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Show us your cool scripts :D
posted in Customization
0 Frags +
edit: after thinking about #54, does your menu use number keys or the scroll wheel? I never thought of using the scroll wheel until seeing your menu, as it seems more fitting (fancy navigation for a fancy menu.) like when you scroll through the options it selects the one you're highlighting by putting a > infront of it.

I used the number keys for mine, but I think that it would be possible to use the mwheeldown and mwheelup key bind to scroll through the menus by rebinding them each time you move down the menu.

As for the >> indicator, I think that would take loads of effort to rewrite all the echos for each individual option, but sure it's probably possible.

[quote]edit: after thinking about #54, does your menu use number keys or the scroll wheel? I never thought of using the scroll wheel until seeing your menu, as it seems more fitting (fancy navigation for a fancy menu.) like when you scroll through the options it selects the one you're highlighting by putting a > infront of it.[/quote]

I used the number keys for mine, but I think that it would be possible to use the mwheeldown and mwheelup key bind to scroll through the menus by rebinding them each time you move down the menu.

As for the >> indicator, I think that would take loads of effort to rewrite all the echos for each individual option, but sure it's probably possible.
0 Frags +

Here be my cool scripts I guess:



If you have any questions let me know

Here be my cool scripts I guess:



If you have any questions let me know
4 Frags +

Nice if you ever stream and want to have weapon-specific viewmodel toggle scripts that you can disable/modify on the fly:

bind 1 "slot1; primary; alias currenttog primarytog" 
bind 2 "slot2; secondary; alias currenttog secondarytog"
bind 3 "slot3; melee; alias currenttog meleetog"
bind t currenttog
alias currenttog primarytog
alias primary primaryvis
alias primaryvis "r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 90"
alias primaryhid "r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias primarytog primarytoghid
alias primarytogvis "primaryvis; alias primary primaryvis; alias primarytog primarytoghid"
alias primarytoghid "primaryhid; alias primary primaryhid; alias primarytog primarytogvis"
alias secondary secondaryvis
alias secondaryvis "r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 90"
alias secondaryhid "r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias secondarytog secondarytoghid
alias secondarytogvis "secondaryvis; alias secondary secondaryvis; alias secondarytog secondarytoghid"
alias secondarytoghid "secondaryhid; alias secondary secondaryhid; alias secondarytog secondarytogvis"
alias melee meleevis
alias meleevis "r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 90"
alias meleehid "r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias meleetog meleetoghid
alias meleetogvis "meleevis; alias melee meleevis; alias meleetog meleetoghid"
alias meleetoghid "meleehid; alias melee meleehid; alias meleetog meleetogvis"
Nice if you ever stream and want to have weapon-specific viewmodel toggle scripts that you can disable/modify on the fly:
[code]bind 1 "slot1; primary; alias currenttog primarytog"
bind 2 "slot2; secondary; alias currenttog secondarytog"
bind 3 "slot3; melee; alias currenttog meleetog"
bind t currenttog
alias currenttog primarytog
alias primary primaryvis
alias primaryvis "r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 90"
alias primaryhid "r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias primarytog primarytoghid
alias primarytogvis "primaryvis; alias primary primaryvis; alias primarytog primarytoghid"
alias primarytoghid "primaryhid; alias primary primaryhid; alias primarytog primarytogvis"
alias secondary secondaryvis
alias secondaryvis "r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 90"
alias secondaryhid "r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias secondarytog secondarytoghid
alias secondarytogvis "secondaryvis; alias secondary secondaryvis; alias secondarytog secondarytoghid"
alias secondarytoghid "secondaryhid; alias secondary secondaryhid; alias secondarytog secondarytogvis"
alias melee meleevis
alias meleevis "r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 90"
alias meleehid "r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias meleetog meleetoghid
alias meleetogvis "meleevis; alias melee meleevis; alias meleetog meleetoghid"
alias meleetoghid "meleehid; alias melee meleehid; alias meleetog meleetogvis"[/code]
-6 Frags +

the infamous kace "no strafe" rocket jumping script (which meant that I couldn't play on cj's computer at lan)

alias +rocketjump "+attack;+jump;+duck"
alias -rocketjump "-attack;-jump;-duck"
bind mouse5 +rocketjump

all credits to some guy on tf2wiki.net

the infamous kace "no strafe" rocket jumping script (which meant that I couldn't play on cj's computer at lan)

alias +rocketjump "+attack;+jump;+duck"
alias -rocketjump "-attack;-jump;-duck"
bind mouse5 +rocketjump[/code]

all credits to some guy on tf2wiki.net
0 Frags +

alias vm1 "r_drawviewmodel 0" // Default Primary Viewmodels
alias vm2 "r_drawviewmodel 0" // Default Secondary Viewmodels
alias vm3 "r_drawviewmodel 1" // Default Melee Viewmodels
alias eq_1 "eq_1f3"
alias eq_2 "eq_2f1"
alias eq_3 "eq_3f1"
alias sw ""
alias eq_1f2 "slot1;vm1;alias sw eq_2f1;alias eq_2 eq_2f1;alias eq_3 eq_3f1"
alias eq_1f3 "slot1;vm1;alias sw eq_3f1;alias eq_2 eq_2f1;alias eq_3 eq_3f1"
alias eq_2f1 "slot2;vm2;alias sw eq_1f2;alias eq_1 eq_1f2;alias eq_3 eq_3f2"
alias eq_2f3 "slot2;vm2;alias sw eq_3f2;alias eq_1 eq_1f2;alias eq_3 eq_3f2"
alias eq_3f1 "slot3;vm3;alias sw eq_1f3;alias eq_1 eq_1f3;alias eq_2 eq_2f3"
alias eq_3f2 "slot3;vm3;alias sw eq_2f3;alias eq_1 eq_1f3;alias eq_2 eq_2f3"

