real nigga tf2
real nigga tf2
y u got socks on at the beach
real nigga tf2[/quote]
y u got socks on at the beach
what part about real n word tf2 do you not understand zx37
what part about real n word tf2 do you not understand zx37
real nigga tf2
if you guys keep downvoting my teammate feno then dont show up to mid tomorrow
real nigga tf2[/quote]
if you guys keep downvoting my teammate feno then dont show up to mid tomorrow
y'all wish you could get a dap up irl from me and nimby tbh
y'all wish you could get a dap up irl from me and nimby tbh
real nigga tf2
if you guys keep downvoting my teammate feno then dont show up to mid tomorrow
yo let me help my boy Nimby out.
real nigga tf2[/quote]
if you guys keep downvoting my teammate feno then dont show up to mid tomorrow[/quote]
yo let me help my boy Nimby out.
nimby = gangster
fenomeno = goofy
nimby = gangster
fenomeno = goofy
dbknimby = gangster
fenomeno = goofy
you're a fanboy in denial
[quote=dbk]nimby = gangster
fenomeno = goofy[/quote]
you're a fanboy in denial
Tf2 player extreme
Tf2 player extreme[/quote]
engagement photos happened :o
engagement photos happened :o
currently on my first real trip :3
Very happy birthday to me, with my rents
everyone should get an ikea shark
[img] https://scontent.fsyd8-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/128200349_813721612535938_2465522607374834894_o.jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=3&_nc_sid=110474&efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&_nc_ohc=B8p3PyCF2fQAX9YnzlL&_nc_ht=scontent.fsyd8-1.fna&tp=14&oh=181b259563bf78e8788873cdbe22b2c2&oe=6057F7A4[/img]
i miss playing hockey so much
had a good time in Vegas :)
happy holidays ft dippidy (cats4lyfe took pic)
happy holidays ft dippidy (cats4lyfe took pic)
Thread is alive again that’s crazy :o
Thread is alive again that’s crazy :o
now u guys can finally stop asking me to play tf2
bonus stitches picture:
Show Content
now u guys can finally stop asking me to play tf2
bonus stitches picture:
(i had a bone cyst hollow out my lunate carpal)[/spoiler]
if i were a bone cyst i would never hollow out your lunate carpal
if i were a bone cyst i would never hollow out your lunate carpal