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Gaming with a fractured wrist
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Hey lads. I recently fractured my right hand's wrist in an accident and am currently stuck in a cast for the next 5 weeks or so. I was pretty disappointed at first because I thought I wouldn't be able to play any TF2 for a while, but I tried and am actually able to aim decently enough to play Medic well, which is good enough for me. Only thing is I can only aim with my arm, so small aim adjustments done with the wrist are not possible for the time being.

I can still have fun like this, but I'm left wondering if it's even a good idea to even try and game with a fractured wrist in a cast. I don't want to do it if it'll prevent my wrist from healing properly and leave me worse off when the cast comes off... Any thoughts as to whether I can continue like this or should I just give it a break for now?

Hey lads. I recently fractured my right hand's wrist in an accident and am currently stuck in a cast for the next 5 weeks or so. I was pretty disappointed at first because I thought I wouldn't be able to play any TF2 for a while, but I tried and am actually able to aim decently enough to play Medic well, which is good enough for me. Only thing is I can only aim with my arm, so small aim adjustments done with the wrist are not possible for the time being.

I can still have fun like this, but I'm left wondering if it's even a good idea to even try and game with a fractured wrist in a cast. I don't want to do it if it'll prevent my wrist from healing properly and leave me worse off when the cast comes off... Any thoughts as to whether I can continue like this or should I just give it a break for now?
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The number one answer is to ask your doctor. I would guess that if it doesn't hurt to game then it's probably fine but I'd try to ask a professional.

The number one answer is to ask your doctor. I would guess that if it doesn't hurt to game then it's probably fine but I'd try to ask a professional.
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Play a few pugs and see how it goes. Only real way you see

Play a few pugs and see how it goes. Only real way you see
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tsarPlay a few pugs and see how it goes. Only real way you see

Already have and it's been alright. Obviously I can't move my aim around anywhere near as fast as I was able to before, and my arrow aim has been better, but I'm managing.

[quote=tsar]Play a few pugs and see how it goes. Only real way you see[/quote]

Already have and it's been alright. Obviously I can't move my aim around anywhere near as fast as I was able to before, and my arrow aim has been better, but I'm managing.
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use a controller :D

use a controller :D
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Konceptuse a controller :D

i think for a fractured wrist the cast will go around his palm, severely hindering any such attempts at Casual Gaming

[quote=Koncept]use a controller :D[/quote]

i think for a fractured wrist the cast will go around his palm, severely hindering any such attempts at Casual Gaming
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gemmKonceptuse a controller :D
i think for a fractured wrist the cast will go around his palm, severely hindering any such attempts at Casual Gaming

I have been able to use a controller to play Geometry Wars 3, but that game only requires use of the analog sticks and trigger buttons. If it were a bit more demanding (like say using a controller for a fighting game) I think I'd have a tougher time.

[quote=gemm][quote=Koncept]use a controller :D[/quote]

i think for a fractured wrist the cast will go around his palm, severely hindering any such attempts at Casual Gaming[/quote]

I have been able to use a controller to play Geometry Wars 3, but that game only requires use of the analog sticks and trigger buttons. If it were a bit more demanding (like say using a controller for a fighting game) I think I'd have a tougher time.
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Honestly, I think it's in your best interest to chill and let the wrist heal. Don't want risk anything happening to it while it's healing plus games can always wait.

Honestly, I think it's in your best interest to chill and let the wrist heal. Don't want risk anything happening to it while it's healing plus games can always wait.
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about a year ago i fractured my wrist and it was in a temporary cast for 2/3 weeks
i scrimmed less but for the most part it was fine and i still played tf2 a lot

it could be worse for you than me, and you should be cautious, but in all likelyhood youll be fine

about a year ago i fractured my wrist and it was in a temporary cast for 2/3 weeks
i scrimmed less but for the most part it was fine and i still played tf2 a lot

it could be worse for you than me, and you should be cautious, but in all likelyhood youll be fine
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switch to your left hand

switch to your left hand
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paging kaidus

paging kaidus
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i wouldn't because you are bending/curving the wrist and healing depends heavily on keeping it straight

i wouldn't because you are bending/curving the wrist and healing depends heavily on keeping it straight
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Probably should ask your doctor just to make sure, but I think it would be fine since your wrist is immobilized by the cast anyways and you're aiming with your arm. As long as there's no pain, it should be fine?

Probably should ask your doctor just to make sure, but I think it would be fine since your wrist is immobilized by the cast anyways and you're aiming with your arm. As long as there's no pain, it should be fine?
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Yeah, I'll ask my doctor to be 100% certain, but like some of you said it's probably safer to take things easy for now.

yttriumpaging kaidus
Show Content
Funnily enough I unboxed an unusual grenade launcher the same day I fractured my wrist. The connection definitely came to mind but I'm utter shite at demo
Yeah, I'll ask my doctor to be 100% certain, but like some of you said it's probably safer to take things easy for now.

[quote=yttrium]paging kaidus[/quote]
[spoiler]Funnily enough I unboxed an unusual grenade launcher the same day I fractured my wrist. The connection definitely came to mind but I'm utter shite at demo[/spoiler]
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A big misconception is that aiming with your arm is better than aiming with your wrist, this is false because when using a lower sensitivity, you must move your mouse more, meaning that you have to use your arm; as opposed to using a higher sensitivity and only needing your wrist. A lower sensitivity is better for aiming because it gives you more wiggle room, like if you hiccuped and your aim was on the enemy it would still be on the enemy with a lower sensitivity. If you want to aim with your arm i suggest lowering your sensitivity.

A big misconception is that aiming with your arm is better than aiming with your wrist, this is false because when using a lower sensitivity, you must move your mouse more, meaning that you have to use your arm; as opposed to using a higher sensitivity and only needing your wrist. A lower sensitivity is better for aiming because it gives you more wiggle room, like if you hiccuped and your aim was on the enemy it would still be on the enemy with a lower sensitivity. If you want to aim with your arm i suggest lowering your sensitivity.
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idk man midway through last season i broke my hand at dodger stadium after we lost the series. It was shitty and hurt like a bitch but i was able to play through it.

idk man midway through last season i broke my hand at dodger stadium after we lost the series. It was shitty and hurt like a bitch but i was able to play through it.
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