bind "1" "eq_1"
bind "2" "eq_2"
bind "3" "eq_3"
bind "q" "sw"

weapon specific viewmodel toggler works with quickswitch

alias vm1 "r_drawviewmodel 0" // Default Primary Viewmodels
alias vm2 "r_drawviewmodel 0" // Default Secondary Viewmodels
alias vm3 "r_drawviewmodel 1" // Default Melee Viewmodels
alias eq_1 "eq_1f3"
alias eq_2 "eq_2f1"
alias eq_3 "eq_3f1"
alias sw ""
alias eq_1f2 "slot1;vm1;alias sw eq_2f1;alias eq_2 eq_2f1;alias eq_3 eq_3f1"
alias eq_1f3 "slot1;vm1;alias sw eq_3f1;alias eq_2 eq_2f1;alias eq_3 eq_3f1"
alias eq_2f1 "slot2;vm2;alias sw eq_1f2;alias eq_1 eq_1f2;alias eq_3 eq_3f2"
alias eq_2f3 "slot2;vm2;alias sw eq_3f2;alias eq_1 eq_1f2;alias eq_3 eq_3f2"
alias eq_3f1 "slot3;vm3;alias sw eq_1f3;alias eq_1 eq_1f3;alias eq_2 eq_2f3"
alias eq_3f2 "slot3;vm3;alias sw eq_2f3;alias eq_1 eq_1f3;alias eq_2 eq_2f3"

bind "1" "eq_1"
bind "2" "eq_2"
bind "3" "eq_3"
bind "q" "sw"

weapon specific viewmodel toggler works with quickswitch
0 Frags +
mage24365Nice if you ever stream and want to have weapon-specific viewmodel toggle scripts that you can disable/modify on the fly:
bind 1 "slot1; primary; alias currenttog primarytog" 
bind 2 "slot2; secondary; alias currenttog secondarytog"
bind 3 "slot3; melee; alias currenttog meleetog"
bind t currenttog
alias currenttog primarytog
alias primary primaryvis
alias primaryvis "r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 90"
alias primaryhid "r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias primarytog primarytoghid
alias primarytogvis "primaryvis; alias primary primaryvis; alias primarytog primarytoghid"
alias primarytoghid "primaryhid; alias primary primaryhid; alias primarytog primarytogvis"
alias secondary secondaryvis
alias secondaryvis "r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 90"
alias secondaryhid "r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias secondarytog secondarytoghid
alias secondarytogvis "secondaryvis; alias secondary secondaryvis; alias secondarytog secondarytoghid"
alias secondarytoghid "secondaryhid; alias secondary secondaryhid; alias secondarytog secondarytogvis"
alias melee meleevis
alias meleevis "r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 90"
alias meleehid "r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias meleetog meleetoghid
alias meleetogvis "meleevis; alias melee meleevis; alias meleetog meleetoghid"
alias meleetoghid "meleehid; alias melee meleehid; alias meleetog meleetogvis"

Wow I've been looking for something like this. Thanks!

[quote=mage24365]Nice if you ever stream and want to have weapon-specific viewmodel toggle scripts that you can disable/modify on the fly:
[code]bind 1 "slot1; primary; alias currenttog primarytog"
bind 2 "slot2; secondary; alias currenttog secondarytog"
bind 3 "slot3; melee; alias currenttog meleetog"
bind t currenttog
alias currenttog primarytog
alias primary primaryvis
alias primaryvis "r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 90"
alias primaryhid "r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias primarytog primarytoghid
alias primarytogvis "primaryvis; alias primary primaryvis; alias primarytog primarytoghid"
alias primarytoghid "primaryhid; alias primary primaryhid; alias primarytog primarytogvis"
alias secondary secondaryvis
alias secondaryvis "r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 90"
alias secondaryhid "r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias secondarytog secondarytoghid
alias secondarytogvis "secondaryvis; alias secondary secondaryvis; alias secondarytog secondarytoghid"
alias secondarytoghid "secondaryhid; alias secondary secondaryhid; alias secondarytog secondarytogvis"
alias melee meleevis
alias meleevis "r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 90"
alias meleehid "r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias meleetog meleetoghid
alias meleetogvis "meleevis; alias melee meleevis; alias meleetog meleetoghid"
alias meleetoghid "meleehid; alias melee meleehid; alias meleetog meleetogvis"[/code][/quote]

Wow I've been looking for something like this. Thanks!
0 Frags +

Yep me too, thanks mage

Yep me too, thanks mage
-9 Frags +


-3 Frags +

Ill just post my entire autoexec here since even I dont get it

cl_crosshair_scale 20
cl_crosshair_file default

bind alt "voicemenu 0 7"
bind ralt "voicemenu 0 6"
bind UPARROW "viewmodel_fov 80"
bind LEFTARROW "viewmodel_fov 54"
bind RIGHTARROW "viewmodel_fov 70"
bind ENTER "changeteam auto"
bind DEL "toggle r_drawviewmodel 1 0"
bind END "toggle cl_first_person_uses_world_model 1 0"
bind HOME "mp_respawnwavetime"

fov_desired 90
bind "TAB" "+BOARD";
alias "+BOARD" "+showscores; net_graph 4";
alias "-BOARD" "-showscores; net_graph 0";
// execs
bind PGDOWN "exec autoexec"
exec chrisconfig

// viewmodel/combination script binds
bind "0" "slot10"
bind "MWHEELUP" "slot1; dotxhaircolorb "
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "slot2; dotxhaircolorc"
bind "R" "slot3; dotxhaircolord"
bind "4" "slot4; dotxhaircolor"
bind "q" "lastinv"

