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square shadows
posted in Customization
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so is this shit legal because i keep seeing streamers using them
if so how do i use them

so is this shit legal because i keep seeing streamers using them
if so how do i use them
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mat_filterlightmaps 0.

You need to toggle in game however. For some reason it doesn't work if you just put it in your auto exec.

mat_filterlightmaps 0.

You need to toggle in game however. For some reason it doesn't work if you just put it in your auto exec.
7 Frags +
arnoIdmat_filterlightmaps 0.

You need to toggle in game however. For some reason it doesn't work if you just put it in your auto exec.

https://clips.twitch.tv/PowerfulEnergeticDootDatSheffy no i mean like this

[quote=arnoId]mat_filterlightmaps 0.

You need to toggle in game however. For some reason it doesn't work if you just put it in your auto exec.[/quote]
https://clips.twitch.tv/PowerfulEnergeticDootDatSheffy no i mean like this
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It has to do with something in the hud files

It has to do with something in the hud files
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catfaceaccording to tri they are legal, and the person who originally found them was emo. best way to get them is to ask him most likely

what an absolute joke how the fuck is scope removal/high picmip banned but this is legal

[quote=catface]according to tri they are legal, and the person who originally found them was emo. best way to get them is to ask him most likely[/quote]
what an absolute joke how the fuck is scope removal/high picmip banned but this is legal
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emo has doomed us all

emo has doomed us all
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howmuch does this destroy fps

howmuch does this destroy fps
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ivan_howmuch does this destroy fps

one shadow = one pixel, so i guess it doesn't affect fps at all.

[quote=ivan_]howmuch does this destroy fps[/quote]
one shadow = one pixel, so i guess it doesn't affect fps at all.
21 Frags +

so i narrowed it down to the lines of code that cause it to happen in emo's hud but im not a hud person so i couldnt make it work on anything other than the default hud but nonetheless here are the files so someone who actually knows what they are doing can make a solution that works for every hud


also can we just get this shit banned its absurdly unfair

so i narrowed it down to the lines of code that cause it to happen in emo's hud but im not a hud person so i couldnt make it work on anything other than the default hud but nonetheless here are the files so someone who actually knows what they are doing can make a solution that works for every hud
also can we just get this shit banned its absurdly unfair
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indecencyemo has doomed us all

no doubt
if they can't fix the gain-uber-when-paused bug in 7 months then these shadows will never get patched
the apocalypse begins

[quote=indecency]emo has doomed us all[/quote]
no doubt
if they can't fix the gain-uber-when-paused bug in 7 months then these shadows will never get patched
the apocalypse begins
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hooliindecencyemo has doomed us allno doubt
if they can't fix the gain-uber-when-paused bug in 7 months then these shadows will never get patched
the apocalypse begins

didnt they make a plugin to fix it for RGL tho?
granted, idk if valve will even be able to fix these shadows lol

[quote=hooli][quote=indecency]emo has doomed us all[/quote]
no doubt
if they can't fix the gain-uber-when-paused bug in 7 months then these shadows will never get patched
the apocalypse begins
didnt they make a plugin to fix it for RGL tho?
granted, idk if valve will even be able to fix these shadows lol
7 Frags +
aieraso i narrowed it down to the lines of code that cause it to happen in emo's hud but im not a hud person so i couldnt make it work on anything other than the default hud but nonetheless here are the files so someone who actually knows what they are doing can make a solution that works for every hud

seems to be an issue with the file that gets loaded with #base, so just use that with another hud.

save this in the resource folder as stupidshadows.res:

        "name"			"A font that does not exist"
        "tall"			"20"
        "additive"		"0"
        "antialias"		"1"
        "shadow"		"1"

Then add this to the top of clientscheme.res:

#base "stupidshadows.res"

Why does this happen? Who knows! But it works with all huds now.

I didn't test it with any different settings, but it was consistent with mastercomfig low.

That said this is really broken and should be banned. Scope removal is a hud mod too so there's no reason this shouldn't be bannable.

