twiikuu's github. I'm assuming that's just the output for his bot in the faceit discord that says how many people are in queue/ongoing games
That's a page I made using the FACEIT API to display skill levels in games currently being played, showcasing that their matching algorithm was flawed. Turns out it also tells you what ranks before you have to accept match.
TwiiKuuThat's a page I made using the FACEIT API to display skill levels in games currently being played, showcasing that their matching algorithm was flawed. Turns out it also tells you what ranks before you have to accept match.
They didn't know it was flawd?
They didn't know it was flawd?
I have no clue, they confirmed that they acknowledged the MM flaw 1.5/2 weeks ago, and the code is more than 20 days old. Apparently there was no update yet.
We have released an update this morning with a new matching algorithm. The team balance should now be a lot better :)
AnAkkkWe have released an update this morning with a new matching algorithm. The team balance should now be a lot better :),220x200-bg,ffffff-pad,220x200,ffffff.u3.jpg
They also said they've read thru the big list of changes needed to make tournaments run better that I sent them and they're going to start working on it, high hopes for the FACEIT platform