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Medic design opinions?
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Does anyone else feel like medic is a fundamentally poorly designed class? It seems weird to me that the most important class in the game is viewed as the least fun class in the entire game by a large portion of the playerbase. On top of medic simply not being fun for the playerbase at large he's also plagued by the stalemating properties of uber in a 6s environment as well as having one of, if not the most powerful and contentious legal unlocks in xbow.

Does anyone else feel like medic is a fundamentally poorly designed class? It seems weird to me that the most important class in the game is viewed as the least fun class in the entire game by a large portion of the playerbase. On top of medic simply not being fun for the playerbase at large he's also plagued by the stalemating properties of uber in a 6s environment as well as having one of, if not the most powerful and contentious legal unlocks in xbow.
15 Frags +

Medic sucks. Water is wet.

Medic sucks. Water is wet.
29 Frags +

give medic a healing lightning gun that replaces crossbow and medigun, gives them 500hp total but it drains 20 every second and only refills if you're healing a teammate, infinite range and heals 100 hp per second up close and 400 at max range.

also it can only heal soldiers and instakills scouts it touches on either team

give medic a healing lightning gun that replaces crossbow and medigun, gives them 500hp total but it drains 20 every second and only refills if you're healing a teammate, infinite range and heals 100 hp per second up close and 400 at max range.

also it can only heal soldiers and instakills scouts it touches on either team
29 Frags +

medic is only unfun because of a player's mindset not because of what the class is actually capable of

medic is only unfun because of a player's mindset not because of what the class is actually capable of
7 Frags +

Honestly I enjoy med but I can def see most people not liking him. I just treat it like 30 min of trying to outplay people with surfs and dodges and stuff rather than clicking on people. It's not as stressful as playing a combat class and I can just vibe during stalemates.

Honestly I enjoy med but I can def see most people not liking him. I just treat it like 30 min of trying to outplay people with surfs and dodges and stuff rather than clicking on people. It's not as stressful as playing a combat class and I can just vibe during stalemates.
-42 Frags +
GrapeJuiceIIImedic is only unfun because of a player's mindset not because of what the class is actually capable of

shut up soldier main, play medic for three consecutive seasons for three hours a day +scrims, matches then you can speak in this thread.

[quote=GrapeJuiceIII]medic is only unfun because of a player's mindset not because of what the class is actually capable of[/quote]
shut up soldier main, play medic for three consecutive seasons for three hours a day +scrims, matches then you can speak in this thread.
36 Frags +
BeelthazusGrapeJuiceIIImedic is only unfun because of a player's mindset not because of what the class is actually capable ofshut up soldier main, play medic then

he literally did for an entire season

[quote=Beelthazus][quote=GrapeJuiceIII]medic is only unfun because of a player's mindset not because of what the class is actually capable of[/quote]
shut up soldier main, play medic then[/quote]
he literally did for an entire season
-38 Frags +
Air_BeelthazusGrapeJuiceIIImedic is only unfun because of a player's mindset not because of what the class is actually capable ofshut up soldier main, play medic thenhe literally did for an entire season

read my edit airhead

[quote=Air_][quote=Beelthazus][quote=GrapeJuiceIII]medic is only unfun because of a player's mindset not because of what the class is actually capable of[/quote]
shut up soldier main, play medic then[/quote]
he literally did for an entire season[/quote]
read my edit airhead
33 Frags +

nice try editing the post pussy i caught you

nice try editing the post pussy i caught you
-29 Frags +
Air_nice try editing the post pussy i caught you


[quote=Air_]nice try editing the post pussy i caught you[/quote]
34 Frags +

also the only reason u play so much medic is that ur trash at every other class beelthashit

also the only reason u play so much medic is that ur trash at every other class beelthashit
-13 Frags +
Air_also the only reason u play so much medic is that ur trash at every other class beelthashit

say that to my face at lan, but wait, you dodge every single one

[quote=Air_]also the only reason u play so much medic is that ur trash at every other class beelthashit[/quote]
say that to my face at lan, but wait, you dodge every single one
66 Frags +

If you people think medic is boring, you're not doing it right.

Stuck in a boring scrim? Just drop your pocket a few times and boom, team drama within minutes that you now get to enjoy! I want to also formally apologize to every single pocket I've ever had.

If you people think medic is boring, you're not doing it right.

