I sail and have sailed competitively for high school and now university. This upcoming fall will be my 6th season in sailing boats competitively.
btw, how do I get my name changed to crbnfbre_?
I sail and have sailed competitively for high school and now university. This upcoming fall will be my 6th season in sailing boats competitively.
btw, how do I get my name changed to crbnfbre_?
I rock climb and swim, going on a 3 month tour in Europe for rocking climbing. I'm going to miss vidya games :(
TwitchTVJohnI work a lot. Outside of gaming, my biggest "hobby" is probably craft beer. I've spent $500 on a case of beer and I don't regret it.
I'm not a "drink to get hammered" kinda guy, but I appreciate the time and effort that goes into a beer that's not mass produced. I look at it as a form of art. That art goes into my belly.
i'll visit cali soon and we'll drink enough russian river beers to fill a swimming pool, or a river
I'm black so stealing drugs and shit
Seriously though, I thoroughly enjoy reading, writing and listening to music, tae kwon do(rarely, like twice a year), lifting weights, and bike riding.
airsoft, boxing, sometimes i do some freshwater fishing, and swimming
i also marathon futurama a lot
m4risasalsaCompetitive Pokemon.
I'm not kidding. The scene is a lot bigger than you'd expect.
WalrusI sail and have sailed competitively for high school and now university. This upcoming fall will be my 6th season in sailing boats competitively.
btw, how do I get my name changed to crbnfbre_?
what boats do you sail?
salsam4risasalsaCompetitive Pokemon.
I'm not kidding. The scene is a lot bigger than you'd expect.
m4risa wasn't kidding, she is (or atleast was) a part of competitive pokemon, you should watch harb's stream of it.
salsam4risasalsaCompetitive Pokemon.
I'm not kidding. The scene is a lot bigger than you'd expect.
i wasn't making fun of it
ive played it since generation III when smogon hosted a netbattle server, classes caught up so ive been out of the loop since mid generation IV but im hoping to get back into it for generation VI
m4risa wasn't kidding, she is (or atleast was) a part of competitive pokemon, you should watch harb's stream of it.
that was harb playing firered/leafgreen, not really competitive
I do Photography
NYC_SuperMoon_002 by mattertea, on Flickr
college, college soccer, summer soccer, student government, work, and beer
Walrusbtw, how do I get my name changed to crbnfbre_?
sweet talk the socks off of enigma
matterteaI do Photography
NYC_SuperMoon_002 by mattertea, on Flickr
i also do photography!
just kidding, it's just instagram :(
Also Volleyball, swimming, hiking, fishing, and being lazy
Play football(Receiver)
Video Games
Find more and more music errday
Underground fight club kinda thing going on as well. Not very organized, but it's pretty cool. I don't fight, but it's fun to spectate
Working out, music, friends, school, work, swimming, biking, gaming. Yeah.
speedsolving (I average 12 seconds on your standard 3x3 cube but speedsolving isnt limited to 3x3), competitive programming like topcoder and tennis tournaments
watching anime and trying to find a kid to be my son
brizzAdmiring my Neil Degrasse Tyson portfolio
XC bike racing, tennis, working out, and just browsing the web take up a majority of my time outside of school/work. I like editing too but not really on a cosistent basis, just whenever I have inspiration to create a new movie.
When I'm not playing tf2 or sleeping I'm probably lurking on internet forums or watching anime/tvshows currently watching great teacher onizuka and good eats