I have a 10 year old (girlfriend's nephew) living in my house because his parents were hard into heroin and meth for the last ages. Got him out of foster care after 3 years in the system, and he'll probably be with us until he supports himself. Both parents are clean now for the past year or two, but FUCK!!!! Kid cried in my arms for an hour last night missing his parents.
For the past 4 seasons everyone's been telling me I'm giga gamer with insane potential but before every season I lose motivation and emo out. I've had so many golden opportunities and I always fuck them up.
I dont think I actually enjoy the game it's just that I have nothing else to do.
I dont think I actually enjoy the game it's just that I have nothing else to do.
I actually wish I never found out about tf2 as awful as it sounds and I'm sure I'm not the only one person that thinks this. Don't get me wrong, tf2 is actually the best game I've ever played, and there's a reason I have 5k hours in the game. From watching the Ready Up documentary I distinctly remember the part where truktruk mentioned how tf2 is addicting because you're constantly trying to get better to improve your logs and to just get better at the game. This is so true, but it's literally an addiction and I've been so blind to realize and think it was just "normal" for a kid to be playing video games. Playing tf2 became a daily routine and something I spent my weekends doing and nothing else. I love the community around tf2 and all the people I've interacted with within it, but looking back it has taken over my life for the past 3 years. My grades are still really good thankfully but other aspects of my life are just suffering from it.
I got super pissed today at my dad because he unplugged my ethernet cord during a scrim I was playing tonight with my team and after cooling down I'm realizing how idiotic it actually was. Playing tf2 and especially ESEA where other people are relying on you, not so much becomes a chore because I love playing the game, but when something happens so that you have to miss a scrim/match, it's like somebody's keeping me home from a soccer game because I didn't take out the trash the previous night or something like that. I hate that feeling because you're legitimately mad at your dad over a video game man.
Holy rant, but hopefully others can relate and understand others are going through the same thing.
I got super pissed today at my dad because he unplugged my ethernet cord during a scrim I was playing tonight with my team and after cooling down I'm realizing how idiotic it actually was. Playing tf2 and especially ESEA where other people are relying on you, not so much becomes a chore because I love playing the game, but when something happens so that you have to miss a scrim/match, it's like somebody's keeping me home from a soccer game because I didn't take out the trash the previous night or something like that. I hate that feeling because you're legitimately mad at your dad over a video game man.
Holy rant, but hopefully others can relate and understand others are going through the same thing.
update on my dorm because this shit is actually infuriating now
there is only 1 room that is still wet as of today, 6 days later, and its mine. i went in and checked on my stuff, and aside from it being about 90 degrees in the room from all the dehumidifiers, there is sawdust all over my shit because they had to drill into the walls and didn't bother to cover any of my obviously expensive computer stuff. i've already had to play a match on my laptop, which gets a god tier 30fps and like a quarter second of input lag which is inconsistent so i cant get used to it.
oh well at least i can get some work done at my school library's swastika desks
there is only 1 room that is still wet as of today, 6 days later, and its mine. i went in and checked on my stuff, and aside from it being about 90 degrees in the room from all the dehumidifiers, there is sawdust all over my shit because they had to drill into the walls and didn't bother to cover any of my obviously expensive computer stuff. i've already had to play a match on my laptop, which gets a god tier 30fps and like a quarter second of input lag which is inconsistent so i cant get used to it.
oh well at least i can get some work done at my school library's swastika desks
So I just lost a basketball game in the most retarded way right. We have a single coach and if your coach gets ejected than you forfeit cause u have no coach. So back tracking very first game of the season, in a tournament, we play this team from way outta town, last year they were the best team in northern Ontario right. They blow us out the water by 50 points barely trying, but they weren't nearly as good as they were the year before. So now today we play this team, and we expect to get absolutely fucked right, and for the first quarter we do, its 30-14 by the end of the first quarter. So In and absolute Cinderalla type story in the last three quarters we shoot the lights out and don't miss, me and the other two guards had at least 30 points just on jumpers and shit right. Last two minutes tied 64-64 dude on their team bricks a three and I get the rebound, and push the ball up the floor to my buddy and he gets a layup. It should've been an and-1. Our coach, who keep in mind didn't talk to the refs at all during the game and didn't get a tech all season and is a reserved guy in general says "what do you have to do to get a foul?" Ref looks at him and he gets the tech. He doesn't even say anything just looks at the ref in surprise raises his hands the air and turns around and freaks our with his body language. Another tech. We know the games over, we won in this exact same way against a team in the regular season, albeit a blowout win anyways. We shake hands immediately, walk to the dressing room and just don't speak for 6 minutes before someone breaks the silence. Fuck that ref
knsumeupdate on my dorm because this shit is actually infuriating now
there is only 1 room that is still wet as of today, 6 days later, and its mine. i went in and checked on my stuff, and aside from it being about 90 degrees in the room from all the dehumidifiers, there is sawdust all over my shit because they had to drill into the walls and didn't bother to cover any of my obviously expensive computer stuff. i've already had to play a match on my laptop, which gets a god tier 30fps and like a quarter second of input lag which is inconsistent so i cant get used to it.
