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faceit is killing na tf2 pugs
26 Frags +
b4nnymaelstrahmfriendly reminder that mr. baniel gets monetary benefit from faceit. so when he says that it will save tf2, he really means it will buy him foodI get no monetary benefit from FACEIT whatsoever. Cooperating with FACEIT is purely motivated by the desire to grow competitive TF2.

This community needs to decide if they want the game to expand or if they want it to stagnate and die. Your words say the former but your actions say the latter.

This game is 10 years old. Ive lost hope in valve. This game is probably not going to grow regardless of how popular faceit gets, because you have to pay to play for a free game in esea,which there is no money to be made. So to the new player this game is just hobby, play the game if you enjoy it, dont play if you dont enjoy it. Sadly this game will slowly die out as people get tired of trying to support it with their own money and get nothing out of it(looking at you valve). But it is what it is and everyone gotta accept it, as much as you love this game like i do it will die just like everything in life.

B4nny my man ive met you twice at lan, and been on a lan team with you so i kinda of know you a little bit. i really love how much passion you have for tf2, but unless valve really wanted to support this game and make it grow they would have tried already early on. But sadly its not true. Stop thinking that your way is the right way to do things and let people just do what they want. Ye you been around forever but your not the deciding factor in this community your just player like me. Your kind of acting like a kid on tftv and not accepting that the game you love isnt going the way you want, but the way people want. And you just gotta accept that.

Also stop making stupid cringy posts on tftv that souund super egotistical that make you sound like some higher power. Its actually annoying.

[quote=b4nny][quote=maelstrahm]friendly reminder that mr. baniel gets monetary benefit from faceit. so when he says that it will save tf2, he really means it will buy him food[/quote]
I get no monetary benefit from FACEIT whatsoever. Cooperating with FACEIT is purely motivated by the desire to grow competitive TF2.

This community needs to decide if they want the game to expand or if they want it to stagnate and die. Your words say the former but your actions say the latter.[/quote]
This game is 10 years old. Ive lost hope in valve. This game is probably not going to grow regardless of how popular faceit gets, because you have to pay to play for a free game in esea,which there is no money to be made. So to the new player this game is just hobby, play the game if you enjoy it, dont play if you dont enjoy it. Sadly this game will slowly die out as people get tired of trying to support it with their own money and get nothing out of it(looking at you valve). But it is what it is and everyone gotta accept it, as much as you love this game like i do it will die just like everything in life.

B4nny my man ive met you twice at lan, and been on a lan team with you so i kinda of know you a little bit. i really love how much passion you have for tf2, but unless valve really wanted to support this game and make it grow they would have tried already early on. But sadly its not true. Stop thinking that your way is the right way to do things and let people just do what they want. Ye you been around forever but your not the deciding factor in this community your just player like me. Your kind of acting like a kid on tftv and not accepting that the game you love isnt going the way you want, but the way people want. And you just gotta accept that.

Also stop making stupid cringy posts on tftv that souund super egotistical that make you sound like some higher power. Its actually annoying.
12 Frags +

I'm sure most of us love the game but honestly the TF2 becoming a giant esport boat has long sailed off and we missed the boarding

If people want to play faceit, they'll play faceit
If people want to play pugchamp, they'll play pugchamp

There is no more stepping backwards, just let people enjoy the game while they still can.

I'm sure most of us love the game but honestly the TF2 becoming a giant esport boat has long sailed off and we missed the boarding

If people want to play faceit, they'll play faceit
If people want to play pugchamp, they'll play pugchamp

There is no more stepping backwards, just let people enjoy the game while they still can.
13 Frags +


-10 Frags +

"wanting" tf2 to grow and prosper is different than thinking that it can, which at this point, without developer intervention, it will not. none of the systems in place for proper competitive video games are here. there is no matchmaking (the one we have is a complete farce and even people who have never played a 3rd party league hate it), there are no developer hosted tournaments, weapon balancing and game balancing is done at an absolute snails pace (even compared to csgo which is developed by the same company, albeit a different team)

TF2 is maintained simply out of the same passion b4nny or anyone else has, and passion alone does not keep video games alive. There are 1000's of passion project video games that fail, and ours got this far because it was a passion project by people with money, and now that their money is being used elsewhere, it has become the same as any other. something done for the fun of it.

there are a lot of people that both play and develop games like H1Z1 for instance that are still very passionate about the game included, but ask any of them if the game is dead and none of them are delusional enough to tell you no (unless they're playing in the H1PL in which they are contractually obligated to not say that LOL)

