looking for some people to play dota 2 with in a party. Getting pretty tired of playing with people who dont know what their doing in pubs. Just want to play with some decent people who are cool.
well i got a little excited then i realized u werent dev
eXtinewraith night is the shit.
some part deep inside of me fears wraith night becoming the mvm of dota
some part deep inside of me fears wraith night becoming the mvm of dota
DeseaneXtinewraith night is the shit.
some part deep inside of me fears wraith night becoming the mvm of dota
Nah, Valve wouldn't mess up anything for Dota 2.
some part deep inside of me fears wraith night becoming the mvm of dota[/quote]
Nah, Valve wouldn't mess up anything for Dota 2.
MagikarpNah, Valve wouldn't mess up anything for Dota 2.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE
If you want to hmu. I play Dota 2 a lot.
dont play with devrim he lanes naix until level 3 then starts ganking
my first game with neorussia he roamed as wr level 2 with no point in q and got mad when i said hes retarded
I'm up for dota when I get back from break after New Years, add me
squiddownpourdota ~4k MMR add me ty
people who post their ratings in anything with a ~ before means theyre not actually that rating
mmmmnope i mean around 4k :)
people who post their ratings in anything with a ~ before means theyre not actually that rating[/quote]
mmmmnope i mean around 4k :)
how many games did u scramble to prove him wrong be honest
that feel when u play a bunch and u end up with 20 elo below where u started
2chow many games did u scramble to prove him wrong be honest
i had 4080 MMR and then lost like 3 times in a row so now its 4010 :(
i lose a lot i guess
i had 4080 MMR and then lost like 3 times in a row so now its 4010 :(
i lose a lot i guess
alrite if im gonna become a 5k gamer im gonna have to learn earth god i gues
2calrite if im gonna become a 5k gamer im gonna have to learn earth god i gues
Learn from the great JerAx.
Learn from the great JerAx.
i refuse to learn from someone that can miss that many sd lesh stuns