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teamfortress.tv is looking for new talent for 2022!
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teamfortress.tv is looking to continue to push the limits when it comes to creating high-quality TF2 content. To do this, we’re looking to recruit people! Each type of position will be marked with the region where we very likely need people.

Feel free to sign up for multiple spots, as well as being in reserve. Certain positions will require more commitment than other spots (as described), but if you're unsure about what we want, please ask.

ALL positions will require good communication and a positive attitude (in relation to the rest of the TFTV staff), and all positions are on a volunteer basis, so don't feel bad if you don't have the time or motivation for a project with no monetary element (however, we credit all our staff as much as we can!).

We're currently looking for:

Broadcast Team
The broadcast team is the group that works together to bring you the best games and action live when it happens. Additions would help us to push out high-quality broadcasts of TF2 events more consistently.

  • Casters/Commentators (EU/NA) - Casters bring the excitement to a cast by hyping up the game as it happens and helping break it down. Potential casters must have a great understanding of the game and either a talent for calling the action as it happens or providing high-level insight into the game.

  • Producers (EU/NA) - Producers bring together the entire cast, combining audio, live graphics, and a game view to create a stream that is enjoyable to watch. Potential producers must have the ability to stream to Twitch at high quality (6000 bitrate upload minimum), and are recommended to have skill in managing the in-game camera.

Production Support Team
The production support team is the group that works behind-the-scenes to create and maintain tools that augment broadcasts beyond a simple view of the game. Additions would help us to increase the quality and quantity of these tools and thus improve our casts.

  • Graphic Designers PAID - Graphic designers help set the overall feel for a cast, making sure that produced content is aesthetically pleasing and producing the graphics necessary to do so. Potential graphic designers should have a good aesthetic sense and experience with creating graphics and designing and working with an overarching theme, and are recommended to have a portfolio for the purposes of experience and our evaluation.

  • Web Developers - Live graphics developers create and maintain the many dynamic graphics that augment casts, such as the out-of-game overlay and in-game scoreboard. Potential live graphics developers should be experienced with web technologies (specifically JavaScript) and are recommended to have experience developing for the live graphics framework NodeCG.

Promotion Team
The promotion team is the group that works to publicize teamfortress.tv casts & events to the community. Additions to this team would help us make these efforts more standardized and consistent.

  • Writers (EU/NA/ANZ) - Writers create articles and news stories that cover events related to the competitive TF2 community, including leagues, tournaments and roster transactions. Potential writers should have an understanding of the community and the topics they want to cover, and should be willing to provide a sample article for our evaluation.

  • Video Producers (EU/NA/ANZ) - Video producers create and edit videos that are used to highlight amazing frags during matches, combining audio, footage, and special effects to make truly compelling stories. Potential video producers should have experience with video editing, and are recommended to have a portfolio for our evaluation.

  • Public Relations Managers (EU/NA) - Public relations managers help disseminate information through many avenues, including social media and other TF2 sites. Potential public relations managers should have a good reputation within the community and an understanding of how to promote content on different platforms.

  • Maybe something else! - If you feel like you're able to contribute in an interesting fashion, or have a specific talent you'd like to go towards helping us, feel free to apply!

Keep note! All of these positions are on a volunteer basis. If you are interested in joining the team, you can apply by sending a Discord DM to @TFTV Modhelp#1806 with the opportunities you are interested in and any relevant information to effectively determine your qualifications for the team.

If you are interested in helping out and have talents that don’t quite fit into these positions, or have general ideas or feedback for how our productions can be improved, feel free to reach out to me as well.

Thanks for your interest and support.

Last updated: 24/02/22

teamfortress.tv is looking to continue to push the limits when it comes to creating high-quality TF2 content. To do this, we’re looking to recruit people! Each type of position will be marked with the region where we very likely need people.

Feel free to sign up for multiple spots, as well as being in reserve. Certain positions will require more commitment than other spots (as described), but if you're unsure about what we want, please ask.

ALL positions will require good communication and a positive attitude (in relation to the rest of the TFTV staff), and all positions are on a volunteer basis, so don't feel bad if you don't have the time or motivation for a project with no monetary element (however, we credit all our staff as much as we can!).

[u][b][h]We're currently looking for:[/h][/b][/u]

[h]Broadcast Team[/h]
The broadcast team is the group that works together to bring you the best games and action live when it happens. Additions would help us to push out high-quality broadcasts of TF2 events more consistently.
[*] [b]Casters/Commentators (EU/NA)[/b] - Casters bring the excitement to a cast by hyping up the game as it happens and helping break it down. Potential casters must have a great understanding of the game and either a talent for calling the action as it happens or providing high-level insight into the game.