"wanting" tf2 to grow and prosper is different than thinking that it can, which at this point, without developer intervention, it will not. none of the systems in place for proper competitive video games are here. there is no matchmaking (the one we have is a complete farce and even people who have never played a 3rd party league hate it), there are no developer hosted tournaments, weapon balancing and game balancing is done at an absolute snails pace (even compared to csgo which is developed by the same company, albeit a different team)

TF2 is maintained simply out of the same passion b4nny or anyone else has, and passion alone does not keep video games alive. There are 1000's of passion project video games that fail, and ours got this far because it was a passion project by people with money, and now that their money is being used elsewhere, it has become the same as any other. something done for the fun of it.

there are a lot of people that both play and develop games like H1Z1 for instance that are still very passionate about the game included, but ask any of them if the game is dead and none of them are delusional enough to tell you no (unless they're playing in the H1PL in which they are contractually obligated to not say that LOL)
-3 Frags +

how to get picked on pugchamp?

how to get picked on pugchamp?
5 Frags +


24 Frags +
b4nnyI get no monetary benefit from FACEIT whatsoever. Cooperating with FACEIT is purely motivated by the desire to grow competitive TF2.

This community needs to decide if they want the game to expand or if they want it to stagnate and die. Your words say the former but your actions say the latter.

you should probably provide evidence or even an argument for why criticizing faceit and/or changing pugging methods would "cause the game to stagnate and die."
this whole "if you're not with me you're with the ENEMY!!" false dichotomy is exhausting.

[quote=b4nny]I get no monetary benefit from FACEIT whatsoever. Cooperating with FACEIT is purely motivated by the desire to grow competitive TF2.

This community needs to decide if they want the game to expand or if they want it to stagnate and die. Your words say the former but your actions say the latter.[/quote]

you should probably provide evidence or even an argument for why criticizing faceit and/or changing pugging methods would "cause the game to stagnate and die."
this whole "if you're not with me you're with the ENEMY!!" false dichotomy is exhausting.
21 Frags +

I don't really understand this weird this-or-that that seems to exist in all these arguments about TF2. It's like if TF2 can't be one of the biggest esports of all time, then it can't exist as a competitive game at all. Being popular is a spectrum, not a finish line. TF2 can absolutely grow. If we play our cards right, we can absolutely get big enough to support more than just b4nny. Sure, the millions of gamers that made the Fortnite devs millionaires overnight will never give TF2 that same attention, but as the number of older gamers grow, and as new games get less and less "shiny" when compared to old ones, TF2 stands a better and better chance of drawing bigger crowds. Plus, think about the difference between HL1 and HL2, and then compare HL2 to modern games. Each of those has a 10 year gap between them, but I think everyone can agree that HL1 and HL2 differ far more, both in terms of mechanical development and in graphical improvement. TF2 is far more relatable to the general gaming audience of today than anything released in 1998 was to gamers in 2008, and I think that translates to a greater ability to draw in viewers as a game ages.

If you're not convinced, I'd also like to offer this: playing and supporting TF2 isn't just important for TF2, it's important for the future gaming in general, and for your continued fun. If developers see there is a dedicated audience for a certain type of game, they'll want to make stuff for that audience. There was a thread recently about games that play like TF2 does, and it seems like the closest equivalent is Overwatch. There just aren't any other games that offer good movement, balance, teamplay, and the satisfying type of strategy that TF2 does, but if we make TF2 as great as it can possibly be, there exists a far greater chance that someday, someone will actually make something for us.

I won't pretend to know exactly what the best move for growing TF2 is. An important requirement for keeping the game growing optimally is to keep the game fun at high levels, and if Faceit doesn't accomplish that, and doesn't plan to make necessary changes for at least another two years, I don't see how it's actually good for the game. But I do know that the more people adopt this defeatist attitude, the faster the death of TF2 comes, and fuck you if you rob me of a few years of fun.

I don't really understand this weird this-or-that that seems to exist in all these arguments about TF2. It's like if TF2 can't be one of the biggest esports of all time, then it can't exist as a competitive game at all. Being popular is a spectrum, not a finish line. TF2 can absolutely grow. If we play our cards right, we can absolutely get big enough to support more than just b4nny. Sure, the millions of gamers that made the Fortnite devs millionaires overnight will never give TF2 that same attention, but as the number of older gamers grow, and as new games get less and less "shiny" when compared to old ones, TF2 stands a better and better chance of drawing bigger crowds. Plus, think about the difference between HL1 and HL2, and then compare HL2 to modern games. Each of those has a 10 year gap between them, but I think everyone can agree that HL1 and HL2 differ far more, both in terms of mechanical development and in graphical improvement. TF2 is far more relatable to the general gaming audience of today than anything released in 1998 was to gamers in 2008, and I think that translates to a greater ability to draw in viewers as a game ages.

