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favorite nitrome game
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found this website again after several years, forgot how fun these games are
what's ur favorite game

found this website again after several years, forgot how fun these games are
what's ur favorite game
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i used to play a lot of leap day on my phone

i used to play a lot of leap day on my phone
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alone: any rubble trouble game

with someone: twin shot or cave chaos

alone: any rubble trouble game

with someone: twin shot or cave chaos
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this was the shit back in the day
i remember being addicted to a game of theirs called final ninja
i also used to play one called snow drift cuz i thought it had a cool soundtrack
i'm getting a huge nostalgia trip from all this thanks for making this thread :-)

this was the shit back in the day
i remember being addicted to a game of theirs called final ninja
i also used to play one called snow drift cuz i thought it had a cool soundtrack
i'm getting a huge nostalgia trip from all this thanks for making this thread :-)
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i played nitrome's tetris a fuck load back in the day

played so much i could look at a wall and see tetris pieces, i could play a game in my mind and visually represent it on the wall

i played nitrome's tetris a fuck load back in the day

played so much i could look at a wall and see tetris pieces, i could play a game in my mind and visually represent it on the wall
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used to play this with my cousins all the time, fun game

used to play this with my cousins all the time, fun game
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Final ninja 2

Final ninja 2
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mutiny is the best game, no question. anyone play strike force heroes, the third one is a real bummer and disappointment.

mutiny is the best game, no question. anyone play strike force heroes, the third one is a real bummer and disappointment.
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I went through the list to remember of a game that I used to play a lot and I realised I used to play a lot of these games a lot, nitrome has a lot of good shit.

I went through the list to remember of a game that I used to play a lot and I realised I used to play a lot of these games a lot, nitrome has a lot of good shit.
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oh man you're bringing the memories back, nitrome made such great flash games

the rubble trouble ones were my favourite

oh man you're bringing the memories back, nitrome made such great flash games

the rubble trouble ones were my favourite
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Multiplayer: Mutiny
Alone: Parasite

Multiplayer: Mutiny
Alone: Parasite
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mutiny or final ninja

mutiny or final ninja
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