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Vent your anger
posted in Off Topic
-2 Frags +

jordy if you read this ur a jew
if u dont ur still a jew

jordy if you read this ur a jew
if u dont ur still a jew
3 Frags +


-12 Frags +

Castro died :(
He was 90 but it is still sad to see him go.

Castro died :(
He was 90 but it is still sad to see him go.
-22 Frags +

tf.tv is rigged and only popular people get upfragged so i have resorted to shitposting because fuck it.
edit: you see what I mean :(

tf.tv is rigged and only popular people get upfragged so i have resorted to shitposting because fuck it.
edit: you see what I mean :(
19 Frags +

yea it's the system rigged, not your awful posts

yea it's the system rigged, not your awful posts
-26 Frags +

People are following me around downvoting everything I post because it's super funny! xd lul

People are following me around downvoting everything I post because it's super funny! xd lul
-26 Frags +

I know you'll want to see everything I post to downfrag it, but skip around the first 3 pages and you'll see that I haven't always been a shitposter.

I know you'll want to see everything I post to downfrag it, but skip around the first 3 pages and you'll see that I haven't always been a shitposter.
9 Frags +

you don't get to go on that retarded of a tangent without soaking up some -frags dude

you don't get to go on that retarded of a tangent without soaking up some -frags dude
7 Frags +
ScrewballCastro died :(
He was 90 but it is still sad to see him go.

Dude...do you even know what horrible things he did to the Cubans? There's a reason people were celebrating in the streets

Sorry but I have close friends of mine whose parents fled illegally from Cuba just to get away from that awful man, so this comes as a joy to those who have endured all the bad years under Castro

[quote=Screwball]Castro died :(
He was 90 but it is still sad to see him go.[/quote]

Dude...do you even know what horrible things he did to the Cubans? There's a reason people were celebrating in the streets

Sorry but I have close friends of mine whose parents fled illegally from Cuba just to get away from that awful man, so this comes as a joy to those who have endured all the bad years under Castro
-11 Frags +
KonceptScrewballCastro died :(
He was 90 but it is still sad to see him go.

Dude...do you even know what horrible things he did to the Cubans? There's a reason people were celebrating in the streets

The Cuban equivalent of Kulaks celebrating in Miami means less than nothing. Of course the ones that left didn't like it or else they wouldnt have left.

[quote=Koncept][quote=Screwball]Castro died :(
He was 90 but it is still sad to see him go.[/quote]

Dude...do you even know what horrible things he did to the Cubans? There's a reason people were celebrating in the streets[/quote]
The Cuban equivalent of Kulaks celebrating in Miami means less than nothing. Of course the ones that left didn't like it or else they wouldnt have left.
6 Frags +
ScrewballKonceptScrewballCastro died :(
He was 90 but it is still sad to see him go.

Dude...do you even know what horrible things he did to the Cubans? There's a reason people were celebrating in the streets
The Cuban equivalent of Kulaks celebrating in Miami means less than nothing. Of course the ones that left didn't like it or else they wouldnt have left.

Less than nothing? You do realize that Cubans make up a large percentage of Miami's population, right? I could type out for several hours about all the bad things that he's enforced on the Cuban people, but it wouldn't take more than reading a history book or watching a documentary on this to get informed on what he's done.

Sorry but I usually wouldn't argue with someone about world topics but Castro was one of if not the biggest names of Communists in the West. How you can be "sad to see him go" when he wanted to assist in the very destruction of the American way baffles me beyond belief.

[quote=Screwball][quote=Koncept][quote=Screwball]Castro died :(
He was 90 but it is still sad to see him go.[/quote]

Dude...do you even know what horrible things he did to the Cubans? There's a reason people were celebrating in the streets[/quote]
The Cuban equivalent of Kulaks celebrating in Miami means less than nothing. Of course the ones that left didn't like it or else they wouldnt have left.[/quote]

Less than nothing? You do realize that Cubans make up a large percentage of Miami's population, right? I could type out for several hours about all the bad things that he's enforced on the Cuban people, but it wouldn't take more than reading a history book or watching a documentary on this to get informed on what he's done.

