
This is where my inexperience shines but doesn't it make sense to get a build with an external CPU cooler in mind, since if I needed to upgrade in a few years I would probably need an external cooler anyways? And with overclocking in mind (and potentially overclocking future processors?) is an external CPU cooler not "better" to be on the safe side?
What I'm trying to say is I don't mind spending a few extra bucks to make sure that the build can comfortably run an overclock instead of just getting the bare minimum.
I don't know if this makes sense but if you want you can just pick either of the options, whatever you think is best.

I forgot to mention I will also need a CD-Drive and I am going to be using Win10, not sure if that influences any of the hardware stuff tho. Thanks!
2 Frags +


1600X doesn't include a cooler so it's kind of necessary.
i5-8400 can't be overclocked so stock cooler is usually enough. You'd need an i5-8600K or drop down to an i3-8350K, but even with the overclock you'd end up with the same performance as with the 8400 at best while streaming and only better with just TF2 so it's a sidegrade. 8600K + cooler (again, not included unlike the 8400) would be over budget. Could go with 120GB SSD + HDD to save a bit of money but I'm not sure it's worth the tradeoff.
I wouldn't worry about overclocking future processors. Unless you want to upgrade really soon (and not even then probably if it's Intel) it'll be a different socket so you need a new mobo as well and the cost for a new cooler isn't all that significant anymore and you might not have a choice anyway if the dimension of the socket are different and old coolers physically don't fit anymore.

I'm hoping you don't need a 100€ Win10 license within the same budget.

Anyway your options are:
1. i5-8400, no overclocking, stock cooler. If it doesn't reliably get the max turbo clockrates you can still buy a cooler later and stay within budget.
2. i5-8600K, overclocking, cooler. Over budget, but not that much. Probably the fastest though.
3. 1600, overclock, stock cooler. Again you can buy an aftermarket cooler later if you find out you do need one, but it runs into a wall at 4 GHz regardless of cooler so it'd only be for noise/temps. Cheapest option, beats #1 in streaming and comes close when not.
4. 1600X, overclock or none (runs into the same wall at 4 GHz which is the max turbo anyway), cooler. If you're overclocking it would perform almost the same as #3 only more expensive.


1600X doesn't include a cooler so it's kind of necessary.
i5-8400 can't be overclocked so stock cooler is usually enough. You'd need an i5-8600K or drop down to an i3-8350K, but even with the overclock you'd end up with the same performance as with the 8400 at best while streaming and only better with just TF2 so it's a sidegrade. 8600K + cooler (again, not included unlike the 8400) would be over budget. Could go with 120GB SSD + HDD to save a bit of money but I'm not sure it's worth the tradeoff.
I wouldn't worry about overclocking future processors. Unless you want to upgrade really soon (and not even then probably if it's Intel) it'll be a different socket so you need a new mobo as well and the cost for a new cooler isn't all that significant anymore and you might not have a choice anyway if the dimension of the socket are different and old coolers physically don't fit anymore.

I'm hoping you don't need a 100€ Win10 license within the same budget.

Anyway your options are:
1. i5-8400, no overclocking, stock cooler. If it doesn't reliably get the max turbo clockrates you can still buy a cooler later and stay within budget.
2. i5-8600K, overclocking, cooler. Over budget, but not that much. Probably the fastest though.
3. 1600, overclock, stock cooler. Again you can buy an aftermarket cooler later if you find out you do need one, but it runs into a wall at 4 GHz regardless of cooler so it'd only be for noise/temps. Cheapest option, beats #1 in streaming and comes close when not.
4. 1600X, overclock or none (runs into the same wall at 4 GHz which is the max turbo anyway), cooler. If you're overclocking it would perform almost the same as #3 only more expensive.
0 Frags +

Thanks, I will go with option 2. then and keep the 500GB SSD.

Win10 license is not included in the budget.

Thanks, I will go with option 2. then and keep the 500GB SSD.

Win10 license is not included in the budget.
0 Frags +

Option 2 as in #2662 option 2 = 1600(X) or as in #2665 option 2 = 8600K?
Just to make sure.

Option 2 as in #2662 option 2 = 1600(X) or as in #2665 option 2 = 8600K?
Just to make sure.
0 Frags +

paging setsul for this one, tried to improve my build a bit based on what you said
is this a bit better now?

paging setsul for this one, tried to improve my build a bit based on what you said
is this a bit better now?
0 Frags +

Sry #2665 option 2, the 8600k with overclock and cooler.

Sry #2665 option 2, the 8600k with overclock and cooler.
0 Frags +

Remember, you wanted to make this https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/BXTZtJ cheaper.
Now you've gone mini ITX and it's almost 200£ more expensive, still with a cheap aio that can't beat air coolers of the same price. https://i1.wp.com/www.modders-inc.com/wp-content/uploads/image//2017/08/graph2.jpg
FYI the Mugen 5 costs half. Strap a 2000 rpm fan on it and it would win while still being cheaper and quieter.

This is going to end exactly the same like it did every time. You'll realize that you can't afford what you want and don't want what you can afford and then you'll give up and try again in a few months.

@everyone: This might sound mean but I've made too many partlists for him already.

