stop listening to melanin enriched music
SpyromancerOr just get creative like a normal high functioning drug user is supposed to, that's what getting high is there for.
Get into a high demand field and microdose your ass off on psychs, that shit runs the tech industry like nobody's business. Drugs are a tool just like any other: if all you do is hit people with a wrench, then by all means, get rid of that wrench pronto. If you use that wrench to build a car or some shit: keep using that wrench.
I was microdosed for a month. Would totally reccomend it.
Get into a high demand field and microdose your ass off on psychs, that shit runs the tech industry like nobody's business. Drugs are a tool just like any other: if all you do is hit people with a wrench, then by all means, get rid of that wrench pronto. If you use that wrench to build a car or some shit: keep using that wrench.[/quote]
I was microdosed for a month. Would totally reccomend it.
If you can stop getting fucked up every single day and just do them every once in a while, you'll be in a far better place. If you keep this shit up, it's going to lead you down a long dark road. Trust me, I am currently trying to pull myself out of a hole I've been digging myself in for the past 13 years. I am now 27 years old and haven't gone more than 2-3 days without getting fucked up on something since I was 14. It's because I've always suffered from depression and anxiety and I always needed an escape. It actually made things a lot worse and I actually hit rock bottom a few months ago and said enough was enough. I cut out all the drugs I was doing except weed and alcohol. I haven't smoked weed in almost a month now though but I'm still really struggling to cut out the alcohol. Just don't end up like me dude
lol bro ur just smoking weed are u fucking retarded acting like ur on some next shit u can smoke weed multiple times a day and still do anything if u cant handle kush dont try other drugs LOL and if its actually affecting u that much just stop smoking its not that fucking hard
dr1plol bro ur just smoking weed are u fucking retarded acting like ur on some next shit u can smoke weed multiple times a day and still do anything if u cant handle kush dont try other drugs LOL and if its actually affecting u that much just stop smoking its not that fucking hard
Reading your post makes me think you can't handle kush.
Reading your post makes me think you can't handle kush.
lol bro ur just smoking weed are u fucking retarded acting like ur on some next shit u can smoke weed multiple times a day and still do anything if u cant handle kush dont try other drugs LOL and if its actually affecting u that much just stop smoking its not that fucking hard
take it from someone who fits he description of what you just said you feel; the only option that is going to work long term is total sobriety.
you dont have to drop recreational substances entirely, but if you feel like you're developing a problem, try to limit yourself. my advice: only drink/smoke with friends.
The drug itself is not nearly as relevant as the intent preceding the action. Yeah you "want" to get to high but why? What are the triggers? This is crucial to understanding your addiction. It is the series of thoughts that you've manufactured in your head,which you've become accustomed to, that is what is the root of your addiction.
For example, let's say you're depressed and you've created a routine in which every time you feel depressed you want to get fucked up to make yourself feel better. If you're depressed often what do you think will happen?
The answer isn't "don't be depressed" or "stop wanting to get fucked up" but it's dealing with your depression head on instead of putting it off. Not saying it's easy, if you've been putting it off for a long time it's like looking in the mirror for the first time in 4 years and realizing you are, in fact, 400 lbs. Of course it could be anything; depression, loneliness, hurt pride, envy...
IMO a healthy way to look at drugs is to use them for celebration. Have you done something awesome recently? Awesome man roll a joint. This will tap into your reward system and will forge a new "series of thoughts" that will actually propel you in a direction you want to go. This isn't easy either as it requires discipline, no mental gymnastics, no "i just had a bad day" rationale. If you can't do that then cold turkey is the way to go.
hope this helps
For example, let's say you're depressed and you've created a routine in which every time you feel depressed you want to get fucked up to make yourself feel better. If you're depressed often what do you think will happen?
The answer isn't "don't be depressed" or "stop wanting to get fucked up" but it's dealing with your depression head on instead of putting it off. Not saying it's easy, if you've been putting it off for a long time it's like looking in the mirror for the first time in 4 years and realizing you are, in fact, 400 lbs. Of course it could be anything; depression, loneliness, hurt pride, envy...
IMO a healthy way to look at drugs is to use them for celebration. Have you done something awesome recently? Awesome man roll a joint. This will tap into your reward system and will forge a new "series of thoughts" that will actually propel you in a direction you want to go. This isn't easy either as it requires discipline, no mental gymnastics, no "i just had a bad day" rationale. If you can't do that then cold turkey is the way to go.
hope this helps
everyone who posted here to say "its just weed ha ha" or "actually you should be doing MORE drugs" needs to be banned