// color toggler
alias dotxhaircolor "dotxhaircolorb"
alias dotxhaircolorb "cl_crosshair_blue 0; cl_crosshair_green 255; cl_crosshair_red 0;alias dotxhaircolor dotxhaircolorc"
alias dotxhaircolorc "cl_crosshair_blue 255; cl_crosshair_green 0; cl_crosshair_red 255;alias dotxhaircolor dotxhaircolord"
alias dotxhaircolord "cl_crosshair_blue 240; cl_crosshair_green 255; cl_crosshair_red 0;alias dotxhaircolor dotxhaircolorb"
// combattext
hud_combattext_batching 1
hud_combattext_batching_window 1

// Null-cancelling movement script
// (prevents you from pressing two opposing directions, which causes you to stop moving)

bind w +mfwd
bind s +mback
bind a +mleft
bind d +mright

alias +mfwd "-back;+forward;alias checkfwd +forward"
alias +mback "-forward;+back;alias checkback +back"
alias +mleft "-moveright;+moveleft;alias checkleft +moveleft"
alias +mright "-moveleft;+moveright;alias checkright +moveright"
alias -mfwd "-forward;checkback;alias checkfwd none"
alias -mback "-back;checkfwd;alias checkback none"
alias -mleft "-moveleft;checkright;alias checkleft none"
alias -mright "-moveright;checkleft;alias checkright none"
alias checkfwd none
alias checkback none
alias checkleft none
alias checkright none
alias none ""
Ill just post my entire autoexec here since even I dont get it

[code]cl_crosshair_scale 20
cl_crosshair_file default

bind alt "voicemenu 0 7"
bind ralt "voicemenu 0 6"
bind UPARROW "viewmodel_fov 80"
bind LEFTARROW "viewmodel_fov 54"
bind RIGHTARROW "viewmodel_fov 70"
bind ENTER "changeteam auto"
bind DEL "toggle r_drawviewmodel 1 0"
bind END "toggle cl_first_person_uses_world_model 1 0"
bind HOME "mp_respawnwavetime"

fov_desired 90
bind "TAB" "+BOARD";
alias "+BOARD" "+showscores; net_graph 4";
alias "-BOARD" "-showscores; net_graph 0";
// execs
bind PGDOWN "exec autoexec"
exec chrisconfig

// viewmodel/combination script binds
bind "0" "slot10"
bind "MWHEELUP" "slot1; dotxhaircolorb "
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "slot2; dotxhaircolorc"
bind "R" "slot3; dotxhaircolord"
bind "4" "slot4; dotxhaircolor"
bind "q" "lastinv"

// color toggler
alias dotxhaircolor "dotxhaircolorb"
alias dotxhaircolorb "cl_crosshair_blue 0; cl_crosshair_green 255; cl_crosshair_red 0;alias dotxhaircolor dotxhaircolorc"
alias dotxhaircolorc "cl_crosshair_blue 255; cl_crosshair_green 0; cl_crosshair_red 255;alias dotxhaircolor dotxhaircolord"
alias dotxhaircolord "cl_crosshair_blue 240; cl_crosshair_green 255; cl_crosshair_red 0;alias dotxhaircolor dotxhaircolorb"
// combattext
hud_combattext_batching 1
hud_combattext_batching_window 1

// Null-cancelling movement script
// (prevents you from pressing two opposing directions, which causes you to stop moving)

bind w +mfwd
bind s +mback
bind a +mleft
bind d +mright

alias +mfwd "-back;+forward;alias checkfwd +forward"
alias +mback "-forward;+back;alias checkback +back"
alias +mleft "-moveright;+moveleft;alias checkleft +moveleft"
alias +mright "-moveleft;+moveright;alias checkright +moveright"
alias -mfwd "-forward;checkback;alias checkfwd none"
alias -mback "-back;checkfwd;alias checkback none"
alias -mleft "-moveleft;checkright;alias checkleft none"
alias -mright "-moveright;checkleft;alias checkright none"
alias checkfwd none
alias checkback none
alias checkleft none
alias checkright none
alias none ""[/code]
12 Frags +

bumpin this thread. This morning I wrote a script that emulates as all the basic logic gates (AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND, XOR, XNOR). I haven't used them in any larger projects yet, but i can see a lot of potential. If you modify it to suit your needs, you can make anything from normal tf2 scripts, to an in game calculator, or an in game mini game if you're an insane person. ...Or a computer if you're batshit crazy and have nothing but time on your hands

//used to make an alias do nothing
alias none ""

//set values to your inputs: a and b
alias a=1 "alias input_a 1"
alias b=1 "alias input_b 1"
alias a=0 "alias input_a 0"
alias b=0 "alias input_b 0"

//some aliases, includes the alias c if you want to save the most recent output
alias c "none"
alias zero "alias output output_zero; alias c zero"
alias one "alias output output_one; alias c one"

//some aliases for the outputs, if you want a 1 or a 0 to do something, replace the echo commands
alias output_zero "echo 0"
alias output_one "echo 1"
alias output "none"
//some more aliases
alias a "input_a"
alias b "input_b"
alias 0 "zero"
alias 1 "one"

alias AND "exec logic/and"

alias OR "exec logic/OR"