[*] [b]Producers (EU/NA)[/b] - Producers bring together the entire cast, combining audio, live graphics, and a game view to create a stream that is enjoyable to watch. Potential producers must have the ability to stream to Twitch at high quality (6000 bitrate upload minimum), and are recommended to have skill in managing the in-game camera.

[h]Production Support Team[/h]
The production support team is the group that works behind-the-scenes to create and maintain tools that augment broadcasts beyond a simple view of the game. Additions would help us to increase the quality and quantity of these tools and thus improve our casts.
[*] [b][url=https://hitmarker.net/jobs/teamfortress-tv-graphic-designer-2045983]Graphic Designers[/url][/b] [u][b]PAID[/b][/u] - Graphic designers help set the overall feel for a cast, making sure that produced content is aesthetically pleasing and producing the graphics necessary to do so. Potential graphic designers should have a good aesthetic sense and experience with creating graphics and designing and working with an overarching theme, and are recommended to have a portfolio for the purposes of experience and our evaluation.

[*] [b]Web Developers[/b] - Live graphics developers create and maintain the many dynamic graphics that augment casts, such as the out-of-game overlay and in-game scoreboard. Potential live graphics developers should be experienced with web technologies (specifically JavaScript) and are recommended to have experience developing for the live graphics framework NodeCG.
[h]Promotion Team[/h]
The promotion team is the group that works to publicize teamfortress.tv casts & events to the community. Additions to this team would help us make these efforts more standardized and consistent.
[*] [b]Writers (EU/NA/ANZ)[/b] - Writers create articles and news stories that cover events related to the competitive TF2 community, including leagues, tournaments and roster transactions. Potential writers should have an understanding of the community and the topics they want to cover, and should be willing to provide a sample article for our evaluation.

[*] [b]Video Producers (EU/NA/ANZ)[/b] - Video producers create and edit videos that are used to highlight amazing frags during matches, combining audio, footage, and special effects to make truly compelling stories. Potential video producers should have experience with video editing, and are recommended to have a portfolio for our evaluation.

[*] [b]Public Relations Managers (EU/NA)[/b] - Public relations managers help disseminate information through many avenues, including social media and other TF2 sites. Potential public relations managers should have a good reputation within the community and an understanding of how to promote content on different platforms.

[*] [b]Maybe something else![/b] - If you feel like you're able to contribute in an interesting fashion, or have a specific talent you'd like to go towards helping us, feel free to apply!

Keep note! All of these positions are on a volunteer basis. If you are interested in joining the team, you can apply by sending a Discord DM to [url=https://discord.gg/tftv]@TFTV Modhelp#1806[/url] with the opportunities you are interested in and any relevant information to effectively determine your qualifications for the team.

If you are interested in helping out and have talents that don’t quite fit into these positions, or have general ideas or feedback for how our productions can be improved, feel free to reach out to me as well.

Thanks for your interest and support.

[i]Last updated: 24/02/22[/i]
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i would LOVE to be a caster its one of my passions

i would LOVE to be a caster its one of my passions
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would like to produce. also willing to learn

would like to produce. also willing to learn
0 Frags +
MarioManzofAwesomewould like to produce. also willing to learn

Would love to chat! Please contact me through TFTV DM's so we can talk more.

[quote=MarioManzofAwesome]would like to produce. also willing to learn[/quote]
Would love to chat! Please contact me through [url=https://www.teamfortress.tv/inbox/compose/mitch]TFTV DM's[/url] so we can talk more.
1 Frags +

Hey! I'd definitely be interested in both casting and production, as I've been learning CE and practicing my commentary.

Hey! I'd definitely be interested in both casting and production, as I've been learning CE and practicing my commentary.
Fireside Casts
0 Frags +
GreySucksHey! I'd definitely be interested in both casting and production, as I've been learning CE and practicing my commentary.

Reach out to mitch, and he will give you more information!

[quote=GreySucks]Hey! I'd definitely be interested in both casting and production, as I've been learning CE and practicing my commentary.[/quote]

Reach out to [url=https://www.teamfortress.tv/inbox/compose/mitch]mitch[/url], and he will give you more information!
3 Frags +

hire me pls i want to get the big bucks like tcmano

hire me pls i want to get the big bucks like tcmano
5 Frags +

With 2022 now at our doorstep we're looking for new talent to join the teamfortress.tv team!
Check the above post for more details.

