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LAN Downunder 2024 Feedback
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For those who don't know me, I'm mitch from CappingTV. I've been running the LAN Downunder since 2018 as well as various other things at TFTV and elsewhere.

After a thrilling five map Grand Finals at the LAN Downunder 2024, we wanted to reach out to the wider community and get some feedback from those who watched. If you missed it, you can check it out on our YouTube channel:


We value your feedback and would love to hear your thoughts on our event. Regardless of whether you were competing in person, spectating in the Alienware Arena or watching at home on Twitch:

  • What did you enjoy the most?
  • What could we improve for next time?
  • Would you be interested in more international involvement?

Your insights are crucial in helping us make future events even better. Please leave your feedback in this thread. We appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you again next year!


For those who don't know me, I'm mitch from CappingTV. I've been running the LAN Downunder since 2018 as well as [url=https://www.teamfortress.tv/50050]various[/url] [url=https://www.teamfortress.tv/54654]other[/url] [url=https://www.teamfortress.tv/57912]things[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf27BHuLrQCYzEady3jot-YqeqKIdH7mc]at[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf27BHuLrQCbEMZC8n-BEYwNH859dEFef]TFTV[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nymB91jIdt4]and[/url] [url=https://www.teamfortress.tv/56991]elsewhere[/url].

After a thrilling five map Grand Finals at the LAN Downunder 2024, we wanted to reach out to the wider community and get some feedback from those who watched. If you missed it, you can check it out on our [url=https://www.youtube.com/@TF2Esports]YouTube channel[/url]:

We value your feedback and would love to hear your thoughts on our event. Regardless of whether you were competing in person, spectating in the Alienware Arena or watching at home on Twitch:

[*] What did you enjoy the most?
[*] What could we improve for next time?
[*] Would you be interested in more international involvement?

Your insights are crucial in helping us make future events even better. Please leave your feedback in this thread. We appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you again next year!
7 Frags +
  • The work done by everyone not in front of a microphone, camera or a gaming PC felt pretty much flawless. I dont know what combination of lux/configs/postprocessing magic you do, but the game capture itself is very, very attractive. It looks like it does in the trailer. Speaking of, I enjoyed the intersitials/transition videos, gave it a nice professional feel.

    The "drop" splashtext in the killfeed should be standard everywhere, but I guess it requires a custom system because it seemed to lack obscure killicons which hurt.

    Everything ran smoothly and I felt I could rely on the countdown timers. The observers did a great job, I can only recall like two missed momments. The freecam shots following the demo rollouts and the picture-in-picture playercams (like gotaki's engi) were really fun and I would like to see more.

  • While the actual shoutcasting during the matches was pretty stellar (I personally quite enjoyed the contrast between elmo/wils being more cerebral and composed and snazzy/goose being loud and sensational), the obvious weakness was the analysis. I didn't really feel that anyone there felt really confident or prepared in anything they were saying. often they would repeat the same truisms or fall back to tongue-in-cheek humour with the 8-ball or playing dumb. Coming in unfamilliar with the current scene, any context about the teams and the players really would've helped me.

    I found the veterans segment to be really interesting and worthwhile but it felt kneecapped by the hosts not really knowing the right questions to ask. Clealrt there was ice that needed to be broken. maybe if elmo lead a sort of roundtable it wouldve gone better? I'm not sure.
[*] The work done by everyone not in front of a microphone, camera or a gaming PC felt pretty much flawless. I dont know what combination of lux/configs/postprocessing magic you do, but the game capture itself is very, very attractive. It looks like it does in the trailer. Speaking of, I enjoyed the intersitials/transition videos, gave it a nice professional feel.

The "drop" splashtext in the killfeed should be standard everywhere, but I guess it requires a custom system because it seemed to lack obscure killicons which hurt.

Everything ran smoothly and I felt I could rely on the countdown timers. The observers did a great job, I can only recall like two missed momments. The freecam shots following the demo rollouts and the picture-in-picture playercams (like gotaki's engi) were really fun and I would like to see more.

[*] While the actual shoutcasting during the matches was pretty stellar (I personally quite enjoyed the contrast between elmo/wils being more cerebral and composed and snazzy/goose being loud and sensational), the obvious weakness was the analysis. I didn't really feel that anyone there felt really confident or prepared in anything they were saying. often they would repeat the same truisms or fall back to tongue-in-cheek humour with the 8-ball or playing dumb. Coming in unfamilliar with the current scene, any context about the teams and the players really would've helped me.

I found the veterans segment to be really interesting and worthwhile but it felt kneecapped by the hosts not really knowing the right questions to ask. Clealrt there was ice that needed to be broken. maybe if elmo lead a sort of roundtable it wouldve gone better? I'm not sure.
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Rules for LAN Downunder 20241.3.3. Progressive Ruleset 5CP round win limit¶
ozfortress has adopted the Progressive Ruleset that creates a dynamic win condition for 5CP maps for all divisions.

If a team reaches a total of 5 rounds before the end of the map timer, they win the map.

If, once the map timer runs out, neither team has reached a total of 5 rounds, the round win limit is set to the current highest round score + 1. The match continues until one team meets this new round win limit.

For example, if the score is currently 2-3, the round win limit is set at 4.
1.3.5. 5CP map draws¶
Map draws are currently not possible due to the dynamic win condition described above.

The grand final doesn't follow these rules at all and no one is addressing it, not the casters, analysis desk. It goes into more an EU style rules where most points after map timer ends; wins (draws go into golden cap) but the maps overall have 1/6th less time in the map still (this is usually to counter act the long nature of the progressive rule-set win condition)

Did everyone forget? or was this not stated rules properly? I feel like this change has some pretty big implications but its not even talked about by analysis

[quote=Rules for LAN Downunder 2024]1.3.3. Progressive Ruleset 5CP round win limit¶
ozfortress has adopted the Progressive Ruleset that creates a dynamic win condition for 5CP maps for all divisions.

If a team reaches a total of 5 rounds before the end of the map timer, they win the map.

If, once the map timer runs out, neither team has reached a total of 5 rounds, the round win limit is set to the current highest round score + 1. The match continues until one team meets this new round win limit.

For example, if the score is currently 2-3, the round win limit is set at 4.
1.3.5. 5CP map draws¶
Map draws are currently not possible due to the dynamic win condition described above.[/quote]

The grand final doesn't follow these rules at all and no one is addressing it, not the casters, analysis desk. It goes into more an EU style rules where most points after map timer ends; wins (draws go into golden cap) but the maps overall have 1/6th less time in the map still (this is usually to counter act the long nature of the progressive rule-set win condition)

Did everyone forget? or was this not stated rules properly? I feel like this change has some pretty big implications but its not even talked about by analysis
2 Frags +

I really liked when Elmo/wils had something insightful to say about what was happening in the game due to their understanding and experience of prem play whereas snazzy/goose mostly just state what is happening even though their energy was awesome. Maybe it would be better to combine these different types of casters rather than having them seperate?

Production was top notch and the competition was the best I've seen at an aussie lan. I think the qualifiers were a great addition

I really liked when Elmo/wils had something insightful to say about what was happening in the game due to their understanding and experience of prem play whereas snazzy/goose mostly just state what is happening even though their energy was awesome. Maybe it would be better to combine these different types of casters rather than having them seperate?

Production was top notch and the competition was the best I've seen at an aussie lan. I think the qualifiers were a great addition
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