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1 2
brick lft med
6 Frags +

Don’t say slurs in scrims challenge (99% fail rate)

Don’t say slurs in scrims challenge (99% fail rate)
-3 Frags +

The Dogbgaming effect

The Dogbgaming effect
4 Frags +

free him
he is a generous guy

free him
he is a generous guy
1 Frags +

brick is not a bad guy and this is a pretty weak ban. pls unban him or at least someone sub for his team so they dont die instantly week 1. not worth a drama thread, i just wanna see people that actually wanna play invite actually play

brick is not a bad guy and this is a pretty weak ban. pls unban him or at least someone sub for his team so they dont die instantly week 1. not worth a drama thread, i just wanna see people that actually wanna play invite actually play
2 Frags +

doesnt deserve a ban at all lol

doesnt deserve a ban at all lol
4 Frags +

free my mans

free my mans
10 Frags +


-1 Frags +

she god on my tuba until I brick

she god on my tuba until I brick
1 2
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