Just realized after playing some pugs that I don't have p-rec installed anymore.
P-rec is obsolete, Valve installed its own demo recording system that works basically the same and I think broke P-rec.
There's commands you can use in console with the prefix "ds_" and some options about killstreaks, type of game recorded, etc. in advanced options.
There's commands you can use in console with the prefix "ds_" and some options about killstreaks, type of game recorded, etc. in advanced options.
they haven't changed shit, unless you want pregame recorded you need to do it manually
and i think prec still works fine, you just cant play casual/comp with it (it would crash comp, and then they forced it off for casual too). it doesn't auto-record with the new ready system though (per player rather than per team)
and i think prec still works fine, you just cant play casual/comp with it (it would crash comp, and then they forced it off for casual too). it doesn't auto-record with the new ready system though (per player rather than per team)
you can play casual with p-rec on now, it was a silent fix that came with jungle inferno or shortly after
the prec download is missing on bitbucket and the only mirror i could find for it no longer works. is the bitbucket link going to get fixed or is it gone forever
On the ETF2L page for P-REC the mirror link works just fine.
In case that doesn't work either, the archive.org version works too.
In case that doesn't work either, the [url=https://web.archive.org/web/20201112020727/https://bbuseruploads.s3.amazonaws.com/olegko/p-rec/downloads/PREC2.0.5.zip?Signature=B5H1xLYatDzNvfvFczrZXgTGLZ0%3D&Expires=1605148647&AWSAccessKeyId=AKIA6KOSE3BNJRRFUUX6&versionId=null&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3D%22PREC2.0.5.zip%22]archive.org[/url] version works too.
Another mirror if you/any googlers ever need it:
KevinIsPwnAnother mirror if you/any googlers ever need it:
ty kelvin
ty kelvin