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favorite strokes song?
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mine is why are sundays so depressing

mine is why are sundays so depressing
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I dont like the strokes

I dont like the strokes
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machu picchu

machu picchu
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it's a boring answer but it'd have to be hard to explain

it's a boring answer but it'd have to be hard to explain
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ode to the mets .

ode to the mets .
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Not the same anymore but eternal summer comes very close too

Not the same anymore but eternal summer comes very close too
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Hard to Explain

Hard to Explain
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call it fate, call it karma

call it fate, call it karma
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is the time my voice found the words I sought, is it the stage I want?

is the time my voice found the words I sought, is it the stage I want?
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it changes all the time but right now probably razorblade

it changes all the time but right now probably razorblade
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maraudeRreptilia but only because of guitar hero

That song is fun to play on bass.

[quote=maraudeR]reptilia but only because of guitar hero[/quote]
That song is fun to play on bass.
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EnzoDBI dont like the strokes

different strokes for different folks!!

[quote=EnzoDB]I dont like the strokes[/quote]
different strokes for different folks!!
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is this it saved us from late '90s music and the best song on is this it is is this it thank you

is this it saved us from late '90s music and the best song on is this it is is this it thank you
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The Way It Is is pretty cool. But there are so many damn good Strokes songs out there that it practically changes day to day. Razorblade, Under Cover of Darkness, Fast Animals, The End Has No End, Soma, it's all amazing

The Way It Is is pretty cool. But there are so many damn good Strokes songs out there that it practically changes day to day. Razorblade, Under Cover of Darkness, Fast Animals, The End Has No End, Soma, it's all amazing
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where are my under cover of darkness heads at

where are my under cover of darkness heads at
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Side by Side ft. Thaiboy Digital off of Icedancer

Side by Side ft. Thaiboy Digital off of Icedancer
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Paranoid Android

Paranoid Android
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no idea but when I saw them live Julian was very grumpy >:(

no idea but when I saw them live Julian was very grumpy >:(
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Is This It & Under Control

Is This It & Under Control
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