Good, but I hate this kind of songs, so yeah
Sounds pretty awesome to me; for some reason, reminded me of Jeff Mangum even though the vocals really don't sound similar at all.
How about some weird Russian hippie music?
How about some weird Russian hippie music? [url=][/url]
i wasn't sure if that was safe to click but i took a leap of faith just for you, friend. it was okay i guess. lyrics are really important to me so i don't generally enjoy music in languages i don't understand unless it's really good music. that kind of wasn't tbh :\
also how does the lead singer of sublime remind of jeff mangum in the slightest lol
also how does the lead singer of sublime remind of jeff mangum in the slightest lol
Not really a The Strokes fan, so I was pretty surprised how this song turned out. It was really unique and interesting and while I can't say that I enjoyed the entire track thoroughly, there were definitely parts that stood out and were really nice to listen to.
this is cool. i dig the syncopated sample that drones on during the whole song and how everything sort of builds off of that. electronic stuff usually doesn't appeal to me but there's some rhythmically interesting stuff going on here that makes it really fun to listen to. thanks for posting.
i won't post a song so the user below me can comment on your track too. just felt like throwing my opinion out there anyway
i won't post a song so the user below me can comment on your track too. just felt like throwing my opinion out there anyway
dabesMusic was nice, couldn't understand what he was saying though
Not really my usual jam, but I can see the appeal. The melodic stuff at the start is kind of interesting. I don't know how to critique this because I don't really listen to the genre.
Not really my usual jam, but I can see the appeal. The melodic stuff at the start is kind of interesting. I don't know how to critique this because I don't really listen to the genre.
CryptoRayiner really my usual jam, but I can see the appeal. The melodic stuff at the start is kind of interesting. I don't know how to critique this because I don't really listen to the genre.
The instrumental part is superb, i extremely enjoyed it. but i was not too fond of the guy singing. i don't think he fits with the song
Not really my usual jam, but I can see the appeal. The melodic stuff at the start is kind of interesting. I don't know how to critique this because I don't really listen to the genre.[/quote]
The instrumental part is superb, i extremely enjoyed it. but i was not too fond of the guy singing. i don't think he fits with the song
not sure what you're talking about?
snowmine - columbus hasn't been posted before. at least, not in this page
as for your post:
again, good instrumental, but the guy singing completely ruins the song for me.
snowmine - columbus hasn't been posted before. at least, not in this page
as for your post:
[quote] [/quote]
again, good instrumental, but the guy singing completely ruins the song for me.
not a big fan. a little too fast and dance-y.
@crypto: the singer for that hookworm band sounds like he's trying really hard to be black francis from pixies but it's still pretty cool so thanks for sharing
not a big fan of jules's solo career. it's listenable but i think that's just because of his voice. kind of boring otherwise. thanks for sharing snowmine though, really laid back indie rock, gonna look into them.
@crypto: the singer for that hookworm band sounds like he's trying really hard to be black francis from pixies but it's still pretty cool so thanks for sharing
not a big fan of jules's solo career. it's listenable but i think that's just because of his voice. kind of boring otherwise. thanks for sharing snowmine though, really laid back indie rock, gonna look into them.
I liked the atmosphere in the song not really my genre tho[/quote]
I liked the atmosphere in the song not really my genre tho
It sounds good. I'm interested in other things this guy may have made. I'll look further into his stuff.[/quote]
It sounds good. I'm interested in other things this guy may have made. I'll look further into his stuff.
Pretty fun song, a lot of my friends who listen to metal hate on dragon force but I feel like the vocal stylings they have mix with their instrumentals really well. If I have a complaint its that they're songs all sound very similar to one another, but that might not hold up if I listened to them a bit more. I think the way he sings in this song really reminds me of like eye of the tiger but that just might be me? idk - I can understand if whoever listens to this gets turned off by the vocals (even though I love them ) but I really love this bands instrumentals so much - I can understand if whoever listens to this gets turned off by the vocals (even though I love them ) but I really love this bands instrumentals so much
I'm not really into screamo, but these vocals are a whole lot more bearable for me than most screamo bands. The song itself is cool, but I can never really get behind the super treble-y screechy guitar tones that the majority of screamo bands use and the lead being hard panned right just kind of hurts my ears. It's all preference, I guess.
