Please god no more nunya in prem
We’re back. ETF2L action is returning to your screens, and we’re kicking it off with some high-stakes matches, as tonight is the first fixture of the Premiership Qualifiers ! Brawling it out tonight are Nunya and Two foreigners up front, both completely new rosters that were never seen together before.
This iteration of Nunya seems quite similar to the one we lastly saw in season 29, as Connor picked up the DM beasts that are lukas, nuthouse and Puoskari. Last time they played together, the Finnish fragging fanfare shredded through multiple teams, and were unable to reach playoffs only by the lack of soldiers on the team. Now, the soldiers are fluo and Opti, who were both part of Ascent.EU and will be bringing some top-level experience to the table.
Two quick foreigners up front boasts a more British roster, as the Joseph-led team has 5 members from the British Isles. They have players who proved their worth in Div 1 such as leth, ekkelund and to a lesser degree charlie being guided by Funs and Joseph. The main medic role has not been decided yet, and drezzo will be mercing tonight. Worthy of note that this team has been scrimming for a longer time, and got some pretty good results.
Plunk, Ombrack, and Wiethoofd
Play-by-Play: Plunk | Analysis: Ombrack | Match Page | nunya | Two foreigners up front | Written by Aelkyrmaybe nunya will have more than 4 gamers by the end of the season
hang on whos writin this
it's "to a lesser degree" because charlie already played in prem. I'm not trying to diss someone when I have like 20 open games and got less than 200 dpm in all of them.