I would switch over to the original entirely if it wasn’t for the strange looking viewmodel
SoldierI would switch over to the original entirely if it wasn’t for the strange looking viewmodel
glad to hear that the Soldier prefers stock over original.
glad to hear that the Soldier prefers stock over original.
My personal theory is that there was a major spike in originial use from when blaze started appearing more often in Twitch Experience highlights and beaters frag videos, peaking at time such as his 4k at rewind 2 and the "beast speedshot". Yomps' soldier (who if you watch, plays very similar to blazes roamer playstyle) also contributed to this spike, as froyo was often quoted as the best in the world during that time period (not tryna start another "best" argument here), and both of their soldiers used the original which easily led to speculation and imitation.
grammyMy personal theory is that there was a major spike in originial use from when blaze started appearing more often in Twitch Experience highlights and beaters frag videos, peaking at time such as his 4k at rewind 2 and the "beast speedshot". Yomps' soldier (who if you watch, plays very similar to blazes roamer playstyle) also contributed to this spike, as froyo was often quoted as the best in the world during that time period (not tryna start another "best" argument here), and both of their soldiers used the original which easily led to speculation and imitation.
you can jump from the left and right. easier to aim without having to calculate the fact that your rockets are off to the right by a tad bit, making it possible to miss more air shots on players that are air-strafing to your left, you actually end up over compensating for it a tad bit when you use nothing but stock.
Its really just preference in the end. Some people like the noise it makes, I like how it looks, but I'm so used to using stock and blackbox that I gotta have that little hook to the right, I mess shit up if I switch to the original, sometimes a lot with scouts because Ill go for a flick on them when they strafe to the right. Its kinda a bad habit, but I also like being able to shoot around corners without getting shot.
Its really just preference in the end. Some people like the noise it makes, I like how it looks, but I'm so used to using stock and blackbox that I gotta have that little hook to the right, I mess shit up if I switch to the original, sometimes a lot with scouts because Ill go for a flick on them when they strafe to the right. Its kinda a bad habit, but I also like being able to shoot around corners without getting shot.
Hey guess what!
It doesn't matter you're gonna get fucked by scouts anyways
It doesn't matter you're gonna get fucked by scouts anyways
SOLDIER IN 2019 [img]https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.370068309.4729/poster%2C210x230%2Cf8f8f8-pad%2C210x230%2Cf8f8f8.lite-1u2.jpg[/img]
The real question is when iron bomber became used by 99% of the demos
zxpThe real question is when iron bomber became used by 99% of the demos
I believe around early July 2016 it was changed so that the fuse time was shorter, so it exlpoded quicker. People started using it like a week later and realized its pretty good. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but isn't there also less variance in the pipes flight, like the stock pipes vary slightly through the air but the iron bomber pipes don't.
Am I the only person who feels barely any difference when I switch between the two?
the differences between the flight paths of stock grenades and iron bomber grenades are apparent but not profound enough to say one is clearly better than the other
it’s simply a trade-off of whether u want rollers and grenades that go off slower or no rollers and grenades that go off quicker
the differences between the flight paths of stock grenades and iron bomber grenades are apparent but not profound enough to say one is clearly better than the other
it’s simply a trade-off of whether u want rollers and grenades that go off slower or no rollers and grenades that go off quicker