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Origins of Your Name/Alias
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Audio88 is one of my favourite rappers


Audio88 is one of my favourite rappers

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tootles from peter pan/old guy from hook that lost his marbles
used to spell it toodlez cause changing letters make you hotshit
then changed it back to tootles but people pronounced it totles and i liked it


tootles from peter pan/old guy from hook that lost his marbles
used to spell it toodlez cause changing letters make you hotshit
then changed it back to tootles but people pronounced it totles and i liked it
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Howler with an A.
Searching on google found out that this nickname also means something like Kurdistan.

Howler with an A.
Searching on google found out that this nickname also means something like Kurdistan.
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I been using SpaceCadet for probably 20 years now. Started when I was playing online Duke Nukem/Doom tournaments and then moved on to Quake. I will likely never use another name.

I remember my dad giving me a box of his junk and said I could keep anything I wanted. Inside were lot of the patches kids would sew into a jacket and one of them said "SpaceCadet" with a bunch of stars around it. I liked it instantly and I have kept it ever since. It still sits on my computer desk to this day.

I been using SpaceCadet for probably 20 years now. Started when I was playing online Duke Nukem/Doom tournaments and then moved on to Quake. I will likely never use another name.

I remember my dad giving me a box of his junk and said I could keep anything I wanted. Inside were lot of the patches kids would sew into a jacket and one of them said "SpaceCadet" with a bunch of stars around it. I liked it instantly and I have kept it ever since. It still sits on my computer desk to this day.
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in like 2010 chose plob5 for mincraft for some strange reason since it rhymed with like my email at the time like blobman24 or some gay shit like that and have been using different forms of 'plob' since

in like 2010 chose plob5 for mincraft for some strange reason since it rhymed with like my email at the time like blobman24 or some gay shit like that and have been using different forms of 'plob' since
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When I started playing games online around the early days of Starcraft and TFC, I went by Celeborn, but often found that name to be already registered at places like battle.net so I needed a new one. At some point, I noticed everyone had names that were supposed to be intimidating or badass or at least try. So, I decided to think of the least intimidating and harmless name I could.
Plinko was the first thing that came to mind and it's kinda stuck for 15 years or so.

When I started playing games online around the early days of Starcraft and TFC, I went by Celeborn, but often found that name to be already registered at places like battle.net so I needed a new one. At some point, I noticed everyone had names that were supposed to be intimidating or badass or at least try. So, I decided to think of the least intimidating and harmless name I could.
Plinko was the first thing that came to mind and it's kinda stuck for 15 years or so.
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J.R.= my first and middle initial
Kraft= sounded cool at the time

J.R.= my first and middle initial
Kraft= sounded cool at the time
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Fang + y = fayng

Fang because I've always enjoyed vampire movies, and the y in there because I like adding y to things that dont need it. (e.g Fayced, Fayke)

Fang + y = fayng

Fang because I've always enjoyed vampire movies, and the y in there because I like adding y to things that dont need it. (e.g Fayced, Fayke)
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