//NOT (takes a single input, c)
alias NOT "exec logic/NOT"

alias NAND "exec logic/NAND"

alias NOR "exec logic/NOR"

alias XOR "exec logic/XOR"

alias XNOR "exec logic/XNOR"

right now it just tells you the boolean result of two inputs
ex: in console "a=1;b=1;AND;output" would echo a "1"
where a and b are the boolean inputs and the AND is the operation, and the output is what sends the echo


bumpin this thread. This morning I wrote a script that emulates as all the basic logic gates (AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND, XOR, XNOR). I haven't used them in any larger projects yet, but i can see a lot of potential. If you modify it to suit your needs, you can make anything from normal tf2 scripts, to an in game calculator, or an in game mini game if you're an insane person. ...Or a computer if you're batshit crazy and have nothing but time on your hands
[code]//used to make an alias do nothing
alias none ""

//set values to your inputs: a and b
alias a=1 "alias input_a 1"
alias b=1 "alias input_b 1"
alias a=0 "alias input_a 0"
alias b=0 "alias input_b 0"

//some aliases, includes the alias c if you want to save the most recent output
alias c "none"
alias zero "alias output output_zero; alias c zero"
alias one "alias output output_one; alias c one"

//some aliases for the outputs, if you want a 1 or a 0 to do something, replace the echo commands
alias output_zero "echo 0"
alias output_one "echo 1"
alias output "none"
//some more aliases
alias a "input_a"
alias b "input_b"
alias 0 "zero"
alias 1 "one"

alias AND "exec logic/and"

alias OR "exec logic/OR"

//NOT (takes a single input, c)
alias NOT "exec logic/NOT"

alias NAND "exec logic/NAND"

alias NOR "exec logic/NOR"

alias XOR "exec logic/XOR"

alias XNOR "exec logic/XNOR"

right now it just tells you the boolean result of two inputs
ex: in console "a=1;b=1;AND;output" would echo a "1"
where a and b are the boolean inputs and the AND is the operation, and the output is what sends the echo

2 Frags +
irkbumpin this thread. This morning I wrote a script that emulates as all the basic logic gates (AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND, XOR, XNOR). I haven't used them in any larger projects yet, but i can see a lot of potential. If you modify it to suit your needs, you can make anything from normal tf2 scripts, to an in game calculator, or an in game mini game if you're an insane person. ...Or a computer if you're batshit crazy and have nothing but time on your hands
//used to make an alias do nothing
alias none ""

//set values to your inputs: a and b
alias a=1 "alias input_a 1"
alias b=1 "alias input_b 1"
alias a=0 "alias input_a 0"
alias b=0 "alias input_b 0"

//some aliases, includes the alias c if you want to save the most recent output
alias c "none"
alias zero "alias output output_zero; alias c zero"
alias one "alias output output_one; alias c one"

//some aliases for the outputs, if you want a 1 or a 0 to do something, replace the echo commands
alias output_zero "echo 0"
alias output_one "echo 1"
alias output "none"
//some more aliases
alias a "input_a"
alias b "input_b"
alias 0 "zero"
alias 1 "one"

alias AND "exec logic/and"

alias OR "exec logic/OR"

//NOT (takes a single input, c)
alias NOT "exec logic/NOT"

alias NAND "exec logic/NAND"

alias NOR "exec logic/NOR"

alias XOR "exec logic/XOR"

alias XNOR "exec logic/XNOR"

right now it just tells you the boolean result of two inputs
ex: in console "a=1;b=1;AND;output" would echo a "1"
where a and b are the boolean inputs and the AND is the operation, and the output is what sends the echo


are you insane?

[quote=irk]bumpin this thread. This morning I wrote a script that emulates as all the basic logic gates (AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND, XOR, XNOR). I haven't used them in any larger projects yet, but i can see a lot of potential. If you modify it to suit your needs, you can make anything from normal tf2 scripts, to an in game calculator, or an in game mini game if you're an insane person. ...Or a computer if you're batshit crazy and have nothing but time on your hands
[code]//used to make an alias do nothing
alias none ""

//set values to your inputs: a and b
alias a=1 "alias input_a 1"
alias b=1 "alias input_b 1"
alias a=0 "alias input_a 0"
alias b=0 "alias input_b 0"

//some aliases, includes the alias c if you want to save the most recent output
alias c "none"
alias zero "alias output output_zero; alias c zero"
alias one "alias output output_one; alias c one"

//some aliases for the outputs, if you want a 1 or a 0 to do something, replace the echo commands
alias output_zero "echo 0"
alias output_one "echo 1"
alias output "none"
//some more aliases
alias a "input_a"
alias b "input_b"
alias 0 "zero"
alias 1 "one"

alias AND "exec logic/and"

alias OR "exec logic/OR"

//NOT (takes a single input, c)
alias NOT "exec logic/NOT"

alias NAND "exec logic/NAND"

alias NOR "exec logic/NOR"

alias XOR "exec logic/XOR"

alias XNOR "exec logic/XNOR"

right now it just tells you the boolean result of two inputs
ex: in console "a=1;b=1;AND;output" would echo a "1"
where a and b are the boolean inputs and the AND is the operation, and the output is what sends the echo

are you insane?
0 Frags +

Is it viable?

Is it viable?
-1 Frags +

http://pastebin.com/akRvWAZJ [My own personal medic config with alot of scripts built in]

http://pastebin.com/qfZbRxg2 [Soldier cfg from exfane's cfg with my own crosshairs.]

My medic config and soldier config are probably the only two that have scripts in them. other then that everything else is just plan old simple stuff.

http://pastebin.com/akRvWAZJ [My own personal medic config with alot of scripts built in]

http://pastebin.com/qfZbRxg2 [Soldier cfg from exfane's cfg with my own crosshairs.]

