Sick misplay on the draft, NiP. I hope they can beat out Fnatic on Inferno - Cache isn't really a possibility, imo.
emkaySick misplay on the draft, NiP. I hope they can beat out Fnatic on Inferno - Cache isn't really a possibility, imo.
They're doing alright on Cache right now
They're doing alright on Cache right now
emkaySick misplay on the draft, NiP. I hope they can beat out Fnatic on Inferno - Cache isn't really a possibility, imo.
NiP prob has a better shot at beating them on cache than inferno, which is fn's best map.
NiP prob has a better shot at beating them on cache than inferno, which is fn's best map.
Also, NiP beat LDLC pretty handily on Inferno at DHW, so I'm not sure that they're as bad on Inferno as it seems.
Fnatic should win, but we've learned it's hard to rule NiP out.
Fnatic should win, but we've learned it's hard to rule NiP out.
emkaySick misplay on the draft, NiP. I hope they can beat out Fnatic on Inferno - Cache isn't really a possibility, imo.
other way around they have to win cache and mirage
other way around they have to win cache and mirage
Look at olofmeister's awp name - boostmeister 2014 DH
Cache was the map that NiP had to win, not looking good for them that they could barely squeeze out a win. What did NiP ban that they left Inferno and Mirage in? Seems like they probably should have banned at least one of Fnatic's 2 best maps.
Nice throwing from JW and flusha this tourney. No matter who wins Dig LDLC the final will be awesome to watch
My heart almost failed about 10 times through the course of that BO3.
Turinflusha #2 in 2014
Apparently he forgot how to aim over the break
Apparently he forgot how to aim over the break
cajunb fuckin went huge on inferno, his entries combined with karrigan's super fast calls went large
potis it over?
second map of the bronze game is starting soon
second map of the bronze game is starting soon
oh it's not on twitch
For anyone that wants it
[url=]For anyone that wants it[/url]
Soupydignitas absolutely destroyed on nuke holy crap
I don't know how they let digs best map through the picking stage
I don't know how they let digs best map through the picking stage