Faceit is godtier and thats the only service that has motivated to play 6v6 again.
TF2 center is a clusterfuck and anyone who defends it is a shill. This is the common tf2 center experience
- log in
-no open lobbies with 200 people online
- lobbie opens but is highlandee
- doesnt start because no one wants to be a boring class
- finally a 6s lobby opens
-Fills up quickly
-Doesnt start because no one wants to be medic
- more 6s lobbies open
-Same situation
-Guaranteed stacks
-Guaranteeds unbalanced matches
-Somehow this is a service better than FaceIt
And Faceit listens ! and not only that, they respond quickly!
It is an early service so obviously it s gonna have long queues and a terrible substitution system but it is in beta, if you let them know they listen! i have been harrased by their emails and it was intoxicating how attentitve and caring they were. Not even the fucking devs are like that.
I am a just getting started into 6s and if i were a complete new player and go to either mixchamp or tf2center. i would probably say fuck it and go back to pubs.
People need to realize we need to stay together rather than spread thin. The competitive community isnt big at all. this is true just go to fucking reddit where it s the cesspool of tf2 players and of you do a poll, rhousands of people will say they dont give a shit about competitive. Divided we falll, my friends #tf2centerplzdie #iam90yearsoldandistillcantgetintopugchamp