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Catalan independence
posted in World Events
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http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-41780116 :)

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-41783289 :(

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-41780116 :)

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-41783289 :(
33 Frags +

Catalonia flag on tftv when?

Catalonia flag on tftv when?
1 Frags +

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-41780116 :(

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-41783289 :)

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-41780116 :(

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-41783289 :)
-1 Frags +

This could only end well in a peaceful manner

This could only end well in a peaceful manner
25 Frags +

oh my mum shops at matalan good for them

oh my mum shops at matalan good for them
-1 Frags +

Last time it happened was in 1934 and this https://imgur.com/a/CrIN8 was the conclusion
Let's wait a bit

Last time it happened was in 1934 and this https://imgur.com/a/CrIN8 was the conclusion
Let's wait a bit
61 Frags +


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All peoples have the right to self-determination. I wish them luck.

All peoples have the right to self-determination. I wish them luck.
25 Frags +

i predict a 0% chance of this working out well for anyone directly involved

i predict a 0% chance of this working out well for anyone directly involved
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wheres orwell when you need him

wheres orwell when you need him
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this should be fun to watch over the next few weeks/months

this should be fun to watch over the next few weeks/months
4 Frags +

catalan vs spain world cup final

catalan vs spain world cup final
32 Frags +
ScrewballAll peoples have the right to self-determination. I wish them luck.

it seems that many foreigners think ALL catalans want to leave spain
its more of a 50-50 (approximatelly), the society is very divided in cataluña right now.
doesnt help that the vote was absolute bogus and you could vote 4 times or without even being a catalan citizen, and there were cases of villages of 500 that counted 1000 votes... less reliable than a strawpoll

[quote=Screwball]All peoples have the right to self-determination. I wish them luck.[/quote]
it seems that many foreigners think ALL catalans want to leave spain
its more of a 50-50 (approximatelly), the society is very divided in cataluña right now.
doesnt help that the vote was absolute bogus and you could [url=https://www.ecestaticos.com/image/clipping/654/c41cbdab77614b3b381389578670a78a/vota-cuatro-veces.jpg]vote 4 times[/url] or without even being a catalan citizen, and there were cases of villages of 500 that counted 1000 votes... less reliable than a strawpoll
6 Frags +

Without knowing the socio-politically reasons behind this independence drive aside from a bit of reading, this seems to weight heavily on the President of the Catalan Parliament being ousted. This comes either from the local constabulary enforcing either the Spanish governments direct rule or the Local governments self-declared independence.

My guess is there the only violence that will occur from this will be from protesters and police.

Without knowing the socio-politically reasons behind this independence drive aside from a bit of reading, this seems to weight heavily on the President of the Catalan Parliament being ousted. This comes either from the local constabulary enforcing either the Spanish governments direct rule or the Local governments self-declared independence.

My guess is there the only violence that will occur from this will be from protesters and police.
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-12 Frags +
neekotheir referendum is illegal, spanish people own the whole spanish territory meaning a part of the population can't decide the fate of part of the territory, that's how national sovereignty is defined in the constitution and it's what they did hence it was ruled illegal but they still did it anyway. catalonia has had the most cases of corruption and over the years catalan govt has had a campaign of indoctrination of children in schools making them sing catalan "anthem", fabricating their own history apart from spanish history, discriminating against/threatening kids whose parents are guardia civil/spanish police and developing this mentality in the youth that they need to hate spain and that spain is "robbing" from them, booing the spanish anthem during soccer games infront of el rey (when barcelona has players like iniesta who AREN'T catalan but from other regions) etc. basically even though secessionists are a slight majority in their parliament, they have consistently tried to silence more than half of the population who have strong feelings about unity of spain. people who aren't catalan have a hard time finding jobs there because they will either discriminate against non catalans or because they dont speak their language. They treat spaniards like foreigners, Oriol Junqueras who was the leader of Catalonia's main pro-independence party literally tried to claim catalans have superior genetics and closer to french while the rest of Spaniards are closer to portugal and africans. They expect sympathy from the basque who really suffered oppression during franco but they wont receive any from us, they spread lies and claimed over 800 people reported wounded by police but they were actually "attended to" because of anxiety attacks and stuff, actually hospitalized people were 2 to 10 for minor wounds, not to mention at the polls and protest they were throwing items at the police and spitting in their faces and yelling when just a bit ago they praised them when the spanish civil guard came to help during the terrorist attack in barcelona.