If you're not convinced, I'd also like to offer this: playing and supporting TF2 isn't just important for TF2, it's important for the future gaming in general, and for your continued fun. If developers see there is a dedicated audience for a certain type of game, they'll want to make stuff for that audience. There was a thread recently about games that play like TF2 does, and it seems like the closest equivalent is Overwatch. There just aren't any other games that offer good movement, balance, teamplay, and the satisfying type of strategy that TF2 does, but if we make TF2 as great as it can possibly be, there exists a far greater chance that someday, someone will actually make something for us.

I won't pretend to know exactly what the best move for growing TF2 is. An important requirement for keeping the game growing optimally is to keep the game fun at high levels, and if Faceit doesn't accomplish that, and doesn't plan to make necessary changes for at least another two years, I don't see how it's actually good for the game. But I do know that the more people adopt this defeatist attitude, the faster the death of TF2 comes, and fuck you if you rob me of a few years of fun.
-14 Frags +

dead game lol

dead game lol
32 Frags +

The amount of Alts in faceit is actually disgusting lmfao. Alfa and his egf have been queueing in beginner for the past week and still haven’t been banned

The amount of Alts in faceit is actually disgusting lmfao. Alfa and his egf have been queueing in beginner for the past week and still haven’t been banned
8 Frags +




36 Frags +

pugchamps gunna die again in like 3 days

pugchamps gunna die again in like 3 days
-1 Frags +
highfivepugchamps gunna die again in like 3 days

die to wat?

[quote=highfive]pugchamps gunna die again in like 3 days[/quote]
die to wat?
17 Frags +
messiahhighfivepugchamps gunna die again in like 3 daysdie to wat?


[quote=messiah][quote=highfive]pugchamps gunna die again in like 3 days[/quote]
die to wat?[/quote]
3 Frags +
highfivepugchamps gunna die again in like 3 days

why would it

[quote=highfive]pugchamps gunna die again in like 3 days[/quote]
why would it
8 Frags +
tojohighfivepugchamps gunna die again in like 3 dayswhy would it

Because that's what happen every time people 'revive' pugchamp. This is like the third time people have tried to revive it.

[quote=tojo][quote=highfive]pugchamps gunna die again in like 3 days[/quote]
why would it[/quote]
Because that's what happen every time people 'revive' pugchamp. This is like the third time people have tried to revive it.
3 Frags +
Max_tojohighfivepugchamps gunna die again in like 3 dayswhy would itBecause that's what happen every time people 'revive' pugchamp. This is like the third time people have tried to revive it.

just add up and it wont die

[quote=Max_][quote=tojo][quote=highfive]pugchamps gunna die again in like 3 days[/quote]
why would it[/quote]
Because that's what happen every time people 'revive' pugchamp. This is like the third time people have tried to revive it.[/quote]
just add up and it wont die
5 Frags +

I see a pov post i downfrag

I see a pov post i downfrag
-1 Frags +

Hey, the following post reflects my opinions/thoughts, not that of anyone/anything else.

First off,

boxcartwiiku was on bear's stream last night, they said they've had something in development for a few weeks now and (anyone who knows better feel free to correct me if im wrong) it will take 2 years to implement a class system into the UI

Wrong, what I said is that FACEIT took a long time to provide with an update they promised a while ago, and that such a feature, if they would even consider adding it, would take even more time. It wasn't nice or fair of me, software development, especially at that scale, is more complicated than most can imagine. It was a snarky remark posted because I am generally apathetic at this point.
Hilariously, you've posted logs of me saying "please don't post logs again" and failed to convey the idea that you were mistaken. Please don't speak in anyone else's name ever again, I hope this is clear enough.

You, as a community, were forced to take a bad decision, either suffer through unfun TF2PL pugs in hopes that it would suddenly get better, or continue playing on a comfortable site that has proven to have "grand scheme of thing" flaws. It's an unfortunate turn of events, but it's a completely understandable decision. Hopefully we manage to keep the lower level players interested, hopefully we manage to provide something good enough for everyone at some point.
FACEIT are the only ones, in 2018, to consider dishing out $600 per month to players for nothing in return (I'm aware of Essentials.TF, but their partnerships probably include viewership/advertisement), they're releasing something similar to League seasons sometime soon (VALVe time), and I highly think that ditching the shitshow that is ESEA would be a grand idea, with the added benefits of having a centralized competitive platform. I'm just rambling at this point.

