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Latest "update": 2018-10-12 (October 12nd, 2018).

mHUD is a HUD focused on having a clean, boxy aesthetic while maintaining a fair bit of the default HUD's layout.




Screenshots (some are outdated)

Direct DownloadGitHub

16:9 — Yes; looks best on 1280x720 and 1920x1080.
16:10 — No; minor overlapping in menus, in-game is fine.
4:3 — No; major overlapping in menus, in-game is fine (with 4:3 fixes).

Styles — Some visual customization to the in-game HUD can be made via #base in the clientscheme.res file.
Minmode — An option for those who might prefer the health/ammo in the corners, similar to the default HUD.
Custom Crosshairs — You may configure custom crosshairs and hitmarkers.

Some minor aspects of the HUD, such as the replay menu, are unfinished. I can not guarantee that I will work on those any time soon as I will be busy for a while, and I did not want to delay updating this HUD another year. However, I will be updating the HUD alongside major updates when they arrive.

A good chunk of the HUD is unfinished and will likely remain that way, too many things are hard-coded and it's frustrating not being able to make x change to y file. To anyone who ever has or does try the HUD: thank you.

Special thanks to everybody I have asked for help regarding HUDs.

Happy Team Fortressing.

[i]Latest "update": [b]2018-10-12[/b] (October 12nd, 2018).[/i]

mHUD is a HUD focused on having a clean, boxy aesthetic while maintaining a fair bit of the default HUD's layout.


[b]Screenshots[/b] (some are outdated)
[url=http://imgur.com/a/hcOFW]Menus[/url] — [url=http://imgur.com/a/KVHaw]In-Game[/url] — [url=http://imgur.com/a/1nYFt]Extras[/url]

[b][url=https://github.com/Marblr/mHUD/archive/master.zip]Direct Download[/url][/b] — [url=https://github.com/Marblr/mHUD]GitHub[/url]

16:9 — [b]Yes[/b]; looks best on 1280x720 and 1920x1080.
16:10 — [b]No[/b]; minor overlapping in menus, in-game is fine.
4:3 — [b]No[/b]; major overlapping in menus, in-game is fine (with 4:3 fixes).

[url=http://i.imgur.com/72VlEhl.png]Styles[/url] — Some visual customization to the in-game HUD can be made via #base in the clientscheme.res file.
[url=http://i.imgur.com/UpLSqSS.png]Minmode[/url] — An option for those who might prefer the health/ammo in the corners, similar to the default HUD.
[url=http://i.imgur.com/otThMjD.png]Custom Crosshairs[/url] — You may configure custom crosshairs and hitmarkers.

[s]Some minor aspects of the HUD, such as the replay menu, are unfinished. I can not guarantee that I will work on those any time soon as I will be busy for a while, and I did not want to delay updating this HUD another year. However, I will be updating the HUD alongside major updates when they arrive.[/s]

A good chunk of the HUD is unfinished and will likely remain that way, too many things are hard-coded and it's frustrating not being able to make x change to y file. To anyone who ever has or does try the HUD: thank you.

Special thanks to everybody I have asked for help regarding HUDs.

Happy Team Fortressing.
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This is probably the nicest looking hud I've seen in a long time.

Great job!

Edit: I'm not sure if it's just me, but imo the damage numbers look a bit odd without the - sign, maybe it's just because I'm so used to having one. I really like the font for the damage numbers though. Another thing I think you could consider is displaying the damage numbers somewhere on the hud as well, maybe in between the hp and ammo? idk. My favourite version of the hud is the blurry shadows one!

This is probably the nicest looking hud I've seen in a long time.

Great job!

Edit: I'm not sure if it's just me, but imo the damage numbers look a bit odd without the - sign, maybe it's just because I'm so used to having one. I really like the font for the damage numbers though. Another thing I think you could consider is displaying the damage numbers somewhere on the hud as well, maybe in between the hp and ammo? idk. My favourite version of the hud is the blurry shadows one!
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great font

great font
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getting a hudas vibe from this

getting a hudas vibe from this
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The return PogChamp
I'm so glad you worked on it after the huds.tf contest :D

The return PogChamp
I'm so glad you worked on it after the huds.tf contest :D
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Wow, this is a great hud, very thorough. I'd love some 16:10 support in the future for the menus but awesome job overall.

The only quip I have with it is the main menu. Something about it looks off, I think it might be the "Team Fortress 2" logo thing above the quickplay button. Maybe rework that somehow. Otherwise, I love it.

Wow, this is a great hud, very thorough. I'd love some 16:10 support in the future for the menus but awesome job overall.

The only quip I have with it is the main menu. Something about it looks off, I think it might be the "Team Fortress 2" logo thing above the quickplay button. Maybe rework that somehow. Otherwise, I love it.
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Coolvetica is a great font
I personally don't like huds with boxes in the ui but this looks good.

Coolvetica is a great font
I personally don't like huds with boxes in the ui but this looks good.
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i like it

i like it
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reminds me of yahud variations and hudas iscariote

reminds me of yahud variations and hudas iscariote
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it looks really nice nice job

it looks pretty much fine on 16:10 but i'd still dig a 16:10 update

it looks really nice nice job

it looks pretty much fine on 16:10 but i'd still dig a 16:10 update
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ik its been along time but glad you continued this hud after the contest :D

ik its been along time but glad you continued this hud after the contest :D
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SmesiCoolvetica is a great font
I personally don't like huds with boxes in the ui but this looks good.

Isn't there a no box style?