My medic config and soldier config are probably the only two that have scripts in them. other then that everything else is just plan old simple stuff.
0 Frags +
mage24365Nice if you ever stream and want to have weapon-specific viewmodel toggle scripts that you can disable/modify on the fly:
bind 1 "slot1; primary; alias currenttog primarytog" 
bind 2 "slot2; secondary; alias currenttog secondarytog"
bind 3 "slot3; melee; alias currenttog meleetog"
bind t currenttog
alias currenttog primarytog
alias primary primaryvis
alias primaryvis "r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 90"
alias primaryhid "r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias primarytog primarytoghid
alias primarytogvis "primaryvis; alias primary primaryvis; alias primarytog primarytoghid"
alias primarytoghid "primaryhid; alias primary primaryhid; alias primarytog primarytogvis"
alias secondary secondaryvis
alias secondaryvis "r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 90"
alias secondaryhid "r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias secondarytog secondarytoghid
alias secondarytogvis "secondaryvis; alias secondary secondaryvis; alias secondarytog secondarytoghid"
alias secondarytoghid "secondaryhid; alias secondary secondaryhid; alias secondarytog secondarytogvis"
alias melee meleevis
alias meleevis "r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 90"
alias meleehid "r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias meleetog meleetoghid
alias meleetogvis "meleevis; alias melee meleevis; alias meleetog meleetoghid"
alias meleetoghid "meleehid; alias melee meleehid; alias meleetog meleetogvis"

how would you go about binding q to switch between the current toggle for slot 1 and 2? so by pressing t, it toggles the set of viewmodel settings, and pressing q switches between slot 1 and 2 of that current viewmodel setting.

[quote=mage24365]Nice if you ever stream and want to have weapon-specific viewmodel toggle scripts that you can disable/modify on the fly:
[code]bind 1 "slot1; primary; alias currenttog primarytog"
bind 2 "slot2; secondary; alias currenttog secondarytog"
bind 3 "slot3; melee; alias currenttog meleetog"
bind t currenttog
alias currenttog primarytog
alias primary primaryvis
alias primaryvis "r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 90"
alias primaryhid "r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias primarytog primarytoghid
alias primarytogvis "primaryvis; alias primary primaryvis; alias primarytog primarytoghid"
alias primarytoghid "primaryhid; alias primary primaryhid; alias primarytog primarytogvis"
alias secondary secondaryvis
alias secondaryvis "r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 90"
alias secondaryhid "r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias secondarytog secondarytoghid
alias secondarytogvis "secondaryvis; alias secondary secondaryvis; alias secondarytog secondarytoghid"
alias secondarytoghid "secondaryhid; alias secondary secondaryhid; alias secondarytog secondarytogvis"
alias melee meleevis
alias meleevis "r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 90"
alias meleehid "r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias meleetog meleetoghid
alias meleetogvis "meleevis; alias melee meleevis; alias meleetog meleetoghid"
alias meleetoghid "meleehid; alias melee meleehid; alias meleetog meleetogvis"[/code][/quote]

how would you go about binding q to switch between the current toggle for slot 1 and 2? so by pressing t, it toggles the set of viewmodel settings, and pressing q switches between slot 1 and 2 of that current viewmodel setting.
2 Frags +
MoistMelonsmage24365how would you go about binding q to switch between the current toggle for slot 1 and 2? so by pressing t, it toggles the set of viewmodel settings, and pressing q switches between slot 1 and 2 of that current viewmodel setting.

alias q3 q1
alias q1 "slot1; primary; alias currenttog primarytog; alias q3 q2"
alias q2 "slot2; secondary; alias currenttog secondarytog; alias q3 q1"
bind q "q3"

how would you go about binding q to switch between the current toggle for slot 1 and 2? so by pressing t, it toggles the set of viewmodel settings, and pressing q switches between slot 1 and 2 of that current viewmodel setting.[/quote] [/quote]

alias q3 q1
alias q1 "slot1; primary; alias currenttog primarytog; alias q3 q2"
alias q2 "slot2; secondary; alias currenttog secondarytog; alias q3 q1"
bind q "q3"
0 Frags +

Does this mean you could some how make a Vaccinator script that wouldn't need the wait command?

So that if I hit 1 it would set the resistance to bullet, 2 to explosive, and 3 to fire?

It seems like if it actually does what you say it does you could make so top-shelf tier scripts

Does this mean you could some how make a Vaccinator script that wouldn't need the wait command?

So that if I hit 1 it would set the resistance to bullet, 2 to explosive, and 3 to fire?

It seems like if it actually does what you say it does you could make so top-shelf tier scripts
0 Frags +
mage24365Nice if you ever stream and want to have weapon-specific viewmodel toggle scripts that you can disable/modify on the fly:
bind 1 "slot1; primary; alias currenttog primarytog" 
bind 2 "slot2; secondary; alias currenttog secondarytog"
bind 3 "slot3; melee; alias currenttog meleetog"
bind t currenttog
alias currenttog primarytog
alias primary primaryvis
alias primaryvis "r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 90"
alias primaryhid "r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias primarytog primarytoghid
alias primarytogvis "primaryvis; alias primary primaryvis; alias primarytog primarytoghid"
alias primarytoghid "primaryhid; alias primary primaryhid; alias primarytog primarytogvis"
alias secondary secondaryvis
alias secondaryvis "r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 90"
alias secondaryhid "r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias secondarytog secondarytoghid
alias secondarytogvis "secondaryvis; alias secondary secondaryvis; alias secondarytog secondarytoghid"
alias secondarytoghid "secondaryhid; alias secondary secondaryhid; alias secondarytog secondarytogvis"
alias melee meleevis
alias meleevis "r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 90"
alias meleehid "r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias meleetog meleetoghid
alias meleetogvis "meleevis; alias melee meleevis; alias meleetog meleetoghid"
alias meleetoghid "meleehid; alias melee meleehid; alias meleetog meleetogvis"

WOW this is amazing ! thanks for sharing !