Sorry but I usually wouldn't argue with someone about world topics but Castro was one of if not the biggest names of Communists in the West. How you can be "sad to see him go" when he wanted to assist in the very destruction of the American way baffles me beyond belief.
-7 Frags +
saamyou don't get to go on that retarded of a tangent without soaking up some -frags dude

Saying something dumb in one thread does not nullify the relevance of EVERY OTHER THING YOU HAVE EVER SAID

[quote=saam]you don't get to go on that retarded of a tangent without soaking up some -frags dude[/quote]
Saying something dumb in one thread does not nullify the relevance of EVERY OTHER THING YOU HAVE EVER SAID
5 Frags +


-6 Frags +
KonceptLess than nothing? You do realize that Cubans make up a large percentage of Miami's population, right? I could type out for several hours about all the bad things that he's enforced on the Cuban people, but it wouldn't take more than reading a history book or watching a documentary on this to get informed on what he's done.

I could type for hours about the bad things the US has enforced on the Cuban people, but it wouldn't take more than reading a history book or watching a documentary on this to get informed on what your country has done.

Sorry but I usually wouldn't argue with someone about world topics but Castro was one of if not the biggest names of Communists in the West. How you can be "sad to see him go" when he wanted to assist in the very destruction of the American way baffles me beyond belief.

You act like that's a bad thing. The "American way" is basically eating burgers, and bombing other countries for profit.

Less than nothing? You do realize that Cubans make up a large percentage of Miami's population, right? I could type out for several hours about all the bad things that he's enforced on the Cuban people, but it wouldn't take more than reading a history book or watching a documentary on this to get informed on what he's done.[/quote] I could type for hours about the bad things the US has enforced on the Cuban people, but it wouldn't take more than reading a history book or watching a documentary on this to get informed on what your country has done.

[quote] Sorry but I usually wouldn't argue with someone about world topics but Castro was one of if not the biggest names of Communists in the West. How you can be "sad to see him go" when he wanted to assist in the very destruction of the American way baffles me beyond belief.[/quote]
You act like that's a bad thing. The "American way" is basically eating burgers, and bombing other countries for profit.
1 Frags +
ScrewballYou act like that's a bad thing. The "American way" is basically eating burgers, and bombing other countries for profit.

get that /pol/ meme mentality outta ur head lol it's literally the most basic and bland stereotype available
im pissed that im probably gonna get a 3.0 on a chem lab class because I did the work for every lab+lab report bar one and I told my group members that they need to either give me the data or do the work themselves for the lab report, and they chose to do neither.
I woulda had a 3.8+ if not for other people

You act like that's a bad thing. The "American way" is basically eating burgers, and bombing other countries for profit.[/quote]
get that /pol/ meme mentality outta ur head lol it's literally the most basic and bland stereotype available
im pissed that im probably gonna get a 3.0 on a chem lab class because I did the work for every lab+lab report bar one and I told my group members that they need to either give me the data or do the work themselves for the lab report, and they chose to do neither.
I woulda had a 3.8+ if not for other people
-8 Frags +
unskilledjust let it go, frags don't even matter

That's why I shitpost

[quote=unskilled]just let it go, frags don't even matter[/quote]
That's why I shitpost
2 Frags +

the first part is the most obvious bait I've ever seen and you fell for it
the second part is I thought a 3.0 was good? Also, if you can't choose your lab partners that's plain stupid and I feel bad for you.

the first part is the most obvious bait I've ever seen and you fell for it
the second part is I thought a 3.0 was good? Also, if you can't choose your lab partners that's plain stupid and I feel bad for you.
0 Frags +

my professor just walked in on day one and said whoever you sit with you're staying with the whole semester. I didn't know anyone since I transferred to the college and this is my first semester, and when I asked him earlier he refused to allow me to change groups. I don't want a 3.0 because A) my tuition is being covered by some grants+family if I keep my gpa above 3.5 and B) I want to go to med school and don't want grades to be a thing that holds me back.

my professor just walked in on day one and said whoever you sit with you're staying with the whole semester. I didn't know anyone since I transferred to the college and this is my first semester, and when I asked him earlier he refused to allow me to change groups. I don't want a 3.0 because A) my tuition is being covered by some grants+family if I keep my gpa above 3.5 and B) I want to go to med school and don't want grades to be a thing that holds me back.
-6 Frags +
wtzfen_ScrewballYou act like that's a bad thing. The "American way" is basically eating burgers, and bombing other countries for profit.get that /pol/ meme mentality outta ur head lol it's literally the most basic and bland stereotype available
im pissed that im probably gonna get a 3.0 on a chem lab class because I did the work for every lab+lab report bar one and I told my group members that they need to either give me the data or do the work themselves for the lab report, and they chose to do neither.
I woulda had a 3.8+ if not for other people
the first part is the most obvious bait I've ever seen and you fell for it
the second part is I thought a 3.0 was good? Also, if you can't choose your lab partners that's plain stupid and I feel bad for you.

