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10 Frags +
AlexandrosSpritehttps://plays.tv/s/LSp0ThOh5iTS rktman is PISSED
who is saltier, saltysally1 or rktman?

thats all sally comms tbh, just pure saltness.

[quote=Alexandros][quote=Sprite]https://plays.tv/s/LSp0ThOh5iTS rktman is PISSED[/quote]

who is saltier, saltysally1 or rktman?[/quote]
thats all sally comms tbh, just pure saltness.
27 Frags +

holy fuck

sprite and mustard those clips are a fucking GOLD MINE

holy fuck

sprite and mustard those clips are a fucking GOLD MINE
43 Frags +

fygg does this with literally everyone, not just alto or whatever his name is. he communicates next to nothing and blames every other player but himself for mistakes, pretty annoying to deal with and he is not fun to play with.

if alto got cut, the wrong person was cut.

fygg does this with literally everyone, not just alto or whatever his name is. he communicates next to nothing and blames every other player but himself for mistakes, pretty annoying to deal with and he is not fun to play with.

if alto got cut, the wrong person was cut.
-20 Frags +


-38 Frags +

yin: fuck you
.-.: ?
yin: fuck me
yin: please
yin: hey
yin: im desperate
.-.: desperate for what
yin: you
yin: wait is this fygg
.-.: yeah
yin: oh fuck i thought this was n3
.-.: .-.
yin: huh?!

from be

yin: fuck you
.-.: ?
yin: fuck me
yin: please
yin: hey
yin: im desperate
.-.: desperate for what
yin: you
yin: wait is this fygg
.-.: yeah
yin: oh fuck i thought this was n3
.-.: .-.
yin: huh?!

from be
24 Frags +


53 Frags +
fyggfrom be

it was a joke you did the exact same thing, and this just proves what I said, anytime you're faced with criticism, you shutdown and find the nearest thing you can to distract from how much of a piece of shit you are to anyone outside of your little circlejerk. it's fucking pathetic and you have never changed even if you call your friends to defend you, get your circlejerk to down frag this post so the truth can be kept a secret time after time.

edit: also, unskilled, it isn't a matter of game mode, it's a matter of not being a prick where you don't have to be, that's so ridiculous of you to say, he admits it maybe, but that doesn't stop him from yelling and abusing every player he is discontent with. lmao.

from be[/quote]

it was a joke you did the exact same thing, and this just proves what I said, anytime you're faced with criticism, you shutdown and find the nearest thing you can to distract from how much of a piece of shit you are to anyone outside of your little circlejerk. it's fucking pathetic and you have never changed even if you call your friends to defend you, get your circlejerk to down frag this post so the truth can be kept a secret time after time.

edit: also, unskilled, it isn't a matter of game mode, it's a matter of not being a prick where you don't have to be, that's so ridiculous of you to say, he admits it maybe, but that doesn't stop him from yelling and abusing every player he is discontent with. lmao.
44 Frags +


18 Frags +

Imagine being THIS toxic playing HIGHLANDER

Imagine being THIS toxic playing HIGHLANDER
29 Frags +

why is there drama in the stream highlights thread

save this shit for the open thread

why is there drama in the stream highlights thread

save this shit for the open thread
8 Frags +

being a nice person is not hard

being a nice person is not hard
11 Frags +

why can't we all be friends :)

why can't we all be friends :)
-13 Frags +
charisfubeing a nice person is not hard


[quote=charisfu]being a nice person is not hard[/quote]
5 Frags +
viperwhy is there drama in the stream highlights thread

save this shit for the open thread

It's highlander tho
doesnt belong in the open thread

[quote=viper]why is there drama in the stream highlights thread

save this shit for the open thread[/quote]
It's highlander tho
doesnt belong in the open thread
29 Frags +


37 Frags +


Tried gfycat but it wouldn't upload


Tried gfycat but it wouldn't upload
13 Frags +
unskilledi don't know if that's fully true
fyg doesn't always talk (sometimes doesn't make the important call) but when fyg makes a mistake she does admit it... atleast in 6s


[quote=unskilled]i don't know if that's fully true
fyg doesn't always talk (sometimes doesn't make the important call) but when fyg makes a mistake she does admit it... atleast in 6s[/quote]
30 Frags +

oh boy


oh boy
16 Frags +
oh boy

Fygg sounded a lot like a male in those clips tbh


oh boy[/quote]
Fygg sounded a lot like a male in those clips tbh
-4 Frags +
Spritehttps://plays.tv/s/LSp0ThOh5iTS rktman is PISSED


[quote=Sprite]https://plays.tv/s/LSp0ThOh5iTS rktman is PISSED[/quote]
49 Frags +
Spritehttps://plays.tv/s/LSp0ThOh5iTS rktman is PISSED

friendly reminder

saltysally is a grown ass man

time to consider a new hobby my man

[quote=Sprite]https://plays.tv/s/LSp0ThOh5iTS rktman is PISSED[/quote]

friendly reminder

saltysally is a grown ass man

time to consider a new hobby my man
-8 Frags +
scopeunskilledi don't know if that's fully true
fyg doesn't always talk (sometimes doesn't make the important call) but when fyg makes a mistake she does admit it... atleast in 6s

he is potentially thinking of figsy idk

[quote=scope][quote=unskilled]i don't know if that's fully true
fyg doesn't always talk (sometimes doesn't make the important call) but when fyg makes a mistake she does admit it... atleast in 6s[/quote]
he is potentially thinking of figsy idk
19 Frags +
Spritehttps://plays.tv/s/LSp0ThOh5iTS rktman is PISSED

I'm pretty sure I heard someone say "just pop it" or something similar in the first few seconds of the clip so rkt shouldn't be getting flamed for using there lol

[quote=Sprite]https://plays.tv/s/LSp0ThOh5iTS rktman is PISSED[/quote]
I'm pretty sure I heard someone say "just pop it" or something similar in the first few seconds of the clip so rkt shouldn't be getting flamed for using there lol
16 Frags +


11 Frags +
knuckSpritehttps://plays.tv/s/LSp0ThOh5iTS rktman is PISSED
friendly reminder

saltysally is a grown ass man

time to consider a new hobby my man

he has been the same way for 4+ years now. imagine consistently getting mad at a medium designed for fun for THAT long.....

[quote=knuck][quote=Sprite]https://plays.tv/s/LSp0ThOh5iTS rktman is PISSED[/quote]

friendly reminder

saltysally is a grown ass man

time to consider a new hobby my man[/quote]

he has been the same way for 4+ years now. imagine consistently getting mad at a medium designed for fun for THAT long.....
22 Frags +
scopeunskilledi don't know if that's fully true
fyg doesn't always talk (sometimes doesn't make the important call) but when fyg makes a mistake she does admit it... atleast in 6s

Fygg has a pingas

[quote=scope][quote=unskilled]i don't know if that's fully true
fyg doesn't always talk (sometimes doesn't make the important call) but when fyg makes a mistake she does admit it... atleast in 6s[/quote]

Fygg has a pingas
31 Frags +


48 Frags +


11 Frags +

some stupid shit from a pug yesterday

some stupid shit from a pug yesterday
15 Frags +

"na players"



"na players"

1 ⋅⋅ 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 ⋅⋅ 447
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