Over 70 years of oppression ≠ independence? Catalonia has a massive GDP, they will be perfect on their own.
Go back to /pol you little kid.

[quote=neeko]their referendum is illegal, spanish people own the whole spanish territory meaning a part of the population can't decide the fate of part of the territory, that's how national sovereignty is defined in the constitution and it's what they did hence it was ruled illegal but they still did it anyway. catalonia has had the most cases of corruption and over the years catalan govt has had a campaign of indoctrination of children in schools making them sing catalan "anthem", fabricating their own history apart from spanish history, discriminating against/threatening kids whose parents are guardia civil/spanish police and developing this mentality in the youth that they need to hate spain and that spain is "robbing" from them, booing the spanish anthem during soccer games infront of el rey (when barcelona has players like iniesta who AREN'T catalan but from other regions) etc. basically even though secessionists are a slight majority in their parliament, they have consistently tried to silence more than half of the population who have strong feelings about unity of spain. people who aren't catalan have a hard time finding jobs there because they will either discriminate against non catalans or because they dont speak their language. They treat spaniards like foreigners, Oriol Junqueras who was the leader of Catalonia's main pro-independence party literally tried to claim catalans have superior genetics and closer to french while the rest of Spaniards are closer to portugal and africans. They expect sympathy from the basque who really suffered oppression during franco but they wont receive any from us, they spread lies and claimed over 800 people reported wounded by police but they were actually "attended to" because of anxiety attacks and stuff, actually hospitalized people were 2 to 10 for minor wounds, not to mention at the polls and protest they were throwing items at the police and spitting in their faces and yelling when just a bit ago they praised them when the spanish civil guard came to help during the terrorist attack in barcelona.[/quote]

Over 70 years of oppression ≠ independence? Catalonia has a massive GDP, they will be perfect on their own.
Go back to /pol you little kid.
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To provide further context, the general consensus from the catalonians in favour of independence is that the people in the south (Andalucia) are lazy idiots who dont feel like working, and that their tax money should be spent on catalonia, not the lazy andalucians. Catalonia is a major contributor to the spanish economy, and neither side can afford to lose the other.

The general perception that andalusians are lazy is just as valid as the idea that all polish people hope to leech of british society-it's simply overgeneralizing to antagonize a foreign scapegoat.
There are many places in Andalucia that absolutely are shitholes. I distinctly remember that the police force in La Linea (the spanish town on the other side of Gibraltar) had to take the bus, simply because they didn't have enough money to have police cars. This deffinately isn't a one off case either.
What's most frustrating is that this situation is so nuanced it's almost impossible to actually apply yourself to the situation without having lived it for years, and even then it is extremely challenging to do so.

To provide further context, the general consensus from the catalonians in favour of independence is that the people in the south (Andalucia) are lazy idiots who dont feel like working, and that their tax money should be spent on catalonia, not the lazy andalucians. Catalonia is a major contributor to the spanish economy, and neither side can afford to lose the other.

The general perception that andalusians are lazy is just as valid as the idea that all polish people hope to leech of british society-it's simply overgeneralizing to antagonize a foreign scapegoat.
There are many places in Andalucia that absolutely are shitholes. I distinctly remember that the police force in La Linea (the spanish town on the other side of Gibraltar) had to take the bus, simply because they didn't have enough money to have police cars. This deffinately isn't a one off case either.
What's most frustrating is that this situation is so nuanced it's almost impossible to actually apply yourself to the situation without having lived it for years, and even then it is extremely challenging to do so.
9 Frags +
WandumTo provide further context, the general consensus from the catalonians in favour of independence is that the people in the south (Andalucia) are lazy idiots who dont feel like working, and that their tax money should be spent on catalonia, not the lazy andalucians. Catalonia is a major contributor to the spanish economy, and neither side can afford to lose the other.

The general perception that andalusians are lazy is just as valid as the idea that all polish people hope to leech of british society-it's simply overgeneralizing to antagonize a foreign scapegoat.
There are many places in Andalucia that absolutely are shitholes. I distinctly remember that the police force in La Linea (the spanish town on the other side of Gibraltar) had to take the bus, simply because they didn't have enough money to have police cars. This deffinately isn't a one off case either.
What's most frustrating is that this situation is so nuanced it's almost impossible to actually apply yourself to the situation without having lived it for years, and even then it is extremely challenging to do so.

You are disgusting.