[quote=mage24365]Nice if you ever stream and want to have weapon-specific viewmodel toggle scripts that you can disable/modify on the fly:
[code]bind 1 "slot1; primary; alias currenttog primarytog"
bind 2 "slot2; secondary; alias currenttog secondarytog"
bind 3 "slot3; melee; alias currenttog meleetog"
bind t currenttog
alias currenttog primarytog
alias primary primaryvis
alias primaryvis "r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 90"
alias primaryhid "r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias primarytog primarytoghid
alias primarytogvis "primaryvis; alias primary primaryvis; alias primarytog primarytoghid"
alias primarytoghid "primaryhid; alias primary primaryhid; alias primarytog primarytogvis"
alias secondary secondaryvis
alias secondaryvis "r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 90"
alias secondaryhid "r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias secondarytog secondarytoghid
alias secondarytogvis "secondaryvis; alias secondary secondaryvis; alias secondarytog secondarytoghid"
alias secondarytoghid "secondaryhid; alias secondary secondaryhid; alias secondarytog secondarytogvis"
alias melee meleevis
alias meleevis "r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 90"
alias meleehid "r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias meleetog meleetoghid
alias meleetogvis "meleevis; alias melee meleevis; alias meleetog meleetoghid"
alias meleetoghid "meleehid; alias melee meleehid; alias meleetog meleetogvis"[/code][/quote]

WOW this is amazing ! thanks for sharing !
3 Frags +
tenacioustoasterDoes this mean you could some how make a Vaccinator script that wouldn't need the wait command?

So that if I hit 1 it would set the resistance to bullet, 2 to explosive, and 3 to fire?

It seems like if it actually does what you say it does you could make so top-shelf tier scripts

The reason why you need a wait command for vaccinator scripts is because you can only switch resistances one way, so if you want to effectively go backwards one you'd need to go forward twice. You can't get past this through logic gates or anything like that, it's a limitation with how tf2 handles +commands. Scripters have been using this sort of logical applications for a while, it's just never been formalized as logic gates.

I do know that somewhere on reddit there's a vaccinator script that you hit a number key twice to get whichever resistance, but it's not that big of a step up from just rotating normally unless you're good at mashing buttons.

irkor an in game mini game if you're an insane person.

I don't know if this really counts but a while ago I made a game of tictactoe through some similar stuff. Not your scripts exactly, and doesn't use logic so formally, but still uses pretty similar stuff.



Trying to do anything but tictactoe would probably be hell just because of the display. Could probably be able to do checkers reasonably, but not chess, and certainly not any computer with a decent display.

You can only echo on a per line basis, so you need to set up each possible line beforehand. In tictactoe, there are three possible states for each spot on the board (X, O, and empty), with three spots on the board for each row. 3^3 is 27, so a total of 27 different echos will need to be made. For a game like chess, there are a total of 13 different states (each team's 6, and then empty) with 8 spots in each row. 13^8 is 815730721, meaning you'd need 815730721 different echos for each possible state of each row and set things up appropriately for that. If you somehow managed this, this'd be 60 gigabytes big just for a game of chess. That's not even taking into account how much more difficult the logic of the game would be to implement.

[quote=tenacioustoaster]Does this mean you could some how make a Vaccinator script that wouldn't need the wait command?

So that if I hit 1 it would set the resistance to bullet, 2 to explosive, and 3 to fire?

It seems like if it actually does what you say it does you could make so top-shelf tier scripts[/quote]
The reason why you need a wait command for vaccinator scripts is because you can only switch resistances one way, so if you want to effectively go backwards one you'd need to go forward twice. You can't get past this through logic gates or anything like that, it's a limitation with how tf2 handles +commands. Scripters have been using this sort of logical applications for a while, it's just never been formalized as logic gates.

I do know that somewhere on reddit there's a vaccinator script that you hit a number key twice to get whichever resistance, but it's not that big of a step up from just rotating normally unless you're good at mashing buttons.

[quote=irk]or an in game mini game if you're an insane person.[/quote]
I don't know if this really counts but a while ago I made a game of tictactoe through some similar stuff. Not your scripts exactly, and doesn't use logic so formally, but still uses pretty similar stuff.


Trying to do anything but tictactoe would probably be hell just because of the display. Could probably be able to do checkers reasonably, but not chess, and certainly not any computer with a decent display.

You can only echo on a per line basis, so you need to set up each possible line beforehand. In tictactoe, there are three possible states for each spot on the board (X, O, and empty), with three spots on the board for each row. 3^3 is 27, so a total of 27 different echos will need to be made. For a game like chess, there are a total of 13 different states (each team's 6, and then empty) with 8 spots in each row. 13^8 is 815730721, meaning you'd need 815730721 different echos for each possible state of each row and set things up appropriately for that. If you somehow managed this, this'd be 60 gigabytes big just for a game of chess. That's not even taking into account how much more difficult the logic of the game would be to implement.
1 Frags +

yo, that's a serious main menu

yo, that's a serious main menu
0 Frags +

ecv ewfgw4e yg4w 12 31qt 3t 3

ecv ewfgw4e yg4w 12 31qt 3t 3
1 Frags +
JarateKingYou can only echo on a per line basis, so you need to set up each possible line beforehand. In tictactoe, there are three possible states for each spot on the board (X, O, and empty), with three spots on the board for each row. 3^3 is 27, so a total of 27 different echos will need to be made. For a game like chess, there are a total of 13 different states (each team's 6, and then empty) with 8 spots in each row. 13^8 is 815730721, meaning you'd need 815730721 different echos for each possible state of each row and set things up appropriately for that. If you somehow managed this, this'd be 60 gigabytes big just for a game of chess. That's not even taking into account how much more difficult the logic of the game would be to implement.

