( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nah, that's the platform everybody is gonna have because video games are evil and gaming is dead.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nah, that's the platform everybody is gonna have because video games are evil and gaming is dead.
GTA: San Andreas made me long for a black friend, they seem so cool
Every politician in office has railed against video games at some point - particularly those that have been in office since the 90's nobody is clean.
TBH I agree with Turin 2 families controlling the political spectrum is just sad. Also less than 50% of voters actually vote. If everybody voted we would have different candidates.
joejoe347Herman Cain pls come back.
any candidate who supports abortion rights and gay marriage can say goodbye to my vote o/
We all know who should really win.
I would laugh at American politics but then I realise that my countries' politics is a bunch of people jeering at each other in the weirdest way from across a room.