There are lazy people everywhere and some Andalusians work their asses harder than Catalonians, the opposite also applies of course.
Did you know that Catalonia is actually what it is today because of Andalusia and its people? During Franco's regime many (actually a LOT) Andalusians migrated to Catalonia, the same period when Franco created a lot of public industry and placed their headquarters in Barcelona.

If you ask a lot of people from Catalonia, they will probably tell you that their grandparents are/were Andalusians and with your post you're neglecting the hard work of a really important generation that went to other region and actually helped it to grow and become what it is today.

EDIT: And Andalusia not being able to economically prospere is on our own politicians to blame, due to corruption and the same political party ruling the region unopposed since the 70s

[quote=Wandum]To provide further context, the general consensus from the catalonians in favour of independence is that the people in the south (Andalucia) are lazy idiots who dont feel like working, and that their tax money should be spent on catalonia, not the lazy andalucians. Catalonia is a major contributor to the spanish economy, and neither side can afford to lose the other.

The general perception that andalusians are lazy is just as valid as the idea that all polish people hope to leech of british society-it's simply overgeneralizing to antagonize a foreign scapegoat.
There are many places in Andalucia that absolutely are shitholes. I distinctly remember that the police force in La Linea (the spanish town on the other side of Gibraltar) had to take the bus, simply because they didn't have enough money to have police cars. This deffinately isn't a one off case either.
What's most frustrating is that this situation is so nuanced it's almost impossible to actually apply yourself to the situation without having lived it for years, and even then it is extremely challenging to do so.[/quote]

You are disgusting.

There are lazy people everywhere and some Andalusians work their asses harder than Catalonians, the opposite also applies of course.
Did you know that Catalonia is actually what it is today because of Andalusia and its people? During Franco's regime many (actually a LOT) Andalusians migrated to Catalonia, the same period when Franco created a lot of public industry and placed their headquarters in Barcelona.

If you ask a lot of people from Catalonia, they will probably tell you that their grandparents are/were Andalusians and with your post you're neglecting the hard work of a really important generation that went to other region and actually helped it to grow and become what it is today.

EDIT: And Andalusia not being able to economically prospere is on our own politicians to blame, due to corruption and the same political party ruling the region unopposed since the 70s
8 Frags +
neekotheir referendum is illegal, spanish people own the whole spanish territory meaning a part of the population can't decide the fate of part of the territory, that's how national sovereignty is defined in the constitution and it's what they did hence it was ruled illegal but they still did it anyway. catalonia has had the most cases of corruption and over the years catalan govt has had a campaign of indoctrination of children in schools making them sing catalan "anthem", fabricating their own history apart from spanish history, discriminating against/threatening kids whose parents are guardia civil/spanish police and developing this mentality in the youth that they need to hate spain and that spain is "robbing" from them, booing the spanish anthem during soccer games infront of el rey (when barcelona has players like iniesta who AREN'T catalan but from other regions) etc. basically even though secessionists are a slight majority in their parliament, they have consistently tried to silence more than half of the population who have strong feelings about unity of spain. people who aren't catalan have a hard time finding jobs there because they will either discriminate against non catalans or because they dont speak their language. They treat spaniards like foreigners, Oriol Junqueras who was the leader of Catalonia's main pro-independence party literally tried to claim catalans have superior genetics and closer to french while the rest of Spaniards are closer to portugal and africans. They expect sympathy from the basque who really suffered oppression during franco but they wont receive any from us, they spread lies and claimed over 800 people reported wounded by police but they were actually "attended to" because of anxiety attacks and stuff, actually hospitalized people were 2 to 10 for minor wounds, not to mention at the polls and protest they were throwing items at the police and spitting in their faces and yelling when just a bit ago they praised them when the spanish civil guard came to help during the terrorist attack in barcelona.

I'm catalan and while i'm not pro-independence, all you said is some absolute bullshit. On the streets pretty much everyone talks in spanish and we do not alienate people from outside catalonia at all, we wouldn't know most of the times if someone is from outside unless they have a really damn marked accent because in this region there's also a lot of different accents. Half my class is formed by people who are not catalans and guess what, no one fucking cares. Same for employment and all the bullshit you just spewed. I still have to hear anything about "800 people reported wounded by police" and fucking live where most of the altercations happened.