Yeah I thought about that, but at least the actual logic behind a game like chess wouldn't be too bad. It sucks that you cant push variables into echos. I guess the world will have to be content with text adventure chess.

cool game btw

edit: I just remembered that I would sometimes get the occasional glitch that puts two echos on the same line, maybe there's an ugly buggy work around. I'll get back to you on that one.

You can only echo on a per line basis, so you need to set up each possible line beforehand. In tictactoe, there are three possible states for each spot on the board (X, O, and empty), with three spots on the board for each row. 3^3 is 27, so a total of 27 different echos will need to be made. For a game like chess, there are a total of 13 different states (each team's 6, and then empty) with 8 spots in each row. 13^8 is 815730721, meaning you'd need 815730721 different echos for each possible state of each row and set things up appropriately for that. If you somehow managed this, this'd be 60 gigabytes big just for a game of chess. That's not even taking into account how much more difficult the logic of the game would be to implement.[/quote]

Yeah I thought about that, but at least the actual logic behind a game like chess wouldn't be too bad. It sucks that you cant push variables into echos. I guess the world will have to be content with text adventure chess.

cool game btw

edit: I just remembered that I would sometimes get the occasional glitch that puts two echos on the same line, maybe there's an ugly buggy work around. I'll get back to you on that one.
0 Frags +
irkedit: I just remembered that I would sometimes get the occasional glitch that puts two echos on the same line, maybe there's an ugly buggy work around. I'll get back to you on that one.

Can't say I've ever experienced it. I've heard that sometimes an echo won't automatically go to the next line, though I've never heard any specifics on it (if it ends up being controllable, then we probably could make chess or even computers or anything).

If you get anywhere with this, do tell.

[quote=irk]edit: I just remembered that I would sometimes get the occasional glitch that puts two echos on the same line, maybe there's an ugly buggy work around. I'll get back to you on that one.[/quote]
Can't say I've ever experienced it. I've heard that sometimes an echo won't automatically go to the next line, though I've never heard any specifics on it (if it ends up being controllable, then we probably could make chess or even computers or anything).

If you get anywhere with this, do tell.
3 Frags +
]con_filter_enable 1
]con_filter_text "1"
]echo 123; echo 145; echo 1hello; echo 1$()(*&^#$

will echo "123 145 1hello 1$()(*&^#$" all on one line as long the echo begins with a "1"
This should be promising. looks like con_filter_text filters out line breaks

]con_filter_enable 1
]con_filter_text "1"
]echo 123; echo 145; echo 1hello; echo 1$()(*&^#$
will echo "[b]123 145 1hello 1$()(*&^#$[/b]" all on one line as long the echo begins with a "1"
This should be promising. looks like con_filter_text filters out line breaks
0 Frags +
// UTF-8 encoded cfg file, should be able to copy/paste the lines into console

con_filter_text "​" //U+200B

// each starts with the above filtered 
echo "​X"; echo "​this is an echo"; echo "​cool stuff mates"

Output: X this is an echo cool stuff mates
To continue irk's idea, you can make use of some invisible width-less characters in unicode to get past needing to have a 1 or whatever in whatever you want echoed and then getting regular spew that does have that character in it. A space will still appear after each echo but that's nothing huge.

I don't know if tf.tv keeps those whitespace characters, you can get them and copy/paste them from here https://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/chars/spaces.html

So now we have a way to almost seamlessly throw psuedo-variables into echos. If anyone finds a way to get past the spaces, do tell, but I've got enough to start working on a dynamic screen.

[code]// UTF-8 encoded cfg file, should be able to copy/paste the lines into console

con_filter_text "​" //U+200B

// each starts with the above filtered
echo "​X"; echo "​this is an echo"; echo "​cool stuff mates"[/code]
Output: X this is an echo cool stuff mates
To continue irk's idea, you can make use of some invisible width-less characters in unicode to get past needing to have a 1 or whatever in whatever you want echoed and then getting regular spew that does have that character in it. A space will still appear after each echo but that's nothing huge.

I don't know if tf.tv keeps those whitespace characters, you can get them and copy/paste them from here https://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/chars/spaces.html

So now we have a way to almost seamlessly throw psuedo-variables into echos. If anyone finds a way to get past the spaces, do tell, but I've got enough to start working on a dynamic screen.
2 Frags +

tftv post character limit is too small :(


tftv post character limit is too small :(

0 Frags +

is there any way to echo dev1 out after changing a console command without waits?

I want to have a key in dota that is basically toggleautoattack on; echo autoattack on but I recall trying this before and it not working cause you cant turn developer 1 on and echo output and turn it off without waits

any workarounds?

is there any way to echo dev1 out after changing a console command without waits?

I want to have a key in dota that is basically toggleautoattack on; echo autoattack on but I recall trying this before and it not working cause you cant turn developer 1 on and echo output and turn it off without waits

any workarounds?
0 Frags +
2cis there any way to echo dev1 out after changing a console command without waits?

I want to have a key in dota that is basically toggleautoattack on; echo autoattack on but I recall trying this before and it not working cause you cant turn developer 1 on and echo output and turn it off without waits

any workarounds?
alias +toggleautoattack "developer 1; toggleautoattack "
alias -toggleautoattack "echo autoattack; developer 0;"

maybe something like this? I'm not familiar with the dota commands, but im pretty sure if you use a +alias itll give it enough time to dev 1 and echo

[quote=2c]is there any way to echo dev1 out after changing a console command without waits?