It's hard to directly address ignorant people, they don't know that they're ignorant, and although I haven't read much of this thread (they get boring at this point), I have seen a few crop up. I'll attempt to be blunt: You don't know shit about programming, product development, organization management, and everything else that this project had to make us learn. You don't see what's behind the scenes. Stop giving your uninformed and unsolicited advice.

This applies to anyone generally, learn to be a nice person, it might be hard, but it is becoming a requirement. A lot of the issues we had to face were caused by short temper, anger management issues, lack of empathy, etc. It happened on TF2PL, it will happen on any platform in the future if you don't make the fucking change, you're just dragging everyone else down, especially the few last people who are willing to contribute to this hell hole.


Show Content

Thank you very much.

Hey, the following post reflects my opinions/thoughts, not that of anyone/anything else.

First off,
[quote=boxcar]twiiku was on bear's stream last night, they said they've had something in development for a few weeks now and (anyone who knows better feel free to correct me if im wrong) it will take 2 years to implement a class system into the UI[/quote]
Wrong, what I said is that FACEIT took a long time to provide with an update they promised a while ago, and that such a feature, if they would even consider adding it, would take even more time. It wasn't nice or fair of me, software development, especially at that scale, is more complicated than most can imagine. It was a snarky remark posted because I am generally apathetic at this point.
Hilariously, you've posted logs of me saying "please don't post logs again" and failed to convey the idea that you were mistaken. Please don't speak in anyone else's name ever again, I hope this is clear enough.

You, as a community, were forced to take a bad decision, either suffer through unfun TF2PL pugs in hopes that it would suddenly get better, or continue playing on a comfortable site that has proven to have "grand scheme of thing" flaws. It's an unfortunate turn of events, but it's a completely understandable decision. Hopefully we manage to keep the lower level players interested, hopefully we manage to provide something good enough for everyone at some point.
FACEIT are the only ones, in 2018, to consider dishing out $600 per month to players for nothing in return (I'm aware of Essentials.TF, but their partnerships probably include viewership/advertisement), they're releasing something similar to League seasons sometime soon (VALVe time), and I highly think that ditching the shitshow that is ESEA would be a grand idea, with the added benefits of having a centralized competitive platform. I'm just rambling at this point.

It's hard to directly address ignorant people, they don't know that they're ignorant, and although I haven't read much of this thread (they get boring at this point), I have seen a few crop up. I'll attempt to be blunt: You don't know shit about programming, product development, organization management, and everything else that this project had to make us learn. You don't see what's behind the scenes. Stop giving your uninformed and unsolicited advice.

This applies to anyone generally, learn to be a nice person, it might be hard, but it is becoming a [b]requirement[/b]. A lot of the issues we had to face were caused by short temper, anger management issues, lack of empathy, etc. It happened on TF2PL, it will happen on any platform in the future [b]if you don't make the fucking change[/b], you're just dragging everyone else down, especially the few last people who are willing to contribute to this hell hole.


Thank you very much.
23 Frags +
TwiiKuuU WUT M8


[quote=TwiiKuu]U WUT M8[/quote]
0 Frags +
highfivepugchamps gunna die again in like 3 daysTwiiKuuFourth,
This applies to anyone generally, learn to be a nice person, it might be hard, but it is becoming a requirement. A lot of the issues we had to face were caused by short temper, anger management issues, lack of empathy, etc. It happened on TF2PL, it will happen on any platform in the future if you don't make the fucking change, you're just dragging everyone else down, especially the few last people who are willing to contribute to this hell hole.
[quote=highfive]pugchamps gunna die again in like 3 days[/quote]
This applies to anyone generally, learn to be a nice person, it might be hard, but it is becoming a [b]requirement[/b]. A lot of the issues we had to face were caused by short temper, anger management issues, lack of empathy, etc. It happened on TF2PL, it will happen on any platform in the future [b]if you don't make the fucking change[/b], you're just dragging everyone else down, especially the few last people who are willing to contribute to this hell hole.
-3 Frags +
BeelthazusTwiiKuuU WUT M8https://i.imgur.com/Co6DsHU.jpg

I'm not sure what you're attacking with the first one, experience is gained through acknowledging mistakes, I wouldn't be speaking that way otherwise.
I stand by the second one, I'm blunt but not disrespectful.

