Richard Lewis is at the dreamhack CSGO tourney and started talking with dreamboat
Had no idea Lewis used to play comp tf2
Richard Lewis is at the dreamhack CSGO tourney and started talking with dreamboat
Had no idea Lewis used to play comp tf2
scopeWho's Richard Lewis?
esports journalist
scopeWho's Richard Lewis?
(VERY) well known and respected eSports reporter. Very honest about the things that he covers on his show (how you interpret his delivery of those topics can change from person to person) but I never new that he played TF2. I guess you can always learn something new each day
The scene was clearly hurt to a degree it never had been before by the migration of OW players, so I guess I can see why people on the outside think the scene is gone, but--man, it's just not dead yet.
botmodescopeWho's Richard Lewis?esports journalist
i wonder if the pros from other scenes think the same way. pretty embarrassing for esports in general when people are involved in a videogame, pro players and journalist alike, purely for the money while they'd much rather be playing something else.
"part 2" of the convo
syphDreamboat didn't disagree about tf2 dying off :(
Sorry :(
Re4litystreet hoops esports shirt PogChamp
For the 2 days I'm not casting I'll be repping TF2 shirts, 20b today, TOTH tomorrow!
recruitdreamboat <3
Ran into Richard again today, he was amazed by the response, from tweets to me saying how it even ended up on tftv forums.
He's right too, this community is amazing.