I want to have a key in dota that is basically toggleautoattack on; echo autoattack on but I recall trying this before and it not working cause you cant turn developer 1 on and echo output and turn it off without waits

any workarounds?[/quote]

[code]alias +toggleautoattack "developer 1; toggleautoattack "
alias -toggleautoattack "echo autoattack; developer 0;"

maybe something like this? I'm not familiar with the dota commands, but im pretty sure if you use a +alias itll give it enough time to dev 1 and echo
0 Frags +
2cis there any way to echo dev1 out after changing a console command without waits?

I want to have a key in dota that is basically toggleautoattack on; echo autoattack on but I recall trying this before and it not working cause you cant turn developer 1 on and echo output and turn it off without waits

any workarounds?

I don't really know much about dota's scripting in particular but I'll just assume it's the same as tf2.

What you've basically done is made the console output visible through developer 1 and then on the same frame turned it invisible. The developer command doesn't just put console text onto the screen, it also toggles whether it's shown altogether or not; as soon as developer 0 happens any console text on the screen disappears.

What you need to do is make use of some filters. Try changing your script to look something like

con_filter_enable 1
con_filter_text "|>" //something that doesn't show up in normal console spew
con_filter_text_out ""
con_notifytime 10
developer 1

bind "KEY" "toggleautoattack on; echo |>autoattack on"

or maybe

con_filter_enable 1
con_filter_text "|>" //something that doesn't show up in normal console spew
con_filter_text_out ""
con_notifytime 100000
developer 1

echo "|>autoattack on"

developer 0

alias toggleattack1 "developer 1; toggleautoattack on; alias toggleattackmode toggleattack2"
alias toggleattack2 "developer 0; toggleautoattack off; alias toggleattackmode toggleattack1"
alias toggleattackmode "toggleattack1"

bind "KEY" "toggleattackmode"
[quote=2c]is there any way to echo dev1 out after changing a console command without waits?

I want to have a key in dota that is basically toggleautoattack on; echo autoattack on but I recall trying this before and it not working cause you cant turn developer 1 on and echo output and turn it off without waits

any workarounds?[/quote]
I don't really know much about dota's scripting in particular but I'll just assume it's the same as tf2.

What you've basically done is made the console output visible through developer 1 and then on the same frame turned it invisible. The developer command doesn't just put console text onto the screen, it also toggles whether it's shown altogether or not; as soon as developer 0 happens any console text on the screen disappears.

What you need to do is make use of some filters. Try changing your script to look something like [code]con_filter_enable 1
con_filter_text "|>" //something that doesn't show up in normal console spew
con_filter_text_out ""
con_notifytime 10
developer 1

bind "KEY" "toggleautoattack on; echo |>autoattack on"[/code]
or maybe
[code]con_filter_enable 1
con_filter_text "|>" //something that doesn't show up in normal console spew
con_filter_text_out ""
con_notifytime 100000
developer 1

echo "|>autoattack on"

developer 0

alias toggleattack1 "developer 1; toggleautoattack on; alias toggleattackmode toggleattack2"
alias toggleattack2 "developer 0; toggleautoattack off; alias toggleattackmode toggleattack1"
alias toggleattackmode "toggleattack1"

bind "KEY" "toggleattackmode"[/code]
0 Frags +

taht breaks so much other stuff ~_~ thanks anyways

taht breaks so much other stuff ~_~ thanks anyways
0 Frags +
irk2cis there any way to echo dev1 out after changing a console command without waits?

I want to have a key in dota that is basically toggleautoattack on; echo autoattack on but I recall trying this before and it not working cause you cant turn developer 1 on and echo output and turn it off without waits

any workarounds?
alias +toggleautoattack "developer 1; toggleautoattack "
alias -toggleautoattack "echo autoattack; developer 0;"

maybe something like this? I'm not familiar with the dota commands, but im pretty sure if you use a +alias itll give it enough time to dev 1 and echo

i tried

//autoattack toggle
unbind "["
alias toggleautoattack "autoattack1"
alias autoattack1 "dota_player_units_auto_attack 1; echo autoattack on; alias toggleautoattack autoattack2"
alias autoattack2 "dota_player_units_auto_attack 0; echo autoattack off; alias toggleautoattack autoattack1"

alias +toggleautoattack "developer 1"
alias -toggleautoattack "toggleautoattack; developer 0"

bind "[" "+toggleautoattack"

if i put the toggle on the line with developer 1 it doesnt output anything, if I have it on the line with dev 0 it doesnt output anything on first press (and is always 'behind' one input)

[quote=irk][quote=2c]is there any way to echo dev1 out after changing a console command without waits?

I want to have a key in dota that is basically toggleautoattack on; echo autoattack on but I recall trying this before and it not working cause you cant turn developer 1 on and echo output and turn it off without waits

any workarounds?[/quote]

[code]alias +toggleautoattack "developer 1; toggleautoattack "
alias -toggleautoattack "echo autoattack; developer 0;"

maybe something like this? I'm not familiar with the dota commands, but im pretty sure if you use a +alias itll give it enough time to dev 1 and echo[/quote]

i tried

[code]//autoattack toggle
unbind "["
alias toggleautoattack "autoattack1"
alias autoattack1 "dota_player_units_auto_attack 1; echo autoattack on; alias toggleautoattack autoattack2"
alias autoattack2 "dota_player_units_auto_attack 0; echo autoattack off; alias toggleautoattack autoattack1"

alias +toggleautoattack "developer 1"
alias -toggleautoattack "toggleautoattack; developer 0"

bind "[" "+toggleautoattack"[/code]

if i put the toggle on the line with developer 1 it doesnt output anything, if I have it on the line with dev 0 it doesnt output anything on first press (and is always 'behind' one input)
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