[quote=Beelthazus][quote=TwiiKuu]U WUT M8[/quote]

I'm not sure what you're attacking with the first one, experience is gained through acknowledging mistakes, I wouldn't be speaking that way otherwise.
I stand by the second one, I'm blunt but not disrespectful.
-18 Frags +

Holy shit it's like working anywhere in Windsor
You guys don't want to succeed, you just want to keep making excuses for ruining perfection
I'm so glad I forcibly borrowed that Ibanez

Holy shit it's like working anywhere in Windsor
You guys don't want to succeed, you just want to keep making excuses for ruining perfection
I'm so glad I forcibly borrowed that Ibanez
4 Frags +
TwiiKuuBeelthazusTwiiKuuU WUT M8https://i.imgur.com/Co6DsHU.jpg
I'm not sure what you're attacking with the first one, experience is gained through acknowledging mistakes, I wouldn't be speaking that way otherwise.
I stand by the second one, I'm blunt but not disrespectful.

Sheepy Was Blunt Not Disrespectful

[quote=TwiiKuu][quote=Beelthazus][quote=TwiiKuu]U WUT M8[/quote]

I'm not sure what you're attacking with the first one, experience is gained through acknowledging mistakes, I wouldn't be speaking that way otherwise.
I stand by the second one, I'm blunt but not disrespectful.[/quote]
Sheepy Was Blunt Not Disrespectful
31 Frags +

Twiikuu, I have massive respect for what you have done and I 100% understand the shit you are getting from this stuff considering I have been in this exact situation more then once. With that being said stay out of this argument, it does nothing good for you and can only harm you in the long run.

No one hates what you managed to do with what little you were given, no one hates you for being involved in the project. People hate the way it's being pushed and presented and none of that is on you so don't try to take it upon yourself. Also calling people out for not understanding or not knowing how projects work does nothing but make you look petty, especially considering almost no one is actually calling tf2pl out for poor management. Me being one of the few that are, but my 9-5 job for the last 3 years has literally been project management so I might know a little bit about how that works.

Either way, you really should stay out of this because currently people only really hate on banny for the shit he pulls, you don't want to also go down that road and become the next TSC if you don't have to.

Twiikuu, I have massive respect for what you have done and I 100% understand the shit you are getting from this stuff considering I have been in this exact situation more then once. With that being said stay out of this argument, it does nothing good for you and can only harm you in the long run.

No one hates what you managed to do with what little you were given, no one hates you for being involved in the project. People hate the way it's being pushed and presented and none of that is on you so don't try to take it upon yourself. Also calling people out for not understanding or not knowing how projects work does nothing but make you look petty, especially considering almost no one is actually calling tf2pl out for poor management. Me being one of the few that are, but my 9-5 job for the last 3 years has literally been project management so I might know a little bit about how that works.

Either way, you really should stay out of this because currently people only really hate on banny for the shit he pulls, you don't want to also go down that road and become the next TSC if you don't have to.
-36 Frags +
Tino_misplaced expectation of sanity

he willingly made himself b4nny's bitch and you think he's not a sucker for punishment? save ur breadth

[quote=Tino_]misplaced expectation of sanity[/quote]
he willingly made himself b4nny's bitch and you think he's not a sucker for punishment? save ur breadth
27 Frags +
SpyromancerHoly shit it's like working anywhere in Windsor
You guys don't want to succeed, you just want to keep making excuses for ruining perfection
I'm so glad I forcibly borrowed that Ibanez

nobody knows what you are talking about or cares

[quote=Spyromancer]Holy shit it's like working anywhere in Windsor
You guys don't want to succeed, you just want to keep making excuses for ruining perfection
I'm so glad I forcibly borrowed that Ibanez[/quote]
nobody knows what you are talking about or cares
-28 Frags +

i fuckin told you guys it was stupid to demand people change avatars
y'all went through unsecured sites for tf2 like has esea taught you nothing?????

i fuckin told you guys it was stupid to demand people change avatars
y'all went through unsecured sites for tf2 like has esea taught you nothing?????
52 Frags +

Ohh fuck off spyro no one cares, your posting is useless but congrats on that 1 idea you had about the class icons being a bad idea. Proud of you dude. Now go and shitpost on Reddit about how unfair life is or something.

Ohh fuck off spyro no one cares, your posting is useless but congrats on that 1 idea you had about the class icons being a bad idea. Proud of you dude. Now go and shitpost on Reddit about how unfair life is or something.
-35 Frags +
Tino_Ohh fuck off spyro no one cares, your posting is useless but congrats on that 1 idea you had about the class icons being a bad idea. Proud of you dude. Now go and shitpost on Reddit about how unfair life is or something.

about faces like that are why you're still a mod on someone else's hub and not your own

[quote=Tino_]Ohh fuck off spyro no one cares, your posting is useless but congrats on that 1 idea you had about the class icons being a bad idea. Proud of you dude. Now go and shitpost on Reddit about how unfair life is or something.[/quote]
about faces like that are why you're still a mod on someone else's hub and not your own
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