Stuck in a boring scrim? Just drop your pocket a few times and boom, team drama within minutes that you now get to enjoy! I want to also formally apologize to every single pocket I've ever had.
24 Frags +

from my pov it's not that medic is boring, it's just how dependent you are on your teammates for basic awareness/dm

there are few things worse than when you know your heal target is doing something absolutely stupid but you have no choice but to follow them even if you know it's going to go poorly

I don't see how you fix that as long as it's the healer class

from my pov it's not that medic is boring, it's just how dependent you are on your teammates for basic awareness/dm

there are few things worse than when you know your heal target is doing something absolutely stupid but you have no choice but to follow them even if you know it's going to go poorly

I don't see how you fix that as long as it's the healer class
-1 Frags +

give med a gloc
its the only class that isn’t a shooter why do u think most ppl don’t like it lol xd
isn’t it like that in every game with a support role

give med a gloc
its the only class that isn’t a shooter why do u think most ppl don’t like it lol xd
isn’t it like that in every game with a support role
5 Frags +
Tery_Medic sucks. Water is wet.


[quote=Tery_]Medic sucks. Water is wet.[/quote]
7 Frags +
Beelthazusshut up soldier main, play medic for three consecutive seasons for three hours a day +scrims, matches then you can speak in this thread.

why would you play a class that isnt fun? thats not my fucking problem dog

[quote=Beelthazus]shut up soldier main, play medic for three consecutive seasons for three hours a day +scrims, matches then you can speak in this thread.[/quote]
why would you play a class that isnt fun? thats not my fucking problem dog
12 Frags +

let medic plasma climb with needles

let medic plasma climb with needles
9 Frags +

IMO the most fun part of med has always been the movement and the brain play and decision making. Its why I hate the bow and scout speed so much. Yeah its a little more interesting from an aim perspective, but its so much more dumbed down when talking about heal priority and positioning.

But TBH it probably is boring for most people because you need to be a special type of insane to enjoy the type of gameplay that med actually provides. Fun for me, but I am fucking weird.

IMO the most fun part of med has always been the movement and the brain play and decision making. Its why I hate the bow and scout speed so much. Yeah its a little more interesting from an aim perspective, but its so much more dumbed down when talking about heal priority and positioning.

But TBH it probably is boring for most people because you need to be a special type of insane to enjoy the type of gameplay that med actually provides. Fun for me, but I am fucking weird.
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all med mains are masochists

all med mains are masochists
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mustardoverlordfrom my pov it's not that medic is boring, it's just how dependent you are on your teammates for basic awareness/dm

this is literally all it is
healing classes in all games atleast have SOMETHING to make them not as dependent on somebody and if they are, their heals are super buffed to compensate that but instead ur heal output fucking blows unless someone has crit heals and when ur alone as a medic theres literally no chance of you ever doing anything of worth 99% of the time, thats y everybody hates it and no one plays it

[quote=mustardoverlord]from my pov it's not that medic is boring, it's just how dependent you are on your teammates for basic awareness/dm[/quote]

this is literally all it is
healing classes in all games atleast have SOMETHING to make them not as dependent on somebody and if they are, their heals are super buffed to compensate that but instead ur heal output fucking blows unless someone has crit heals and when ur alone as a medic theres literally no chance of you ever doing anything of worth 99% of the time, thats y everybody hates it and no one plays it
9 Frags +
BeelthazusAir_also the only reason u play so much medic is that ur trash at every other class beelthashitsay that to my face at lan, but wait, you dodge every single one

Do you threaten everyone in regards to lan attendance or what

[quote=Beelthazus][quote=Air_]also the only reason u play so much medic is that ur trash at every other class beelthashit[/quote]
say that to my face at lan, but wait, you dodge every single one[/quote]

Do you threaten everyone in regards to lan attendance or what
0 Frags +

I always found medic fun because I had the power of life and death in my hands. Sure there can be fumbles, but most of the time our heal targets are grateful. Many people see medic as the beta class, while in reality we are the true chads with the most power

I always found medic fun because I had the power of life and death in my hands. Sure there can be fumbles, but most of the time our heal targets are grateful. Many people see medic as the beta class, while in reality we are the true chads with the most power
8 Frags +

Didn't they try to make medic more fun with introducing the speedbuff thing that we decided to remove for at least this season?