Very chill and relaxing. I dig it.
was good until 0:15. then it just took a wrong turn and got weird, i don't know why so many bands do that....
thanks for sharing snowmine though, really laid back indie rock, gonna look into them.
np. i recently found about them in june, and i've been in love ever since. just try listening to this album if you liked columbus. there's not a song there that doesn't make me feel good
- [youtube][/youtube]
you know what? that's gonna be my contribution. just listen to snowmine - dialects album
[size=11]was good until [b][color=blue]0:15[/color][/b]. then it just took a wrong turn and got weird, i don't know why so many bands do that....[/size]
[quote=] [size=12][color=red][b]_obe[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12]thanks for sharing snowmine though, really laid back indie rock, gonna look into them.[/size][/quote]
[size=11]np. i recently found about them in june, and i've been in love ever since. just try listening to this album if you liked columbus. there's not a song there that doesn't make me feel good[/size]
[size=11][i]you know what? that's gonna be my contribution. just listen to snowmine - dialects album[/i][/size]
Doesn't really fit my current mood, but I like it.
Doesn't really fit my current mood, but I like it.
rage1Doesn't really fit my current mood, but I like it.
The vocals didn't interest me in the the slightest, but the guitar and drums I enjoyed.
it's rave so a bit repetitive[/quote]
The vocals didn't interest me in the the slightest, but the guitar and drums I enjoyed.
it's rave so a bit repetitive
mac's cool. his music brings the chill to any place and time in the world and his voice is really fun. i'm really burnt out on this song and mac demarco in general though, listened to him too much over the summer
Nice! I love the the smile sessions and that was a sweet cover. Cool take on the original.
i wouldn't mind that as a game background music while i'm playing, but it's definitely not the kind of song i'm up to listen.
ironically, this is another relaxing song
Moodprint x YellowStraps - Landscapes
i wouldn't mind that as a game background music while i'm playing, but it's definitely not the kind of song i'm up to listen.
ironically, this is another relaxing song
[url=]Moodprint x YellowStraps - Landscapes[/url]
Come on, TFTV, why the hell is this happening?
Ok, everyone's just downvoting each other.
Come on, TFTV, why the hell is this happening?
Ok, everyone's just downvoting each other.
oh, you didn't know? that's how the dynamic in this website works
people -frag someone that they don't agree with without actually voicing their opinions
in this case, someone criticizes the music you posted, and you -frag him because you like it and he doesn't.
this -frag system is also easy to spam, which open doors to trolls and just haters in general
it's not a ideology that encourages the use of rational thoughts, common sense, intelligence and social interaction. it's just a flawed structure, that benefits people who cannot actually perform none of the above.
examples are mostly demonstrated throughout the entire forum, in several threads.
oh, you didn't know? that's how the dynamic in this website works
people -frag someone that they don't agree with without actually voicing their opinions
in this case, someone criticizes the music you posted, and you -frag him because you like it and he doesn't.
this -frag system is also easy to spam, which open doors to trolls and just haters in general
it's not a ideology that encourages the use of rational thoughts, common sense, intelligence and social interaction. it's just a flawed structure, that benefits people who cannot actually perform none of the above.
examples are mostly demonstrated throughout the entire forum, in several threads.
I liked it, it was relaxing. It's a tossup between the 2 remixes for which one I liked most, because I really liked the outro of the second remix and I wasn't really a fan of the vocals of the song.
Also it's just 1 or 2 dudes -fragging every single post indiscriminately, don't lose sleep over it lol
I liked it, it was relaxing. It's a tossup between the 2 remixes for which one I liked most, because I really liked the outro of the second remix and I wasn't really a fan of the vocals of the song.
Also it's just 1 or 2 dudes -fragging every single post indiscriminately, don't lose sleep over it lol
relaxing song, indeed. but i'm afraid it's not my type of relaxing
not sure how i would word it without being somewhat rude but, i prefer a relaxing whilst grooving and bouncy type, not a relaxing to sleep music.
also, my comment was directed towards the frag system itself, and how it applies in the whole forum, not just this thread.
relaxing song, indeed. but i'm afraid it's not my type of relaxing
not sure how i would word it without being somewhat rude but, i prefer a relaxing whilst grooving and bouncy type, not a relaxing to sleep music.
also, my comment was directed towards the frag system itself, and how it applies in the whole forum, not just this thread.