[quote=neeko]their referendum is illegal, spanish people own the whole spanish territory meaning a part of the population can't decide the fate of part of the territory, that's how national sovereignty is defined in the constitution and it's what they did hence it was ruled illegal but they still did it anyway. catalonia has had the most cases of corruption and over the years catalan govt has had a campaign of indoctrination of children in schools making them sing catalan "anthem", fabricating their own history apart from spanish history, discriminating against/threatening kids whose parents are guardia civil/spanish police and developing this mentality in the youth that they need to hate spain and that spain is "robbing" from them, booing the spanish anthem during soccer games infront of el rey (when barcelona has players like iniesta who AREN'T catalan but from other regions) etc. basically even though secessionists are a slight majority in their parliament, they have consistently tried to silence more than half of the population who have strong feelings about unity of spain. people who aren't catalan have a hard time finding jobs there because they will either discriminate against non catalans or because they dont speak their language. They treat spaniards like foreigners, Oriol Junqueras who was the leader of Catalonia's main pro-independence party literally tried to claim catalans have superior genetics and closer to french while the rest of Spaniards are closer to portugal and africans. They expect sympathy from the basque who really suffered oppression during franco but they wont receive any from us, they spread lies and claimed over 800 people reported wounded by police but they were actually "attended to" because of anxiety attacks and stuff, actually hospitalized people were 2 to 10 for minor wounds, not to mention at the polls and protest they were throwing items at the police and spitting in their faces and yelling when just a bit ago they praised them when the spanish civil guard came to help during the terrorist attack in barcelona.[/quote]
I'm catalan and while i'm not pro-independence, all you said is some absolute bullshit. On the streets pretty much everyone talks in spanish and we do not alienate people from outside catalonia at all, we wouldn't know most of the times if someone is from outside unless they have a really damn marked accent because in this region there's also a lot of different accents. Half my class is formed by people who are not catalans and guess what, no one fucking cares. Same for employment and all the bullshit you just spewed. I still have to hear anything about "800 people reported wounded by police" and fucking live where most of the altercations happened.
-2 Frags +
neekotheir referendum is illegal, spanish people own the whole spanish territory meaning a part of the population can't decide the fate of part of the territory, that's how national sovereignty is defined in the constitution and it's what they did hence it was ruled illegal but they still did it anyway. catalonia has had the most cases of corruption and over the years catalan govt has had a campaign of indoctrination of children in schools making them sing catalan "anthem", fabricating their own history apart from spanish history, discriminating against/threatening kids whose parents are guardia civil/spanish police and developing this mentality in the youth that they need to hate spain and that spain is "robbing" from them, booing the spanish anthem during soccer games infront of el rey (when barcelona has players like iniesta who AREN'T catalan but from other regions) etc. basically even though secessionists are a slight majority in their parliament, they have consistently tried to silence more than half of the population who have strong feelings about unity of spain. people who aren't catalan have a hard time finding jobs there because they will either discriminate against non catalans or because they dont speak their language. They treat spaniards like foreigners, Oriol Junqueras who was the leader of Catalonia's main pro-independence party literally tried to claim catalans have superior genetics and closer to french while the rest of Spaniards are closer to portugal and africans. They expect sympathy from the basque who really suffered oppression during franco but they wont receive any from us, they spread lies and claimed over 800 people reported wounded by police but they were actually "attended to" because of anxiety attacks and stuff, actually hospitalized people were 2 to 10 for minor wounds, not to mention at the polls and protest they were throwing items at the police and spitting in their faces and yelling when just a bit ago they praised them when the spanish civil guard came to help during the terrorist attack in barcelona.

of course the bad demonstrants are the bad people for spitting and throwing things at aggro cops who wear protective gear worth more than a small car