Didn't they try to make medic more fun with introducing the speedbuff thing that we decided to remove for at least this season?
6 Frags +

medic gets progressively more fun the better the players in the server are

medic gets progressively more fun the better the players in the server are
10 Frags +
RazielI want to also formally apologize to every single pocket I've ever had.

Been 6 years but I forgive you

[quote=Raziel]I want to also formally apologize to every single pocket I've ever had.[/quote]
Been 6 years but I forgive you
1 Frags +

I feel like medic is really strange for me in terms of enjoyability. It's unique in that experiences get exponentially more fun with medic the higher level you play, regardless of your *actual* skill level due to the innate dependability of medic on the rest of the team (keep in mind this comes at a detriment to your team's performance if you are not a high level medic so firsthand can't recommend the experience to people who like their friends). With DM classes because of the innate fun of "shoot man and die" and the relatively large change in mechanical complexity, its easy to have fun even if you're not playing well but getting kills or winning fights.

I think this is kinda why ultiduo just seems to be the *ultimate* medic fun mode; you're in a position as a healer where your damage and mechanical skill has much more impact and value, especially if you're not missing. Ulti fills in the mechanical gaps and exciting plays you would never even hint at thinking about going for in a 6v6 environment.

I feel like medic is really strange for me in terms of enjoyability. It's unique in that experiences get exponentially more fun with medic the higher level you play, regardless of your *actual* skill level due to the innate dependability of medic on the rest of the team (keep in mind this comes at a detriment to your team's performance if you are not a high level medic so firsthand can't recommend the experience to people who like their friends). With DM classes because of the innate fun of "shoot man and die" and the relatively large change in mechanical complexity, its easy to have fun even if you're not playing well but getting kills or winning fights.

I think this is kinda why ultiduo just seems to be the *ultimate* medic fun mode; you're in a position as a healer where your damage and mechanical skill has much more impact and value, especially if you're not missing. Ulti fills in the mechanical gaps and exciting plays you would never even hint at thinking about going for in a 6v6 environment.
5 Frags +
BeelthazusGrapeJuiceIIImedic is only unfun because of a player's mindset not because of what the class is actually capable ofshut up soldier main, play medic for three consecutive seasons for three hours a day +scrims, matches then you can speak in this thread.

medic is only unfun because of a player's mindset not because of what the class is actually capable of

[quote=Beelthazus][quote=GrapeJuiceIII]medic is only unfun because of a player's mindset not because of what the class is actually capable of[/quote]
shut up soldier main, play medic for three consecutive seasons for three hours a day +scrims, matches then you can speak in this thread.[/quote]

medic is only unfun because of a player's mindset not because of what the class is actually capable of
2 Frags +
mustardoverlordfrom my pov it's not that medic is boring, it's just how dependent you are on your teammates for basic awareness/dm

there are few things worse than when you know your heal target is doing something absolutely stupid but you have no choice but to follow them even if you know it's going to go poorly

I don't see how you fix that as long as it's the healer class

As shitty as OW is I've always liked Zenyatta for this reason. His heals aren't entirely dependent on being next to someone, they're LOS based with a timer for when a teammate breaks LOS. He's a fragging class that is capable of healing not the other way around which I think makes for a much more entertaining experience.

[quote=mustardoverlord]from my pov it's not that medic is boring, it's just how dependent you are on your teammates for basic awareness/dm

there are few things worse than when you know your heal target is doing something absolutely stupid but you have no choice but to follow them even if you know it's going to go poorly

I don't see how you fix that as long as it's the healer class[/quote]

As shitty as OW is I've always liked Zenyatta for this reason. His heals aren't entirely dependent on being next to someone, they're LOS based with a timer for when a teammate breaks LOS. He's a fragging class that is capable of healing not the other way around which I think makes for a much more entertaining experience.
7 Frags +

Imo the design flaw for medic is how different it is from the other classes. By having 5/6 players be directly combat and aim-oriented you're going to attract the kind of players who aren't necessarily interested in the gameplay medic has to offer which will always bottleneck pugs at the point of finding two people willing to play medic since fragging class players will generally offclass to other fragging classes but not to medic.

Imo the design flaw for medic is how different it is from the other classes. By having 5/6 players be directly combat and aim-oriented you're going to attract the kind of players who aren't necessarily interested in the gameplay medic has to offer which will always bottleneck pugs at the point of finding two people willing to play medic since fragging class players will generally offclass to other fragging classes but not to medic.
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