basically i just wanna know if there are certain files i could delete so all the mvm stuff stays the same as in the default hud, giving me a nice hud for comp and not fucking mvm up entirely
hope one can follow my thoughts
basically i just wanna know if there are certain files i could delete so all the mvm stuff stays the same as in the default hud, giving me a nice hud for comp and not fucking mvm up entirely
hope one can follow my thoughts
Most of the relevant files are in resource/ui and begin with "MVM". Those are pretty obvious. The others can be found with doodle's hud guide by ctrl + f-ing for 'mann', although it might be missing some.
It is missing a few files. Most of these don't even appear in HUDs because most people don't update MvM in their huds.
Tournament.res (note; if you don't have it, don't edit it!)
MvMInWorldCurrency.res These go hand-in-hand
HudMannVsMachineStatus.res (the hudlayout.res of mvm)
HudItemEffectMeter_Heavy.res (Rage bar for Heavy knockback. Shares files with Medic's energy bar)
hud_obj_sentrygun_disp.res (Disposable sentry)
Also, I noticed how it "keeps cutting off". That's because HudCurrencyAccount and MvMInWorldCurrency's location and width/tall sizes are defined in HudMannVsMachineStatus.res (hudlayout.res of MvM)