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RGL.gg Philly LAN 2025 (18-20 July 2025)
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Previous LAN Article


Graphic made by MetalCloud

Location: 401 N Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19108 / Localhost in Philly Website

This article will be an update to communicate recent and new developments as we head closer to organizing a LAN for RGL Invite 6s Season 18 and the Open Tournament on July 18-20, 2025. The venue will offer us enough PCs to run a 12-team Open Tournament in addition to the 4-team Invite Playoffs. The venue will also have a main stage for Invite playoffs with dedicated seating for spectators for a greater viewing experience.

Tournament and LAN Details: https://rgl.gg/?a=1788&r=64

Tournament Registration + Spectator Passes: https://rgl.gg/Public/Registration?r=64

Philly 6s LAN Open Tournament

Team Registrations

The RGL 6s Philly LAN Open Tournament will take place at LAN and will give non-Invite Playoffs players a chance to play with teammates and friends in person! A maximum of twelve teams will be allowed to participate. Accepted teams will be determined on a first-come-first-serve basis, so sign up as soon as possible with your team of six with your fees paid if you want to participate. Teams will be assigned a set of six computers at Localhost Philly for the Tournament on Saturday and Sunday.

You must be on a registered team in the tournament to participate and also take advantage of the computer-free time outside of the tournament. Please note that LAN fees are non-refundable.

We will also be opening up channels in the RGL Discord for LAN-related discussions, announcements, and travel and lodging coordination.

New LAN Merch: https://merch.rgl.gg

[url=https://rgl.gg/?a=1777&r=64]Previous LAN Article[/url]

[img]https://imgur.com/UbSmv7t.png[/img][i]Graphic made by [url=https://rgl.gg/Public/PlayerProfile?p=76561198179285485]MetalCloud[/url][/i]

[b]Location[/b]: [url=https://www.google.com/maps/place/401+N+Broad+St,+Philadelphia,+PA+19108/@39.959869,-75.1619474,3a,73.9y,160.25h,83.49t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1so9cq-r9GDpmX6iYR-254rw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3Do9cq-r9GDpmX6iYR-254rw%26cb_client%3Dsearch.gws-prod.gps%26w%3D211%26h%3D120%26yaw%3D109.62738%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192!4m15!1m8!3m7!1s0x89c6c7d35c0a9443:0x9343299b5b17054b!2s401+N+Broad+St,+Philadelphia,+PA+19108!3b1!8m2!3d39.9596208!4d-75.1610205!16s%2Fg%2F11bw3wn040!3m5!1s0x89c6c7d35c0a9443:0x9343299b5b17054b!8m2!3d39.9596208!4d-75.1610205!16s%2Fg%2F11bw3wn040?entry=ttu]401 N Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19108[/url] / [url=https://nerdstreet.com/venues/localhost-in-philly]Localhost in Philly Website[/url]

This [url=https://rgl.gg/?a=1788&r=64]article[/url] will be an update to communicate recent and new developments as we head closer to organizing a LAN for RGL Invite 6s Season 18 and the Open Tournament on July 18-20, 2025. The venue will offer us enough PCs to run a 12-team Open Tournament in addition to the 4-team Invite Playoffs. The venue will also have a main stage for Invite playoffs with dedicated seating for spectators for a greater viewing experience.

[b]Tournament and LAN Details[/b]: https://rgl.gg/?a=1788&r=64

[b]Tournament Registration + Spectator Passes[/b]: https://rgl.gg/Public/Registration?r=64

[b]Philly 6s LAN Open Tournament[/b]

[url=https://rgl.gg/Public/Registration.aspx?r=64]Team Registrations[/url]

The RGL 6s Philly LAN Open Tournament will take place at LAN and will give non-Invite Playoffs players a chance to play with teammates and friends in person! [b]A maximum of twelve teams will be allowed to participate[/b]. Accepted teams will be determined on a first-come-first-serve basis, so sign up as soon as possible with your team of six with your fees paid if you want to participate. Teams will be assigned a set of six computers at Localhost Philly for the Tournament on Saturday and Sunday.

You must be on a registered team in the tournament to participate and also take advantage of the computer-free time outside of the tournament. Please note that LAN fees are [b]non-refundable[/b].

We will also be opening up channels in the [url=https://discord.gg/3hJsWu7]RGL Discord[/url] for LAN-related discussions, announcements, and travel and lodging coordination.

[b]New LAN Merch[/b]: https://merch.rgl.gg
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Calling All Artists! Unleash Your Creativity for RGL PHILLY 2025 LAN!

We're searching for a bold and iconic logo to represent the spirit of RGL PHILLY LAN!

The winning design will:

  • Be featured on official event merchandise.
  • Earn the artist a generous 35% commission on all merchandise sales featuring their design.
  • Receive a free item of their choice featuring their winning logo.

To enter:

  • Submit your original logo designs by February 20th, 2025 here.
  • Include a brief description of your design inspiration and the message you intended to convey.

Let your imagination run wild! We're looking for designs that are:

  • Memorable and eye-catching.
  • Relevant to the gaming and LAN culture.
  • Versatile and adaptable for use on various merchandise (t-shirts, hoodies, mugs, etc.).
  • High-resolution and suitable for both digital and print applications.

The winning design will be selected by the RGL community in the RGL Discord the week of Feb 23 - March 1st, 2025.


[u]Calling All Artists! Unleash Your Creativity for RGL PHILLY 2025 LAN![/u]

We're searching for a bold and iconic logo to represent the spirit of RGL PHILLY LAN!

[b][u]The winning design will:[/u][/b]

[list][*]Be featured on official event merchandise.
[*]Earn the artist a generous 35% commission on all merchandise sales featuring their design.
[*]Receive a free item of their choice featuring their winning logo.[/list]

[b][u]To enter:[/u][/b]

[list][*]Submit your original logo designs by February 20th, 2025 [url=https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe_BA3YBuNDygM-1AXiZ9GkF_pkP-E1kyZ6N0ukeyV65xgEeg/viewform?usp=dialog]here[/url].
[*]Include a brief description of your design inspiration and the message you intended to convey.[/list]

[b]Let your imagination run wild![/b] We're looking for designs that are:

[list][*]Memorable and eye-catching.
[*]Relevant to the gaming and LAN culture.
[*]Versatile and adaptable for use on various merchandise (t-shirts, hoodies, mugs, etc.).
[*]High-resolution and suitable for both digital and print applications.[/list]

The winning design will be selected by the RGL community in the [url=https://rgl.gg/PUGs]RGL Discord[/url] the week of Feb 23 - March 1st, 2025.
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(18-20 July 2024)

[h][b](18-20 July 2024)[/b][/h]
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Jw(18-20 July 2024)

Reaching out to a mod to see if this can be fixed, TY.

[quote=Jw][h][b](18-20 July 2024)[/b][/h][/quote]

Reaching out to a mod to see if this can be fixed, TY.
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