oh well at least i can get some work done at my school library's swastika desksShow Content
is that gsu?
there is only 1 room that is still wet as of today, 6 days later, and its mine. i went in and checked on my stuff, and aside from it being about 90 degrees in the room from all the dehumidifiers, there is sawdust all over my shit because they had to drill into the walls and didn't bother to cover any of my obviously expensive computer stuff. i've already had to play a match on my laptop, which gets a god tier 30fps and like a quarter second of input lag which is inconsistent so i cant get used to it.
oh well at least i can get some work done at my school library's swastika desks
is that gsu?
ive spent my whole life playing video games and i still suck at them
its almost like im no good at anything and never will be
its almost like im no good at anything and never will be
It's 4am, I have work in 2 hours and I haven't slept.
Why do I do this to myself
Why do I do this to myself
h1z1, pre-combat update was nearing perfection as a competitive, skill-based BR game long before fortnite or pubg even existed or were popular, and daybreak studios threw it in the garbage. now that i can't play that game anymore (unless i want to get 60 fps all the time even though i have a good computer) i have to play either fortnite or pubg for my battle royale fill, and both of those games aren't even close to skill based. fortnite is just a question of who can spam buildings better and pubg is the antithesis of fun in every aspect, from the 5 hour long looting phase, the completely shit visibility and lack of information given to the player, all the way down to the core movement and shooting mechanics.
My graphics card broke at a time in my life where i have no money to spare
how whenever you learn something new about maincalling/teamplay/gamesense you seem to figure out you have 2 more things to learn now. -1, +2. never ending!
I want to study and i really should but it's really boring. I wish I could live in my parents house playing video games forever.
i'm so bad with money it's fucking embarrassing and the little amount i manage not to blow goes to fucking gas and shit. fuck gas. also fuck cigarettes dude. also taxes are due in like a couple days im fucked.
I'm fucking seething not more people know about this while the syria shit is going on http://foreignpolicy.com/2013/08/26/exclusive-cia-files-prove-america-helped-saddam-as-he-gassed-iran/
I keep waiting for the day my anxiety ceases to exist but it never comes
i have commitment issues to almost everything i do
like ill start something then give up halfway through
for example
like ill start something then give up halfway through
for example
I've been studying really hard (it feels like) for this entire holiday and threw out quality time i could have spent with friends instead just for some mock exams because I've been doing bad in school all year and absolutely need this to go well but i'm still convinced that i'm going to fail and everyone else will find it easy and i don't know what i'm going to do when that happens.
People need to fucking chill out in pugs and drop the ego. It's team game and everyone makes mistakes (and I'm sure more mistakes happen in pugs because they're kind of chaotic because a lot of people don't have chemistry with each other yet). Try and work with your teammates and be encouraging instead of trying to play Solo Fortress Two and then yelling at people every time they make a mistake or question what you did. Players also need to realize that in a game as deathmatch oriented as TF2 sometimes people are going to make insane plays and sometimes there's nothing anyone on your team can do to stop it so you don't need to yell at them. If they tried their best they tried their best and they don't need berated for it. Sometimes they other guy just makes an amazing play.
so I won a solo fortnite game with 13 kills, and I was looking for a litty drake song to play while I record my monitor. Well, amidst deciding between God's Plan and Look Alive, the lobby closed. I could've had so much sex with the girls that would've seen it. I don't even feel like I won at this point. If you win a fortnite game and u don't post it on snapchat what did you even win?? Sigh..
racial profiling at music festivals is fucking stupid
they kept my id my shades and my wristband
i didnt even get to see flatbush
they kept my id my shades and my wristband
i didnt even get to see flatbush
tr1gger_warningive spent my whole life playing video games and i still suck at them
its almost like im no good at anything and never will be
i feel the same way
its almost like im no good at anything and never will be[/quote]
i feel the same way
dot_kaz is a fucking thot
respond on here
let me fucking expose you, dumb unfaithful bitch.
expose this thot now
respond on here
let me fucking expose you, dumb unfaithful bitch.[/quote]
expose this thot now
i become so anxious and pressured for a pug for some reason
i've pretty much accepted that im just not good at shooters. i dont have the mechanical skill to aim properly and my reaction time can be subpar. it really frustrates me since i play with lots of really good players and i'll always be the one thats struggling to keep up while they all improve at a much faster rate.
maybe i should stick to minecraft
maybe i should stick to minecraft