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I'll Cast Your Games
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Hey friends,

I quit my job (no worries financially gonna be fine for like a year or more) and I'm looking for new work, but that's not an 8 hour a day gig so, I've got some free time. It would be fun to cast some TF2 again.

Old school youtube recordings are the order of the day.

Send your 6v6 STVs to medimarx@gmail.com with:
E-mail Subject: STV from (username)
Rosters for the players or provide a link to a match page
Location, League/Skill Level, and time frame (I'm open to casting any skill level, any geography, and even older stuff)
A brief description of why the STV is interesting.

For now I'll post em' here: https://www.youtube.com/medimarx, but I'd be down to add content to other pages too.


Hey friends,

I quit my job (no worries financially gonna be fine for like a year or more) and I'm looking for new work, but that's not an 8 hour a day gig so, I've got some free time. It would be fun to cast some TF2 again.

Old school youtube recordings are the order of the day.

Send your 6v6 STVs to medimarx@gmail.com with:
E-mail Subject: STV from (username)
Rosters for the players or provide a link to a match page
Location, League/Skill Level, and time frame (I'm open to casting any skill level, any geography, and even older stuff)
A brief description of why the STV is interesting.

For now I'll post em' here: https://www.youtube.com/medimarx, but I'd be down to add content to other pages too.

Fireside Casts
11 Frags +

gecks & marxist?!

gecks & marxist?!
4 Frags +

1 legged goat returns

1 legged goat returns
4 Frags +

u love to see it

u love to see it
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