A 3.0 gpa won't get you into the college of your choice, if you're not trying to improve then you don't deserve the college of your dreams...but don't listen to me one of my posts was downfragged so everything I will ever say is irrelevant

You act like that's a bad thing. The "American way" is basically eating burgers, and bombing other countries for profit.[/quote]
get that /pol/ meme mentality outta ur head lol it's literally the most basic and bland stereotype available
im pissed that im probably gonna get a 3.0 on a chem lab class because I did the work for every lab+lab report bar one and I told my group members that they need to either give me the data or do the work themselves for the lab report, and they chose to do neither.
I woulda had a 3.8+ if not for other people[/quote]
the first part is the most obvious bait I've ever seen and you fell for it
the second part is I thought a 3.0 was good? Also, if you can't choose your lab partners that's plain stupid and I feel bad for you.[/quote]
A 3.0 gpa won't get you into the college of your choice, if you're not trying to improve then you don't deserve the college of your dreams...but don't listen to me one of my posts was downfragged so everything I will ever say is irrelevant
13 Frags +

Vulcan is so fucking stupid and I'm pissed that an administrator hasn't banned him for a day

Vulcan is so fucking stupid and I'm pissed that an administrator hasn't banned him for a day
-5 Frags +
aim-Vulcan is so fucking stupid and I'm pissed that an administrator hasn't banned him for a day


[quote=aim-]Vulcan is so fucking stupid and I'm pissed that an administrator hasn't banned him for a day[/quote]
4 Frags +
Vulcanunskilledjust let it go, frags don't even matterThat's why I shitpost

ah yes, the old idgaf I just do it I'm so random XD!
so the reason u make shit posts is because frags don't matter? that's the dumbest reason I've ever heard...

[quote=Vulcan][quote=unskilled]just let it go, frags don't even matter[/quote]
That's why I shitpost[/quote]
ah yes, the old idgaf I just do it I'm so random XD!
so the reason u make shit posts is because frags don't matter? that's the dumbest reason I've ever heard...
2 Frags +
Vulcanbut don't listen to me one of my posts was downfragged so everything I will ever say is irrelevant

I'm going to paraphrase but this is basically what you said earlier 'i don't care about upfrags'
why do u keep bringing it up

[quote=Vulcan]but don't listen to me one of my posts was downfragged so everything I will ever say is irrelevant[/quote]
I'm going to paraphrase but this is basically what you said earlier 'i don't care about upfrags'
why do u keep bringing it up
5 Frags +
Vulcanunskilledjust let it go, frags don't even matterThat's why I shitpost

pretending to be retarded isn't much better. (except i doubt you're pretending, your logic is completely backwards and for some reason you really care)

[quote=Vulcan][quote=unskilled]just let it go, frags don't even matter[/quote]
That's why I shitpost[/quote]

pretending to be retarded isn't much better. (except i doubt you're pretending, your logic is completely backwards and [b]for[/b] some reason [b]y[/b][i]o[/i]u [b]really[/b] care)
3 Frags +

im mad that vulcan exists still I just went through the last few things he's said. at least literally every other shitposter on this site has some flair or unique thought process to their shitposts, his is just a whiny 10 year old being sad someone doesnt like him for his objectively wrong views.

also i wouldnt be mad about my college class if this was me fucking up but like I said I did 95% of the work this semester for my group and they were too lazy to take 30 seconds and text me pics of their data. I think it's reasonable when my grade drops a considerable amount because we have almost no data for a lab report.

im mad that vulcan exists still I just went through the last few things he's said. at least literally every other shitposter on this site has some flair or unique thought process to their shitposts, his is just a whiny 10 year old being sad someone doesnt like him for his [b]objectively[/b] wrong views.

also i wouldnt be mad about my college class if this was me fucking up but like I said I did 95% of the work this semester for my group and they were too lazy to take 30 seconds and text me pics of their data. I think it's reasonable when my grade drops a considerable amount because we have almost no data for a lab report.
-4 Frags +
fen_im mad that vulcan exists still I just went through the last few things he's said. at least literally every other shitposter on this site has some flair or unique thought process to their shitposts, his is just a whiny 10 year old being sad someone doesnt like him for his objectively wrong views.

also i wouldnt be mad about my college class if this was me fucking up but like I said I did 95% of the work this semester for my group and they were too lazy to take 30 seconds and text me pics of their data. I think it's reasonable when my grade drops a considerable amount because we have almost no data for a lab report.

