i know greenlight is a disaster but this game really needs all the love it can get
i know greenlight is a disaster but this game really needs all the love it can get
Can only find like 5 Russians playing instagib on 200+ ping servers, I don't know why it's so dead. It's the same thing as quake live with aircontrol.
It's like a CPMA remake with better weapon balance and yeah
Instead of making pellets in the center of the "shotgun" spread do more damage, they're in a randomly-rotated spiral
"grenade"s have deterministic bouncing too
Instead of making pellets in the center of the "shotgun" spread do more damage, they're in a randomly-rotated spiral
"grenade"s have deterministic bouncing too
if this game becomes popular i would be amazed, it's crazy hard to get into and hard to find populated servers but if you put some time and effort in it then it's really one of the greatest fps games out there.
#5 gabe admitted that greenlight didn't do what it was intended to, removing the filter between developers and players on steam. I think the problem is that instead it just shifted the bottleneck to a larger crowd with different judgment, but that doesn't mean it's not at all useful, because it's a fair supplement to valve's own processing.
If I'm right, Gabe wanted games on Greenlight to be 100% complete, but there are devs who put half completed games there, so that they would have a spot. Just a guess though.
If distance gets greenlit I don't give a fuck what else comes off it because I will have the crown jewel
#1 reason I dont play this game: it's never populated and not on steam
vote yes you mooks
vote yes you mooks
BLoodSire#1 reason I dont play this game: it's never populated and not on steam
vote yes you mooks
vote yes you mooks[/quote]
atmo"I'd probably never buy this"
That tapeworm guy.... *facedesk*
That tapeworm guy.... *facedesk*
Hey guys, bit of a bump, BUT THIS GAME NEEDS TO BE ON STEAM. Thanks, and if it gets greenlighted, I'll be trying to run a pug system for yall. Vote yes!
The only other game that deserves to be on steam as much as Warsow is Quake Live.
quake 3 is already on steam and quakelive runs in a browser did you consider that
oh totally, but q3a is dead except the promode community, and it'd be much more optimal to run it through steam, considering all of my other games are filed there
Played the game outside steam - really incredible job these guys have done, it's just a shame the player count is so low. If it comes to steam as F2P hopefully it will get attention and the player numbers it deserves.
Vote YES!!
Vote YES!!
Warsow is actually a very good game, but last I checked it was pretty dead. I would much rather play Quake Live, but having that CPM movement is always nice to go back to. :]