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LFT adv fscout s16

I'm mainly looking for a team with a very solid maincaller who is experienced.

obviously not looking for teams that easily tilt and are toxic

pls msg me via discord @kihbae

RGL: https://rgl.gg/Public/PlayerProfile.aspx?p=76561198190868126&r=40
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/KIHBAE/
Logs: https://logs.tf/profile/76561198190868126

LFT adv fscout s16

I'm mainly looking for a team with a very solid maincaller who is experienced.

obviously not looking for teams that easily tilt and are toxic

pls msg me via discord @kihbae

RGL: https://rgl.gg/Public/PlayerProfile.aspx?p=76561198190868126&r=40
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/KIHBAE/
Logs: https://logs.tf/profile/76561198190868126
-6 Frags +

great teammate and better friend, saying this with 2 seasons of experience with kihbae.

great teammate and better friend, saying this with 2 seasons of experience with kihbae.
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super chill dude. would be a great flank pickup

super chill dude. would be a great flank pickup
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Strongest Mental I have seen in a minute. Would recommend.

Strongest Mental I have seen in a minute. Would recommend.
7 Frags +

The scariest moment in my time with MEELO was during our practices, when Jw would walk around with a machete and talk about how he always wanted to see what the inside of a human looked like. He said he had experimented on animals before and he wanted to go for the real thing.

The scariest moment in my time with MEELO was during our practices, when Jw would walk around with a machete and talk about how he always wanted to see what the inside of a human looked like. He said he had experimented on animals before and he wanted to go for the real thing.
-4 Frags +
greg1The scariest moment in my time with MEELO was during our practices, when Jw would walk around with a machete and talk about how he always wanted to see what the inside of a human looked like. He said he had experimented on animals before and he wanted to go for the real thing.


[quote=greg1]The scariest moment in my time with MEELO was during our practices, when Jw would walk around with a machete and talk about how he always wanted to see what the inside of a human looked like. He said he had experimented on animals before and he wanted to go for the real thing.[/quote]

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bump, mainly looking for advanced tryouts, i might be restricted in main

bump, mainly looking for advanced tryouts, i might be restricted in main
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