[quote=aiera]so i narrowed it down to the lines of code that cause it to happen in emo's hud but im not a hud person so i couldnt make it work on anything other than the default hud but nonetheless here are the files so someone who actually knows what they are doing can make a solution that works for every hud[/quote]
seems to be an issue with the file that gets loaded with #base, so just use that with another hud.

save this in the resource folder as stupidshadows.res:[code]Scheme
"name" "A font that does not exist"
"tall" "20"
"additive" "0"
"antialias" "1"
"shadow" "1"

Then add this to the top of clientscheme.res:[code]#base "stupidshadows.res"[/code]
Why does this happen? Who knows! But it works with all huds now.

I didn't test it with any different settings, but it was consistent with mastercomfig low.

That said this is really broken and should be banned. Scope removal is a hud mod too so there's no reason this shouldn't be bannable.
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JarateKingThat said this is really broken and should be banned. Scope removal is a hud mod too so there's no reason this shouldn't be bannable.

Yeah I pretty much told tri this. and he said "theres no hud elements that are bannable besides the sniper scope one"

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[quote=JarateKing]That said this is really broken and should be banned. Scope removal is a hud mod too so there's no reason this shouldn't be bannable.[/quote]

Yeah I pretty much told tri this. and he said "theres no hud elements that are bannable besides the sniper scope one"

2 Frags +
JarateKingI didn't test it with any different settings, but it was consistent with mastercomfig low.

to get this working with any fps config, use this

"r_shadows 1; r_shadowrendertotexture 1; cl_blobbyshadows 0; r_shadowmaxrendered 12"

i noticed that upon joining a map my game would crash if r_shadowrendertotexture was set to 1, so if yours do the same, set it to 0 and after loading it set it to 1

I didn't test it with any different settings, but it was consistent with mastercomfig low.[/quote]
to get this working with any fps config, use this [code]"r_shadows 1; r_shadowrendertotexture 1; cl_blobbyshadows 0; r_shadowmaxrendered 12"[/code]
i noticed that upon joining a map my game would crash if r_shadowrendertotexture was set to 1, so if yours do the same, set it to 0 and after loading it set it to 1
11 Frags +

why the fuck are you saying to get this banned
while making this thread to find out how to make
making it
and uploading it u piece of shit

why the fuck are you saying to get this banned
while making this thread to find out how to make
making it
and uploading it u piece of shit
8 Frags +
messiahwhy the fuck are you saying to get this banned
while making this thread to find out how to make
making it
and uploading it u piece of shit

the more people use it, the more people will understand its op and ban it, relax

[quote=messiah]why the fuck are you saying to get this banned
while making this thread to find out how to make
making it
and uploading it u piece of shit[/quote]
the more people use it, the more people will understand its op and ban it, relax
30 Frags +

Will be banned on ETF2L

Will be banned on ETF2L
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MentyWill be banned on ETF2L

cheers menty

[quote=Menty]Will be banned on ETF2L[/quote]
cheers menty
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MentyWill be banned on ETF2L

Thanks menty!

[quote=Menty]Will be banned on ETF2L[/quote]
Thanks menty!
15 Frags +
messiahwhy the fuck are you saying to get this banned
while making this thread to find out how to make
making it
and uploading it u piece of shit

its more likely to be banned the more people that know how to use it
im not a fan of the current "only those in the know" setup

[quote=messiah]why the fuck are you saying to get this banned
while making this thread to find out how to make
making it
and uploading it u piece of shit[/quote]
its more likely to be banned the more people that know how to use it
im not a fan of the current "only those in the know" setup
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bearodactyldidnt they make a plugin to fix it for RGL tho?

they = sigafoo, and it's a sourcemod band-aid so cant be used as a fix in the actual game

[quote=bearodactyl]didnt they make a plugin to fix it for RGL tho?[/quote]

they = sigafoo, and it's a sourcemod band-aid so cant be used as a fix in the actual game
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