[quote=Smesi]Coolvetica is a great font
I personally don't like huds with boxes in the ui but this looks good.[/quote]

Isn't there a no box style?
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sooooo clean

sooooo clean
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i only want to see an overheal and lowhp screen to seal the deal. this hud looks superclean.

i only want to see an overheal and lowhp screen to seal the deal. this hud looks superclean.
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great looking hud, look forward to using it

great looking hud, look forward to using it
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looks very very good

looks very very good
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Really nice hud. Will give it a try! Well done! :)

Really nice hud. Will give it a try! Well done! :)
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please make it so that damage numbers have a "-" sign :)

please make it so that damage numbers have a "-" sign :)
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SolobeNCan anyone help me in turning off the damage indicators?
	"fieldName"				"HudDamageIndicator"
	"visible"				"0"	
	"enabled"				"0"
	"MinimumWidth"				"0"
	"MaximumWidth"				"0"
	"StartRadius"				"0"
	"EndRadius"				"0"
	"MinimumHeight"				"0"
	"MaximumHeight"				"0"
	"MinimumTime"				"0"

That should do it

#19 #21 I am working on both of those now

[quote=SolobeN]Can anyone help me in turning off the damage indicators?[/quote]

"fieldName" "HudDamageIndicator"
"visible" "0"
"enabled" "0"
"MinimumWidth" "0"
"MaximumWidth" "0"
"StartRadius" "0"
"EndRadius" "0"
"MinimumHeight" "0"
"MaximumHeight" "0"
"MinimumTime" "0"

That should do it

#19 #21 I am working on both of those now
1 Frags +

Would it be possible to have the box change color when your low/buffed instead of the number?

Would it be possible to have the box change color when your low/buffed instead of the number?
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"fieldName" "CDamageAccountPanel"
"text_x" "0"
"text_y" "0"
"delta_item_end_y" "0"
"PositiveColor" "mBlue"
"NegativeColor" "mWhite"
"delta_lifetime" "1.5"
"delta_item_font" "DamageSmall"
"delta_item_font_big" "DamageLarge"

That should put the "-" at the end of the damage numbers, it will make the numbers look different though


"fieldName" "CDamageAccountPanel"
"text_x" "0"
"text_y" "0"
"delta_item_end_y" "0"
"PositiveColor" "mBlue"
"NegativeColor" "mWhite"
"delta_lifetime" "1.5"
"delta_item_font" "DamageSmall"
"delta_item_font_big" "DamageLarge"

That should put the "-" at the end of the damage numbers, it will make the numbers look different though
0 Frags +
"fieldName" "CDamageAccountPanel"
"text_x" "0"
"text_y" "0"
"delta_item_end_y" "0"
"PositiveColor" "mBlue"
"NegativeColor" "mWhite"
"delta_lifetime" "1.5"
"delta_item_font" "DamageSmall"
"delta_item_font_big" "DamageLarge"

That should put the "-" at the end of the damage numbers, it will make the numbers look different though

ty <3


"fieldName" "CDamageAccountPanel"
"text_x" "0"
"text_y" "0"
"delta_item_end_y" "0"
"PositiveColor" "mBlue"
"NegativeColor" "mWhite"
"delta_lifetime" "1.5"
"delta_item_font" "DamageSmall"
"delta_item_font_big" "DamageLarge"

That should put the "-" at the end of the damage numbers, it will make the numbers look different though[/quote]

ty <3
0 Frags +

When I change classes they are shown as letters instead of the symbols and when I have full uber the second zero doesn't fit and there is a ... Great hud tho!
If it means anything, I'm on 1280x720

When I change classes they are shown as letters instead of the symbols and when I have full uber the second zero doesn't fit and there is a ... Great hud tho!
If it means anything, I'm on 1280x720
1 Frags +

I updated the HUD to support custom crosshairs and to fix the issue with damage numbers that camper mentioned. If neither of these fixes work, try installing or re-installing the fonts in resource/fonts. I've never used custom crosshairs personally so hopefully I've implemented them in an intuitive way.

#24 In the hudanimations file, go to the buffed health and low health sections and change all four parts that say "PlayerStatusHealthValue" to "PlayerHealthBG" and it should work, though it may look better with tweaked colors.

#27 Try going to the resource/fonts folder, selecting all the fonts, and installing them. If the fonts ever update in the future you'll have to install them again.

I updated the HUD to support custom crosshairs and to fix the issue with damage numbers that camper mentioned. If neither of these fixes work, try installing or re-installing the fonts in resource/fonts. I've never used custom crosshairs personally so hopefully I've implemented them in an intuitive way.

[b]#24[/b] In the hudanimations file, go to the buffed health and low health sections and change all four parts that say "[b]PlayerStatusHealthValue[/b]" to "[b]PlayerHealthBG[/b]" and it should work, though it may look better with tweaked colors.

[b]#27[/b] Try going to the resource/fonts folder, selecting all the fonts, and installing them. If the fonts ever update in the future you'll have to install them again.
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Marblr#24 In the hudanimations file, go to the buffed health and low health sections and change all four parts that say "PlayerStatusHealthValue" to "PlayerHealthBG" and it should work, though it may look better with tweaked colors.

For some reason it isn't working on for me.

Edit: I figured it out.

[quote=Marblr][b]#24[/b] In the hudanimations file, go to the buffed health and low health sections and change all four parts that say "[b]PlayerStatusHealthValue[/b]" to "[b]PlayerHealthBG[/b]" and it should work, though it may look better with tweaked colors.[/quote]
For some reason it isn't working on for me.

Edit: I figured it out.
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