[quote=neeko]their referendum is illegal, spanish people own the whole spanish territory meaning a part of the population can't decide the fate of part of the territory, that's how national sovereignty is defined in the constitution and it's what they did hence it was ruled illegal but they still did it anyway. catalonia has had the most cases of corruption and over the years catalan govt has had a campaign of indoctrination of children in schools making them sing catalan "anthem", fabricating their own history apart from spanish history, discriminating against/threatening kids whose parents are guardia civil/spanish police and developing this mentality in the youth that they need to hate spain and that spain is "robbing" from them, booing the spanish anthem during soccer games infront of el rey (when barcelona has players like iniesta who AREN'T catalan but from other regions) etc. basically even though secessionists are a slight majority in their parliament, they have consistently tried to silence more than half of the population who have strong feelings about unity of spain. people who aren't catalan have a hard time finding jobs there because they will either discriminate against non catalans or because they dont speak their language. They treat spaniards like foreigners, Oriol Junqueras who was the leader of Catalonia's main pro-independence party literally tried to claim catalans have superior genetics and closer to french while the rest of Spaniards are closer to portugal and africans. They expect sympathy from the basque who really suffered oppression during franco but they wont receive any from us, they spread lies and claimed over 800 people reported wounded by police but they were actually "attended to" because of anxiety attacks and stuff, actually hospitalized people were 2 to 10 for minor wounds, not to mention at the polls and protest they were throwing items at the police and spitting in their faces and yelling when just a bit ago they praised them when the spanish civil guard came to help during the terrorist attack in barcelona.[/quote]
of course the bad demonstrants are the bad people for spitting and throwing things at aggro cops who wear protective gear worth more than a small car
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neekom0e_tv Over 70 years of oppression ≠ independence? Catalonia has a massive GDP, they will be perfect on their own.
Go back to /pol you little kid.

lol you made a tftv alt right now just to respond and make this one misinformed post? do you not realize how many businesses and trades for both will be tremendously impacted economically if they were to separate? do you not realize they will not be allowed in the European union? how many jobs will immediately be lost? how many residents in catalonia that do not want a seperation and would migrate? 40% of catalan's exports are to the spanish market. they will have to pay to create new state structures such as embassies, central banks etc, they would face boycotts and economic turmoil due to its separation for the european single currency, and increased tariffs on their goods and services and the list goes on it would hurt both sides very much economically. GDP doesn't mean everything that's not how simple it works, and buddy if you think i go on /pol/ after I obviously implied in my last post that i'm basque then you have no concept of spanish history either.

alt? i made my first account to respond to your dumb ass.
tremendously impacted? ya, the white collar madridenos.
EU sucks.
>90% wants seperation.
40% of imports? ya, Spain borders Catalonia.
There's been economic turmoil for 70 years because of Franco and the monarchy he installed for Catalonia.
The rest you said sounds good :)
again, go back to /pol child

[quote=neeko][quote=m0e_tv] Over 70 years of oppression ≠ independence? Catalonia has a massive GDP, they will be perfect on their own.
Go back to /pol you little kid.[/quote]

lol you made a tftv alt right now just to respond and make this one misinformed post? do you not realize how many businesses and trades for both will be tremendously impacted economically if they were to separate? do you not realize they will not be allowed in the European union? how many jobs will immediately be lost? how many residents in catalonia that do not want a seperation and would migrate? 40% of catalan's exports are to the spanish market. they will have to pay to create new state structures such as embassies, central banks etc, they would face boycotts and economic turmoil due to its separation for the european single currency, and increased tariffs on their goods and services and the list goes on it would hurt both sides very much economically. GDP doesn't mean everything that's not how simple it works, and buddy if you think i go on /pol/ after I obviously implied in my last post that i'm basque then you have no concept of spanish history either.[/quote]

alt? i made my first account to respond to your dumb ass.
tremendously impacted? ya, the white collar madridenos.
EU sucks.
>90% wants seperation.
40% of imports? ya, Spain borders Catalonia.
There's been economic turmoil for 70 years because of Franco and the monarchy he installed for Catalonia.
The rest you said sounds good :)
again, go back to /pol child
4 Frags +


2 Frags +
You are disgusting.

There are lazy people everywhere and some Andalusians work their asses harder than Catalonians, the opposite also applies of course.
Did you know that Catalonia is actually what it is today because of Andalusia and its people? During Franco's regime many (actually a LOT) Andalusians migrated to Catalonia, the same period when Franco created a lot of public industry and placed their headquarters in Barcelona.

If you ask a lot of people from Catalonia, they will probably tell you that their grandparents are/were Andalusians and with your post you're neglecting the hard work of a really important generation that went to other region and actually helped it to grow and become what it is today.

EDIT: And Andalusia not being able to economically prospere is on our own politicians to blame, due to corruption and the same political party ruling the region unopposed since the 70s

Why are you calling him disgusting? He is raising a point that many Catalans use as a reason for wanting to separate from Spain, he then goes on to give a first person account of his experience of Andalucia's economy being worse off than others in Spain. At no point did he say every Andalucian was lazy, and as for your point of immigration, why even bring that up? A lot of people are internally displaced during Civil War, shocking news, and some of them go to industry hubs. Andalucians went, every state in Spain had some that went to Catalan, this is no point to somehow prove that Andalucia is not a lazy state in comparison to others.
As for your last point, he has not made a point neglecting hard work of a generation. He has a made a post describing one of the many reasons some in Catalan feel they should separate from Spain.


