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3 different ping numbers
posted in Q/A Help
0 Frags +

scoreboard says 45
net graph says 54
"ping" in console says 76

why? and which is the most accurate?
thank you.

scoreboard says 45
net graph says 54
"ping" in console says 76

why? and which is the most accurate?
thank you.
53 Frags +

console so i can tell my teammates i have 80 ping

console so i can tell my teammates i have 80 ping
2 Frags +

just count the ms from when u click shoot to when u see ur rocket and subtract 20 for interp

just count the ms from when u click shoot to when u see ur rocket and subtract 20 for interp
19 Frags +

Scoreboard is some kind of rolling average of your ping. Network settings also might affect the scoreboard value, making it appear lower than it really is.

net_graph is generally the most accurate of the three

"ping" in console is usually higher than your real ping, possibly by a fixed amount (17ms?). This could be because of the amount of time it takes for the command to register in the console or something, I have no idea.

If you want to test this stuff for yourself, open up a private server and use the net_fakelag command. If you type "net_fakelag 50," your ping should be shown as 100, but will be represented in different ways by the scoreboard, net_graph, and ping command. Whichever is closest to 100 will be the most accurate for you.

Scoreboard is some kind of rolling average of your ping. Network settings also might affect the scoreboard value, making it appear lower than it really is.

net_graph is generally the most accurate of the three

"ping" in console is usually higher than your real ping, possibly by a fixed amount (17ms?). This could be because of the amount of time it takes for the command to register in the console or something, I have no idea.

If you want to test this stuff for yourself, open up a private server and use the net_fakelag command. If you type "net_fakelag 50," your ping should be shown as 100, but will be represented in different ways by the scoreboard, net_graph, and ping command. Whichever is closest to 100 will be the most accurate for you.
0 Frags +

I for one prefer to use status

I for one prefer to use status
10 Frags +

The scoreboard shows a ping number? For me as long as I have 3 green bars, I'm happy.

The scoreboard shows a ping number? For me as long as I have 3 green bars, I'm happy.
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