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What is with people in mge
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im genuinely not trying to be snide or patronizing cos u seem to have a very positive mentality and i agree with the words ur saying, but how does elo affect any of this?

im genuinely not trying to be snide or patronizing cos u seem to have a very positive mentality and i agree with the words ur saying, but how does elo affect any of this?
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brodyxirphim genuinely not trying to be snide or patronizing cos u seem to have a very positive mentality and i agree with the words ur saying, but how does elo affect any of this?

its a factor why degeneracy in the mode exists. players wanna increase their rating by any means necessary even if it means ruining the experience for others exhibiting dogshit behavior. they want to feel superior to everyone else and there's nothing better that shows it than the rating next to their alias. there's also no popular mge server that i know of that doesn't have an elo system currently. ugc is popular and has elo and is a large factor towards why players are assholes, so i couldn't exclude it

i did kinda go off into a long unnecessary rant which is an L on my part
i was originally was responding to sanity's comment i forgot to tag him in, sorry 4 confusion

im genuinely not trying to be snide or patronizing cos u seem to have a very positive mentality and i agree with the words ur saying, but how does elo affect any of this?[/quote]

its a factor why degeneracy in the mode exists. players wanna increase their rating by any means necessary even if it means ruining the experience for others exhibiting dogshit behavior. they want to feel superior to everyone else and there's nothing better that shows it than the rating next to their alias. there's also no popular mge server that i know of that doesn't have an elo system currently. ugc is popular and has elo and is a large factor towards why players are assholes, so i couldn't exclude it

i did kinda go off into a long unnecessary rant which is an L on my part
i was originally was responding to sanity's comment i forgot to tag him in, sorry 4 confusion
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i guess i was just confused cos ur first sentence is "elo is good" and then u described a bunch of reasons why its bad or at best unhelpful

i guess i was just confused cos ur first sentence is "elo is good" and then u described a bunch of reasons why its bad or at best unhelpful
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brodyi guess i was just confused cos ur first sentence is "elo is good" and then u described a bunch of reasons why its bad or at best unhelpful

ya it was an L rant because i didn't really explain why it was good in detail lol. simply put i think it's good because it's a visible way to see yourself improving and the mindset you should adopt for it being do i deserve it or not and if i don't what am i doing wrong and if i do deserve it, from there what weak link in my game could i improve to get better and see it continue to rise

mb tho for wasting ur time i'm just bad at articulating points, i'll do better if i decide to post to this forum again

[quote=brody]i guess i was just confused cos ur first sentence is "elo is good" and then u described a bunch of reasons why its bad or at best unhelpful[/quote]

ya it was an L rant because i didn't really explain why it was good in detail lol. simply put i think it's good because it's a visible way to see yourself improving and the mindset you should adopt for it being do i deserve it or not and if i don't what am i doing wrong and if i do deserve it, from there what weak link in my game could i improve to get better and see it continue to rise

mb tho for wasting ur time i'm just bad at articulating points, i'll do better if i decide to post to this forum again
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When I get upset at mge, it’s usually because someone is doing something that I deem to be “incorrect.”
Such things include anti-airing with shotgun, counterjumping all the time, or just constantly running around the map chipping you down instead of trying to take confrontations.

While mge indeed has no rules, it gets tedious playing with players who don’t really play to improve their dm and just want to win, which is besides the point of the mode. At the end of day I don’t say anything because I’d rather not make excuses for me losing.
Suppose I’m a bit childish for taking a training mode seriously or I just have too much pride to just leave and find a better partner who fits my viewpoint.

I think being upset beyond whining to yourself takes too much mental energy, but I can understand the frustration that comes with losing and why one might verbalize it, even if it’s still very childish.

When I get upset at mge, it’s usually because someone is doing something that I deem to be “incorrect.”
Such things include anti-airing with shotgun, counterjumping all the time, or just constantly running around the map chipping you down instead of trying to take confrontations.

While mge indeed has no rules, it gets tedious playing with players who don’t really play to improve their dm and just want to win, which is besides the point of the mode. At the end of day I don’t say anything because I’d rather not make excuses for me losing.
Suppose I’m a bit childish for taking a training mode seriously or I just have too much pride to just leave and find a better partner who fits my viewpoint.

I think being upset beyond whining to yourself takes too much mental energy, but I can understand the frustration that comes with losing and why one might verbalize it, even if it’s still very childish.
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elo gud, losing bad *chimp noises*

elo gud, losing bad *chimp noises*
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If you weren't alive/playing when Reddit MGE was a thing. You haven't seen nothin....

If you weren't alive/playing when Reddit MGE was a thing. You haven't seen nothin....
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Reddit Unofficial and MGE iT with the silent elo and later AS MGE

what a time to be alive

Reddit Unofficial and MGE iT with the silent elo and later AS MGE

what a time to be alive
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habibAS MGE

delpo: !add 4


[quote=habib]AS MGE[/quote]
delpo: !add 4
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habibReddit Unofficial and MGE iT with the silent elo and later AS MGE

what a time to be alive

i whole heartedly believe you could have made a video series just sitting in spec and reading chat from AS because as weird as shit can get in the current mge servers it had nothing on being followed around between servers and constantly called slurs because you beat someone in ammo mod or being ousted from teams because you lost to the wrong guy and now the whole circlejerk thinks you're subhuman

[quote=habib]Reddit Unofficial and MGE iT with the silent elo and later AS MGE

what a time to be alive[/quote]
i whole heartedly believe you could have made a video series just sitting in spec and reading chat from AS because as weird as shit can get in the current mge servers it had nothing on being followed around between servers and constantly called slurs because you beat someone in ammo mod or being ousted from teams because you lost to the wrong guy and now the whole circlejerk thinks you're subhuman
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stg anyone who cries ab mge doesnt play it at all bruh i come across someone toxic once in a blue moon and i only add 5

stg anyone who cries ab mge doesnt play it at all bruh i come across someone toxic once in a blue moon and i only add 5
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i think if you try to play for elo in mge your soul leaves your body

i think if you try to play for elo in mge your soul leaves your body
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