You are disgusting.

There are lazy people everywhere and some Andalusians work their asses harder than Catalonians, the opposite also applies of course.
Did you know that Catalonia is actually what it is today because of Andalusia and its people? During Franco's regime many (actually a LOT) Andalusians migrated to Catalonia, the same period when Franco created a lot of public industry and placed their headquarters in Barcelona.

If you ask a lot of people from Catalonia, they will probably tell you that their grandparents are/were Andalusians and with your post you're neglecting the hard work of a really important generation that went to other region and actually helped it to grow and become what it is today.

EDIT: And Andalusia not being able to economically prospere is on our own politicians to blame, due to corruption and the same political party ruling the region unopposed since the 70s[/quote]
Why are you calling him disgusting? He is raising a point that many Catalans use as a reason for wanting to separate from Spain, he then goes on to give a first person account of his experience of Andalucia's economy being worse off than others in Spain. At no point did he say every Andalucian was lazy, and as for your point of immigration, why even bring that up? A lot of people are internally displaced during Civil War, shocking news, and some of them go to industry hubs. Andalucians went, every state in Spain had some that went to Catalan, this is no point to somehow prove that Andalucia is not a lazy state in comparison to others.
As for your last point, he has not made a point neglecting hard work of a generation. He has a made a post describing one of the many reasons some in Catalan feel they should separate from Spain.
-3 Frags +
neekom0e_tv alt? i made my first account to respond to your dumb ass.
tremendously impacted? ya, the white collar madridenos.
EU sucks.
>90% wants seperation.
40% of imports? ya, Spain borders Catalonia.
There's been economic turmoil for 70 years because of Franco and the monarchy he installed for Catalonia.
The rest you said sounds good :)
again, go back to /pol child

wow you really didn't learn a single thing from what I said. You are spewing ignorant misinformed remarks and probably trying to be le epic underage troll (most likely, considering you stole the username of a very popular streamer and using juvenile steam alias's) or just genuinely have no grasp of basic economics and the catastrophe of the situation, you are making inaccurate claims like that 90% support the separation (https://youtu.be/IgCcvkgQyMs?t=24s just today in barcelona) when Only 40% of the electorate voted. The rest boycotted. It was illegal, and contained numerous problems such as multiple voting etc, and then you just follow up with childish statements like "ya g0 back 2 /pol/ kid :)))" despite already explaining why I clearly would never visit that website but obviously you lack complete reading comprehension.

You linked a video that has nothing to do with what I said. Even if it did, everything about the video, from title to description is anti-independence, leading me to reason that the video was created for the reason of anti-independence propaganda paid for by the monarchy and madrideno parliaments that Catalonia is trying to separate in the first place.
Bias news source, but nice try you Hash-Slinging Fuck.

Tell me about being misinformed? How about you pick up a book about Spanish economy/history.
Here's an article proving you wrong in every facet, and its not biased madrideno shit on a page like what you are bringing to the table. UNBIASED ARTICLE FROM THE MOST TRUSTED NEWS NETWORK IN YOUR COUNTRY

[quote=neeko][quote=m0e_tv] alt? i made my first account to respond to your dumb ass.
tremendously impacted? ya, the white collar madridenos.
EU sucks.
>90% wants seperation.
40% of imports? ya, Spain borders Catalonia.
There's been economic turmoil for 70 years because of Franco and the monarchy he installed for Catalonia.
The rest you said sounds good :)
again, go back to /pol child[/quote]

wow you really didn't learn a single thing from what I said. You are spewing ignorant misinformed remarks and probably trying to be le epic underage troll (most likely, considering you stole the username of a very popular streamer and using juvenile steam alias's) or just genuinely have no grasp of basic economics and the catastrophe of the situation, you are making inaccurate claims like that 90% support the separation (https://youtu.be/IgCcvkgQyMs?t=24s just today in barcelona) when Only 40% of the electorate voted. The rest boycotted. It was illegal, and contained numerous problems such as multiple voting etc, and then you just follow up with childish statements like "ya g0 back 2 /pol/ kid :)))" despite already explaining why I clearly would never visit that website but obviously you lack complete reading comprehension.[/quote]

You linked a video that has nothing to do with what I said. Even if it did, everything about the video, from title to description is anti-independence, leading me to reason that the video was created for the reason of anti-independence propaganda paid for by the monarchy and madrideno parliaments that Catalonia is trying to separate in the first place.
Bias news source, but nice try you Hash-Slinging Fuck.