With 2022 now at our doorstep we're looking for new talent to join the teamfortress.tv team!
[url=#1]Check the above post for more details[/url].
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7 Frags +

We really really need new producers in Europe, if you fit the requirements and are free on some days I'd really appreciate it if you considered it, without producers there's no coverage

We really really need new producers in Europe, if you fit the requirements and are free on some days I'd really appreciate it if you considered it, without producers there's no coverage
Twitch Prime
5 Frags +

please oh god oh get me producers for EU please oh no

please oh god oh get me producers for EU please oh no
-1 Frags +

Would love to be in casting reserve, have a decent mic, and pretty alright voice. PC is currently broken, hence the reserve part.

Would love to be in casting reserve, have a decent mic, and pretty alright voice. PC is currently broken, hence the reserve part.
9 Frags +

Hey, so I would love to be a shoutcaster. I have done it on my own on public servers, a couple mid level scrims and demo reviews, and I've been at it for a few years off of Twitch and now on Twitch. It may not be amazing but there are some examples of my work at twitch.tv/scootzii. I thoroughly enjoy casting and even if I need to be a reserve, that'd be fine.

I'll send this same info to your Discord account you have above as well!

Hey, so I would love to be a shoutcaster. I have done it on my own on public servers, a couple mid level scrims and demo reviews, and I've been at it for a few years off of Twitch and now on Twitch. It may not be amazing but there are some examples of my work at [url=https://www.twitch.tv/scootzii/]twitch.tv/scootzii[/url]. I thoroughly enjoy casting and even if I need to be a reserve, that'd be fine.

I'll send this same info to your Discord account you have above as well!
14 Frags +

How much?

How much?
2 Frags +
BLoodSireHow much?

Taking quotes from those who're shortlisted, minimum $500 USD.

[quote=BLoodSire]How much?[/quote]
Taking quotes from those who're shortlisted, minimum $500 USD.
3 Frags +
BLoodSireHow much?

Tell me how much I need to pay to come back and do a game with BLoodSire

[quote=BLoodSire]How much?[/quote]

Tell me how much I need to pay to come back and do a game with BLoodSire
3 Frags +
mitchBLoodSireHow much?Taking quotes from those who're shortlisted, minimum $500 USD.

How much am I worth?

[quote=mitch][quote=BLoodSire]How much?[/quote]
Taking quotes from those who're shortlisted, minimum $500 USD.[/quote]
How much am I worth?
14 Frags +


1 Frags +

Not sure if you are still looking for web developers, but I'd be interested in volunteering.

Not sure if you are still looking for web developers, but I'd be interested in volunteering.
5 Frags +

bumping this, im washed up and dempsey is working like 3 jobs so we're solely relying on numbers boy Jmaxchill to write about this season. If you somewhat follow EU and would be interested in writing, feel free to hit me up at Aelkyr#8581. No previous experience required but we'll probably make you do a sample article (on the topic of your choice).

Perks of the job

  • Flexible hours
  • We have experienced editors looking over everything so we're not gonna throw you off the deep end + it can be a nice way to improve your writing skills
  • Looks nice on a resume
  • Fun working environement (access to a meme channel, everyone is pretty chill...)
  • enigma only demands half a liter of your blood now

Starting wage : no
(we might be able to get press passes for insomnia so if you were planning on attending but not playing you could save some money but I really can't promise anything so don't join solely for that)

bumping this, im washed up and dempsey is working like 3 jobs so we're solely relying on numbers boy Jmaxchill to write about this season. If you somewhat follow EU and would be interested in writing, feel free to hit me up at Aelkyr#8581. No previous experience required but we'll probably make you do a sample article (on the topic of your choice).

Perks of the job
[*] Flexible hours
[*] We have experienced editors looking over everything so we're not gonna throw you off the deep end + it can be a nice way to improve your writing skills
[*] Looks nice on a resume
[*]Fun working environement (access to a meme channel, everyone is pretty chill...)
[*]enigma only demands half a liter of your blood now

Starting wage : no
(we might be able to get press passes for insomnia so if you were planning on attending but not playing you could save some money but I really can't promise anything so don't join solely for that)
5 Frags +
Aelkyrbumping this, im washed up and dempsey is working like 3 jobs so we're solely relying on numbers boy Jmaxchill to write about this season. If you somewhat follow EU and would be interested in writing, feel free to hit me up at Aelkyr#8581. No previous experience required but we'll probably make you do a sample article (on the topic of your choice).

please help me im writing 3 articles, producing 2 matches, and updating all the stats, all in one week, please i just want to see my family again

[quote=Aelkyr]bumping this, im washed up and dempsey is working like 3 jobs so we're solely relying on numbers boy Jmaxchill to write about this season. If you somewhat follow EU and would be interested in writing, feel free to hit me up at Aelkyr#8581. No previous experience required but we'll probably make you do a sample article (on the topic of your choice).[/quote]

please help me im writing 3 articles, producing 2 matches, and updating all the stats, all in one week, please i just want to see my family again
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