Nah, just to make sure because it's over budget.

i5-8600K at least 315€ and that's from Czech Republic https://www.alza.de/intel-core-i5-8600k-d5116998.htm?o=1
Cryorig H7 ~35€ https://geizhals.de/cryorig-h7-cr-h7a-a1233532.html
ASRock Z370M Pro4 ~112€ https://www.mindfactory.de/product_info.php/ASRock-Z370M-Pro4-Intel-Z370-So-1151-Dual-Channel-DDR4-mATX-Retail_1200385.html
mindfactory not listed on geizhals for some reason https://geizhals.de/asrock-z370m-pro4-90-mxb660-a0uayz-a1701182.html?hloc=at&hloc=de
2x8GB RAM ~167€ https://geizhals.de/g-skill-aegis-dimm-kit-16gb-f4-3000c16d-16gisb-a1474853.html?v=k&hloc=at&hloc=de
There are other options should that kit not be available anymore at that price.
850 Evo 500GB ~154€ https://geizhals.de/samsung-ssd-850-evo-500gb-mz-75e500b-a1194263.html
cheaper (slower) options do exist if we have to save a bit of money.
N200 ~44€ https://geizhals.de/cooler-master-n200-nse-200-kkn1-a919524.html
Mostly a placeholder, get whatever you want. There's also a version with a tiny window, if you want that, which is actually cheaper. https://geizhals.de/cooler-master-n200-nse-200-kwn1-a919657.html
550W PSU ~65€ https://www.mindfactory.de/product_info.php/550-Watt-Corsair-CX-Series-CX550-Non-Modular-80--Bronze_1157929.html
or https://geizhals.de/corsair-vengeance-550m-550w-atx-2-4-cp-9020111-de-a1405278.html?hloc=at&hloc=de
or https://geizhals.de/evga-b3-serie-550-b3-550w-atx-2-4-220-b3-0550-v2-a1654218.html?hloc=at&hloc=de
whichever is cheapest where you're buying other parts. Again mindfactory not listed for some reason so you'll have to search manuall on their site if you're going to buy it there. Of course this has to happen today. Non-modular CX550 is vastly different from the semi-modular CX550M, don't buy it just because it's cheaper.
CD/DVD ~13€, lots of options https://geizhals.de/?cat=dvdram&xf=5011_1%7E9514_DVD-Brenner#gh_filterbox

Total: ~905€

Remember, you wanted to make this https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/BXTZtJ cheaper.
Now you've gone mini ITX and it's almost 200£ more expensive, still with a cheap aio that can't beat air coolers of the same price. https://i1.wp.com/www.modders-inc.com/wp-content/uploads/image//2017/08/graph2.jpg
FYI the Mugen 5 costs half. Strap a 2000 rpm fan on it and it would win while still being cheaper and quieter.

This is going to end exactly the same like it did every time. You'll realize that you can't afford what you want and don't want what you can afford and then you'll give up and try again in a few months.

@everyone: This might sound mean but I've made too many partlists for him already.

Nah, just to make sure because it's over budget.

i5-8600K at least 315€ and that's from Czech Republic https://www.alza.de/intel-core-i5-8600k-d5116998.htm?o=1
Cryorig H7 ~35€ https://geizhals.de/cryorig-h7-cr-h7a-a1233532.html
ASRock Z370M Pro4 ~112€ https://www.mindfactory.de/product_info.php/ASRock-Z370M-Pro4-Intel-Z370-So-1151-Dual-Channel-DDR4-mATX-Retail_1200385.html
mindfactory not listed on geizhals for some reason https://geizhals.de/asrock-z370m-pro4-90-mxb660-a0uayz-a1701182.html?hloc=at&hloc=de
2x8GB RAM ~167€ https://geizhals.de/g-skill-aegis-dimm-kit-16gb-f4-3000c16d-16gisb-a1474853.html?v=k&hloc=at&hloc=de
There are other options should that kit not be available anymore at that price.
850 Evo 500GB ~154€ https://geizhals.de/samsung-ssd-850-evo-500gb-mz-75e500b-a1194263.html
cheaper (slower) options do exist if we have to save a bit of money.
N200 ~44€ https://geizhals.de/cooler-master-n200-nse-200-kkn1-a919524.html
Mostly a placeholder, get whatever you want. There's also a version with a tiny window, if you want that, which is actually cheaper. https://geizhals.de/cooler-master-n200-nse-200-kwn1-a919657.html
550W PSU ~65€ https://www.mindfactory.de/product_info.php/550-Watt-Corsair-CX-Series-CX550-Non-Modular-80--Bronze_1157929.html
or https://geizhals.de/corsair-vengeance-550m-550w-atx-2-4-cp-9020111-de-a1405278.html?hloc=at&hloc=de
or https://geizhals.de/evga-b3-serie-550-b3-550w-atx-2-4-220-b3-0550-v2-a1654218.html?hloc=at&hloc=de
whichever is cheapest where you're buying other parts. Again mindfactory not listed for some reason so you'll have to search manuall on their site if you're going to buy it there. Of course this has to happen today. Non-modular CX550 is vastly different from the semi-modular CX550M, don't buy it just because it's cheaper.
CD/DVD ~13€, lots of options https://geizhals.de/?cat=dvdram&xf=5011_1%7E9514_DVD-Brenner#gh_filterbox

Total: ~905€
0 Frags +

Amazing, incredibly helpful!
Is stuff going to be cheaper tomorrow because Black Friday or can I just buy it now?

Amazing, incredibly helpful!
Is stuff going to be cheaper tomorrow because Black Friday or can I just buy it now?
1 Frags +

Probably not, apart from Amazon (which is usually more expensive in the first place) it doesn't really happen in Europe anyway.

Probably not, apart from Amazon (which is usually more expensive in the first place) it doesn't really happen in Europe anyway.
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