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I liked the start but then it went mehh


I liked the start but then it went mehh
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never been a big hip hop guy so i dont wanna throw some biased opinion around

never been a big hip hop guy so i dont wanna throw some biased opinion around
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futurenever been a big hip hop guy so i dont wanna throw some biased opinion around

then give your opinion as a non-hip hop guy.

as for the song you posted, i'm not sure.... sounds kinda generic? i don't listen to this kind of music but it kinda reminds me of songs from rock band. not sure what fans of this type of music would interpret that as.


[quote=future]never been a big hip hop guy so i dont wanna throw some biased opinion around

then give your opinion as a non-hip hop guy.

as for the song you posted, i'm not sure.... sounds kinda generic? i don't listen to this kind of music but it kinda reminds me of songs from rock band. not sure what fans of this type of music would interpret that as.

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Sounds a bit like dubstep but really heavy? (don't know the right word) Dislike fast paced songs and this isn't an exception


Sounds a bit like dubstep but really heavy? (don't know the right word) Dislike fast paced songs and this isn't an exception

0 Frags +

I nice slow paced song that is actually rather soothing, however some of the lyrics are a bit creepy.
(One point he talks about how he found a card with the girl he likes handwriting on it and a picture of her mum in his gutter or something like that...)

Listen to my boy Chet Faker:
Talk is Cheap

I nice slow paced song that is actually rather soothing, however some of the lyrics are a bit creepy.
(One point he talks about how he found a card with the girl he likes handwriting on it and a picture of her mum in his gutter or something like that...)

Listen to my boy Chet Faker:
[url=https://soundcloud.com/chet-faker/talk-is-cheap-4]Talk is Cheap[/url]
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dat sax doe. But really that whole melody and vocals were all so chill even the beat was great.


dat sax doe. But really that whole melody and vocals were all so chill even the beat was great.

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embrace the chill


embrace the chill

-1 Frags +

yes nice track. very chill


yes nice track. very chill

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Really different from the kind of music I listen too but it was pretty cool and calming. Sort of like Tycho but not as calm and with some lyrics.


Really different from the kind of music I listen too but it was pretty cool and calming. Sort of like Tycho but not as calm and with some lyrics.
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a classic! love this song. :)


a classic! love this song. :)

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Yeah that's dreamy brah! This will wake you up doe...


Yeah that's dreamy brah! This will wake you up doe...
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1 Frags +

strong harmonies


strong harmonies

0 Frags +

Relaxing, good writing, a bit muddy because of the pedal tone like thing though -- I like it

Relaxing, good writing, a bit muddy because of the pedal tone like thing though -- I like it
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I'm not too into Japanese music, but this one was decent for me for someone who the furthest they've gone into Japanese is Pink by Boris. Strong vocals through most of the song.

I'm not too into Japanese music, but this one was decent for me for someone who the furthest they've gone into Japanese is Pink by Boris. Strong vocals through most of the song.
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would be really nice to chill too and perhaps when i'm smoking, idk I like it. the videography in that video was also super cool.

heres what i got http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4rAVuwgd38

would be really nice to chill too and perhaps when i'm smoking, idk I like it. the videography in that video was also super cool.

heres what i got http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4rAVuwgd38
1 Frags +

that is right up my alley, i like it a lot :D


that is right up my alley, i like it a lot :D

1 Frags +

I liked it, it's not the sort of music that i normally listen to, but that was very nice and refreshing.


Show Content
I have stupid amounts of nostalgia from this song. Pokemon Emerald was the first game i ever actually beat and remains one of my favorite games of all time.
I liked it, it's not the sort of music that i normally listen to, but that was very nice and refreshing.
[spoiler]I have stupid amounts of nostalgia from this song. Pokemon Emerald was the first game i ever actually beat and remains one of my favorite games of all time.[/spoiler]
1 Frags +

Damn... I have to find my Sapphire cartridge now. I just got back into playing Pokemon a week ago since I got a new 3DS and man, did I miss it. Thanks for the nostalgia trip.


Damn... I have to find my Sapphire cartridge now. I just got back into playing Pokemon a week ago since I got a new 3DS and man, did I miss it. Thanks for the nostalgia trip.

1 Frags +

I am not a huge fan of electronic, so my review may be a bit biased. Overall, I would say this song is ok. It's not up my alley, but if someone likes electronic music, it would be a good fit.


I am not a huge fan of electronic, so my review may be a bit biased. Overall, I would say this song is ok. It's not up my alley, but if someone likes electronic music, it would be a good fit.

1 Frags +

Pretty classic song though I haven't heard it in a while so it was a good listen. Not something I'd listen to on a regular basis however.


Pretty classic song though I haven't heard it in a while so it was a good listen. Not something I'd listen to on a regular basis however.

1 Frags +

made my brain feel good


this song makes me really sad Q_Q

made my brain feel good


this song makes me really sad Q_Q
0 Frags +

^ Chill song. EDIT: I'm retarded and looked at the wrong post lol. I like the chicks vocals. She has a nice voice.

Classic of Mingus. The story goes a friend in the band died about a month before recording. Really kinda gets you.

^ Chill song. EDIT: I'm retarded and looked at the wrong post lol. I like the chicks vocals. She has a nice voice.

Classic of Mingus. The story goes a friend in the band died about a month before recording. Really kinda gets you.
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That's crazy. Shit like that, especially with local bands always gets me.

http://nelsonvillains.bandcamp.com/track/for-minneapolis if you like modest mouse/halo benders and good lyrics

That's crazy. Shit like that, especially with local bands always gets me.

http://nelsonvillains.bandcamp.com/track/for-minneapolis if you like modest mouse/halo benders and good lyrics
0 Frags +

I'm not totally digging the vocals, though they lyrics are interesting. Reminds me of the style of music I listened to more a few years ago, but I feel like my tastes have shifted.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYU47cfNayA0 The bass in the middle of the song massages my brain in the right way. The music video is also pretty cool.

I'm not totally digging the vocals, though they lyrics are interesting. Reminds me of the style of music I listened to more a few years ago, but I feel like my tastes have shifted.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYU47cfNayA0 The bass in the middle of the song massages my brain in the right way. The music video is also pretty cool.
-1 Frags +

good stuff, sounds like something my friends would listen to a lot. they like grizzly bear and radiohead and all that jazz.

my tastes are a bit picky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvuNrlDIrGY

good stuff, sounds like something my friends would listen to a lot. they like grizzly bear and radiohead and all that jazz.

my tastes are a bit picky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvuNrlDIrGY
-1 Frags +

future: I like the song, but it's not usually the kind of stuff I listen to.

one of my favorites: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TP21dV5mEfI

edit: another very good one from iirc the same album: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TP21dV5mEfI

future: I like the song, but it's not usually the kind of stuff I listen to.

one of my favorites: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TP21dV5mEfI

edit: another very good one from iirc the same album: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TP21dV5mEfI
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I didn't like that one very much, way too repetitive and slow for me. Even if someone were rapping to it, I don't typically like rap.


I didn't like that one very much, way too repetitive and slow for me. Even if someone were rapping to it, I don't typically like rap.

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Very upbeat i like it. it depends on the mood though


Very upbeat i like it. it depends on the mood though
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Really awesome as background noise to game to. Strikes me as a pretty forgettable track though.


Really awesome as background noise to game to. Strikes me as a pretty forgettable track though.

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