~~~Updated April 6th, 2015~~~
In light of seeing Rhapsody's CFG thread I thought I send my file out to the public. I've put a decent amount of time into it.
I took the median output of 3 tests from each
M0re's fps config (I removed shadows and ragdolls to make our basically even)
2639 frames 12.157 seconds 217.08 fps ( 4.61 ms/f) 11.614 fps variability
Chris Max Frames with cl_threaded_bone_setup 1
2639 frames 12.085 seconds 218.36 fps ( 4.58 ms/f) 9.717 fps variability
2639 frames 11.478 seconds 229.91 fps ( 4.35 ms/f) 13.286 fps variability
Download WARNING unstable for Single/Dual/Tri Core CPUs
Launch Options I used
-dxlevel 81 -w xxxx -h xxxx -refresh xxx -novid -console -nod3d9ex
go ahead, pick it apart, and recommend settings. I'll try to update it. (and yes I put my name in it but kept most of chris's organization)
Other Files (I used these in all tests)
Harbls No Hat's Mod
No Hat's Mod Particle Effects remover (Very Few Unusual Effects remain)
Install Location for the .vpks
Remove Dust from Bullet Holes
Install Location for removing dust on bullet holes
Hud Elements
All hud elmemnts eat up frame rate, turning off commands like cl_showfps, net_graph 1/2/3/4 , Your Crosshair, any extra Hud Crosshairs should save you some if not a large amount of FPS (if it's net_graph 3/4)
From my experience fps_max on systems with good cooling tends to cause fairly bad input lag when you're consistently reaching your max. So if you have a Desktop with a fair amount of cooling you'll definitely want this turned off.
Now if you have a laptop or perhaps a desktop in an enclosed space where cooling is going to be an issue, a fps_max I would recommend otherwise you'll suffer from severe micro-stutters and slowly damage your equipment.
cl_threaded_bone_setup 1
basically this adds another thread to your cpu for the bone animations of models.
Please note that this command isn't stable on Singe/Dual/Tri-Core CPUs
r_queued_decals 1
has been reported as unstable mostly by AMD users.
Aspect Ratios
Resolutions don't matter so much in TF2 as TF2 is cpu limited but since their's descrepancies in the FOV of each aspect ratio they have different framerates.
The Benchmarks http://teamfortress.tv/thread/20172/my-fps-config#18
4:3 Lowest FOV, Highest FPS
16:10 Middleground for both
16:9 Highes FOV, Lowest FPS
Commands that improve FPS that I didn't add
hud_saytext_time 0 (Text Chat disabled) default is 12
voice_enable 0 (Voice Chat disabled) default is 1
hud_deathnotice_time 0 (removes the kill feed) default is 6
Didn't add them cause the FPS gain is small for something that is usually personal preference to have enabled. Their's a few more, but you'd probably only turn them off/on just to do a "absolute maximum benchmark".
Highest FPS to date (personal reminder)
2639 frames 11.083 seconds 238.11 fps ( 4.20 ms/f) 11.971 fps variability
4:3 Aspect Ratio, most recent CFG, hud_saytext_time 0, hud_deathnotice_time 0