Tell me about being misinformed? How about you pick up a book about Spanish economy/history.
Here's an article proving you wrong in every facet, and its not biased madrideno shit on a page like what you are bringing to the table. [url=https://www.cnbc.com/2017/10/01/catalan-independence-referendum-government-says-90-percent-voted-to-leave-spain.html]UNBIASED ARTICLE FROM THE MOST TRUSTED NEWS NETWORK IN YOUR COUNTRY[/url]
0 Frags +
m0e_tvneekom0e_tv alt? i made my first account to respond to your dumb ass.
tremendously impacted? ya, the white collar madridenos.
EU sucks.
>90% wants seperation.
40% of imports? ya, Spain borders Catalonia.
There's been economic turmoil for 70 years because of Franco and the monarchy he installed for Catalonia.
The rest you said sounds good :)
again, go back to /pol child

wow you really didn't learn a single thing from what I said. You are spewing ignorant misinformed remarks and probably trying to be le epic underage troll (most likely, considering you stole the username of a very popular streamer and using juvenile steam alias's) or just genuinely have no grasp of basic economics and the catastrophe of the situation, you are making inaccurate claims like that 90% support the separation (https://youtu.be/IgCcvkgQyMs?t=24s just today in barcelona) when Only 40% of the electorate voted. The rest boycotted. It was illegal, and contained numerous problems such as multiple voting etc, and then you just follow up with childish statements like "ya g0 back 2 /pol/ kid :)))" despite already explaining why I clearly would never visit that website but obviously you lack complete reading comprehension.

You linked a video that has nothing to do with what I said. Even if it did, everything about the video, from title to description is anti-independence, leading me to reason that the video was created for the reason of anti-independence propaganda paid for by the monarchy and madrideno parliaments that Catalonia is trying to separate in the first place.
Bias news source, but nice try you Hash-Slinging Fuck.

Tell me about being misinformed? How about you pick up a book about Spanish economy/history.
Here's an article proving you wrong in every facet, and its not biased madrideno shit on a page like what you are bringing to the table. UNBIASED ARTICLE FROM THE MOST TRUSTED NEWS NETWORK IN YOUR COUNTRY

lol why dont we just play videogames :D

[quote=m0e_tv][quote=neeko][quote=m0e_tv] alt? i made my first account to respond to your dumb ass.
tremendously impacted? ya, the white collar madridenos.
EU sucks.
>90% wants seperation.
40% of imports? ya, Spain borders Catalonia.
There's been economic turmoil for 70 years because of Franco and the monarchy he installed for Catalonia.
The rest you said sounds good :)
again, go back to /pol child[/quote]

wow you really didn't learn a single thing from what I said. You are spewing ignorant misinformed remarks and probably trying to be le epic underage troll (most likely, considering you stole the username of a very popular streamer and using juvenile steam alias's) or just genuinely have no grasp of basic economics and the catastrophe of the situation, you are making inaccurate claims like that 90% support the separation (https://youtu.be/IgCcvkgQyMs?t=24s just today in barcelona) when Only 40% of the electorate voted. The rest boycotted. It was illegal, and contained numerous problems such as multiple voting etc, and then you just follow up with childish statements like "ya g0 back 2 /pol/ kid :)))" despite already explaining why I clearly would never visit that website but obviously you lack complete reading comprehension.[/quote]

You linked a video that has nothing to do with what I said. Even if it did, everything about the video, from title to description is anti-independence, leading me to reason that the video was created for the reason of anti-independence propaganda paid for by the monarchy and madrideno parliaments that Catalonia is trying to separate in the first place.
Bias news source, but nice try you Hash-Slinging Fuck.

Tell me about being misinformed? How about you pick up a book about Spanish economy/history.
Here's an article proving you wrong in every facet, and its not biased madrideno shit on a page like what you are bringing to the table. [url=https://www.cnbc.com/2017/10/01/catalan-independence-referendum-government-says-90-percent-voted-to-leave-spain.html]UNBIASED ARTICLE FROM THE MOST TRUSTED NEWS NETWORK IN YOUR COUNTRY[/url][/quote]

lol why dont we just play videogames :D
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