I wasn't disagreeing with you I was disagreeing with the guy who said a 3.0 is good
If my grade dropped for a factor that I had absolutely no control over I would be pretty pissed too

[quote=fen_]im mad that vulcan exists still I just went through the last few things he's said. at least literally every other shitposter on this site has some flair or unique thought process to their shitposts, his is just a whiny 10 year old being sad someone doesnt like him for his [b]objectively[/b] wrong views.

also i wouldnt be mad about my college class if this was me fucking up but like I said I did 95% of the work this semester for my group and they were too lazy to take 30 seconds and text me pics of their data. I think it's reasonable when my grade drops a considerable amount because we have almost no data for a lab report.[/quote]
I wasn't disagreeing with you I was disagreeing with the guy who said a 3.0 is good
If my grade dropped for a factor that I had absolutely no control over I would be pretty pissed too
-10 Frags +
wtzVulcanbut don't listen to me one of my posts was downfragged so everything I will ever say is irrelevantI'm going to paraphrase but this is basically what you said earlier 'i don't care about upfrags'
why do u keep bringing it up

Because people think that everything that I say is irrelevant because of an earlier shitpost

[quote=wtz][quote=Vulcan]but don't listen to me one of my posts was downfragged so everything I will ever say is irrelevant[/quote]
I'm going to paraphrase but this is basically what you said earlier 'i don't care about upfrags'
why do u keep bringing it up[/quote]
Because people think that everything that I say is irrelevant because of an earlier shitpost
7 Frags +
VulcanwtzVulcanbut don't listen to me one of my posts was downfragged so everything I will ever say is irrelevantI'm going to paraphrase but this is basically what you said earlier 'i don't care about upfrags'
why do u keep bringing it up
Because people think that everything that I say is irrelevant because of an earlier shitpost

Buddy all your posts end in some shitty remark that makes anything even slightly smart sound stupid. It's not 'earlier' when it keeps repeating.

[quote=Vulcan][quote=wtz][quote=Vulcan]but don't listen to me one of my posts was downfragged so everything I will ever say is irrelevant[/quote]
I'm going to paraphrase but this is basically what you said earlier 'i don't care about upfrags'
why do u keep bringing it up[/quote]
Because people think that everything that I say is irrelevant because of an earlier shitpost[/quote]
Buddy all your posts end in some shitty remark that makes anything even slightly smart sound stupid. It's not 'earlier' when it keeps repeating.
7 Frags +

i still wonder how hes able to keep 1/3rd of a star still with all these downfrags

i still wonder how hes able to keep 1/3rd of a star still with all these downfrags
-11 Frags +
PendjiVulcanwtzVulcanbut don't listen to me one of my posts was downfragged so everything I will ever say is irrelevantI'm going to paraphrase but this is basically what you said earlier 'i don't care about upfrags'
why do u keep bringing it up
Because people think that everything that I say is irrelevant because of an earlier shitpost
Buddy all your posts end in some shitty remark that makes anything even slightly smart sound stupid. It's not 'earlier' when it keeps repeating.

you need to finish your lurking buddy, not everything i've said is a shitpost

[quote=Pendji][quote=Vulcan][quote=wtz][quote=Vulcan]but don't listen to me one of my posts was downfragged so everything I will ever say is irrelevant[/quote]
I'm going to paraphrase but this is basically what you said earlier 'i don't care about upfrags'
why do u keep bringing it up[/quote]
Because people think that everything that I say is irrelevant because of an earlier shitpost[/quote]
Buddy all your posts end in some shitty remark that makes anything even slightly smart sound stupid. It's not 'earlier' when it keeps repeating.[/quote]
you need to finish your lurking buddy, not everything i've said is a shitpost
1 ⋅⋅ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ⋅⋅ 42
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