Continuing the proud tradition of teams almost entirely made up of the same nationality having names that the casters won’t be able to pronounce, l’En Avant de Guingamp will be competing in the next Premiership Season—and hopefully will have more success than their football counterpart. The team is mainly filled with experienced players, but with some novelty sprinkled in as well.
Néo makes his return in the top flight with this team, where he was last seen with Ascent.EU in Season 30. A core member of the early iterations of the top5_rocket that were sponsored by nerdRage and Ascent, he grabbed a silver and a bronze medal in Seasons 26 and 28. He’s also a fairly competent sniper.
Nevo was pretty much a one-team man, being an integral part of Ora Elektro for the last 5 seasons—a time frame that saw them finally reach Prem after 2 failed attempts and turning from a bottom-table to one that had a legitimate shot at playoffs, even placing 4th at Insomnia63. Nevo’s flank partner during all of this was Azunis, and they were often noted for their great coordination together. Gaining an experienced flank in a newly-formed team could be of great help, so look out for them.
Corbac will be on pocket soldier, and was often noticed for his incredible jumps as well as his unstoppable thirst to kill the enemy demo on mids. Part of the same top5_rocket squad as Néo, he also more recently finished 3rd with Faint Gaming last season. Another member of the previous Faint team is also here in the presence of Ama, who makes the switch from pocket to demo for this season, making him one of the more unknown quantities of the team. The other unknown quantity is sanz. Assuming he's gonna have a bad time being bullied by his teammates due to his Belgian nationality, lack of a capital letter, and absence of Prem experience, he still does have a large amount of High seasons played, and it will be exciting see how he’ll adapt to this new challenge.
Corbac made it very clear that this quote should not be translated :
Nevo m'a contacté il y a quelques semaines pour essayer de monter une team française ayant le niveau prem. Ca m'a tout de suite intéressé et on a pu monter rapidement un roster stable. J'ai pu retrouver des joueurs avec lesquels j'ai joué dans le passé, et personnellement ça m'a remotivé pour m'investir dans le jeu. C'est aussi beaucoup plus facile et efficace de communiquer en français pour être sur la même longueur d'onde. Nos débuts en scrims ont montré qu'on a du pain sur la planche si on veut atteindre les playoffs en fin de saison mais j'ai confiance en nos joueurs. Il nous manque une cohésion d'équipe et des automatismes mais ça va venir.
Hoping that the legacy of the 2014 Coupe de France can carry over in videogames, l’En Avant de Guingamp fields :
- Scout: Néo
- Scout: Nevo
- Roamer: Azunis
- Pocket: Corbac
- Demoman: Ama
- Medic: sanz