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Last Posted October 21, 2016 at 4:53 PM
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#3 a bhopping video in CS2 General Discussion

bhopping through apartments

posted about 9 years ago
#24 Ipkane mention's TF2's existence in TF2 General Discussion

pharaoh killing na tf2. your move permzilla

posted about 9 years ago
#94 Overwatch Event Impressions in Other Games
mebit's a new Blizzard IP with a guaranteed pulse on release

lots of peeps in TF2 are bored out of their minds and want to learn a new game that isn't cs:go

Blizzard is positioning this game to be accessible to casual as well as competitive players

popular casual scene = healthy competitive scene

not sure why it is difficult to believe this game will be the new hotness come end of 2015

It'll be popular
It'll be polished
It'll be good
I'll buy it
I'll play it
I'll probably have fun too

But it isn't what I was hoping it would be and there's no chance I'll dump 4k hours into it like I did for TF2.
Got my hopes up and now I'm sad :(

posted about 9 years ago
#45 Overwatch Event Impressions in Other Games

If they can't be bothered to check the options menu then they're probably not serious enough to appreciate the benefits customizing can give them. But why would you ever want to bring your serious players down to the level of the lazy and casual ones? That doesn't make for a good game. That line of reasoning is almost word for word the same as Sakurai's when he made Brawl different from Melee, and see how that turned out.

posted about 9 years ago
#23 Give me casting feedback in TF2 General Discussion
Mr_OwlYou don't really provide any insight. You do fine as a play by play type commentator but your lack of experience really shows when you try to do any sort of analysis. You've been lucky to be matched with casters like Marxist who really do understand the game, and you should let them do their job. You don't even need to ask leading questions. Just narrate the action (which you are very good at) and let your cocaster do the talking during stalemates/freezetime.

I agree with this. Unlike bigger esports, when you're casting TF2 your audience is gonna consist of a lot of experienced players/spectators who've watched and played a lot of the game. So it's a lot more obvious to us if you're unaware of certain aspects of the game than it might be to another scene. From what I've seen you've got all the technical aspects of casting down though, so play to your strengths and let a co-caster cover the weak spots. You do fine

posted about 9 years ago
#49 Sheep in CSGO in CS2 General Discussion

I only watch CSGO but as far as I can tell the only real difference between it and TF2 6s is pacing. CSGO is more about team tactics and TF2 is more about tech skill like aim and movement, but they're both about both.

CSGO snipers have to be fast to avoid getting killed.
TF2 snipers have to be precise in order to get their pick without alerting the enemy team to their player advantage. And when they're getting attacked they have to be precise enough to hit the head and fast enough to avoid getting killed.

pretty sure TF2 sniping is harder but that's not supposed to diss CSGO. It's just a different game with less emphasis on that kind of stuff.

posted about 9 years ago
#194 Your most special/memorable TF2 moments? in TF2 General Discussion

I thought it was higher but its close enough to 1k

how did you even find that many people to shoot

posted about 9 years ago
#28 Overwatch Event Impressions in Other Games
Lunacidewhat exactly does "play like a moba" mean? the only similarites i see are long cooldown abilities, every thing else is bread and butter FPS mechanics. You could argue that ubercharges function in the same way the ultimate abilities in overwatch do. The two game modes are cp and payload and the game is based around 6v6, its pretty obvious they're going for the tf2 crowd.

3 main factors stand between players directly competing against each other on even ground: team play, game knowledge, and technical skill.

CS and TF2 6s=Tech Skill and Team Play over Game Knowledge
Quake=Tech Skill and Game Knowledge over Team Play
MOBAs=Game Knowledge and Team Play over Tech Skill

In order to compete competently and directly against the other player, you need to develop proficiency in the requisite factors until you're able to operate comfortably in the arena of the game.

I think Game Knowledge is the least desirable trait. Less is more, and an intuitive, easy to understand game is a lot more fun to play and learn than one that artificially inflates its Game Knowledge requirements tenfold. But if MOBAs didn't have enormous amounts of Game Knowledge to learn then they'd basically be glorified board games. This doesn't mean they aren't competitive or difficult, just that I think they're needlessly complicated and slow.

And to the average player, MOBAs are easy. You don't need 100 hours of practice to reliably hit your enemy, and anyone can learn the rules (read: all the heroes and items and stuff) eventually. It's this appeal to the average gamer that's causing devs to shit them out left and right in all shapes and sizes. But they're all really still the same type of game. Lots of breadth, little depth.

posted about 9 years ago
#14 Overwatch Event Impressions in Other Games
muselkWe setup a game of Overwatch devs vs us TF2 players that were invited (Star, Jerma, b4nny and me, along with 2 others). First up, we were COMPLETELY destroyed. Like, not even close, alot of them were on 10/20+ killstreaks and we never even capped a single point. I thought that with pretty large amounts of FPS experience we'd put up a decent fight, but it was basically just a slaughter. For me that really shows that there is a HUGE amount of depth and that this ISNT just another shooter. You really do need to understand the game and thats worth 10x just being able to click on someone.

I can't follow the logic in this at all. If all the FPS experience on the TF2 side didn't mean anything then that sounds to me like the game doesn't emphasize FPS skills like movement and aim at all. I don't know jack shit about CS:GO but I can still go into a game and do well because I can aim a gun. Same for Quake. If I can't do the same in Overwatch then I assume those skills just aren't important. And if those skills aren't important, how can he call the game 'fast and diverse?' It doesn't get much faster than an arena shooter and diversity comes from the number of ways to play a character, not how many characters there are to play. And I don't even know what to make of the implication that you can win FPS games just by clicking on people without ever understanding the game. Everything he said reinforces my initial impressions of it being moba-like, except somehow muselk comes to the opposite conclusion.

All in all I can't TAKE his RECOMMENDATION very SERIOUSLY because hes so OVER THE TOP with the CAPSLOCK and CANT find ANYTHING about the GAME worth CRITICIZING. Comes across as super disingenuous and brown-nosey

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Nosgoth in Other Games

I tried it at PAX prime and got a closed beta key cuz ESEA premium. I haven't played as much as I could have but I think it's pretty fun. A friend told me he didn't like what they did to the Legacy of Cain game's lore, but I haven't played them so I don't know.

I really feel like the game would benefit a lot from some well designed and distinct maps. There are only a few places across all the original maps that were recognizable, like the docks on Freeport or the firepit on Valeholm (I think, can't remember). The Fane is a really cool map but it still feels mostly like a maze of buildings.

posted about 9 years ago
#17 Upcoming TF2 Content Leaked in TF2 General Discussion

Can we stop calling shit like this 'content'? That way when I see a thread like this I can get excited again

posted about 9 years ago
#29 Sheep in CSGO in CS2 General Discussion

It's nice to see that some of the CSGO players know about comp tf2 and like it. Makes it hurt so much more that we don't get any support

posted about 9 years ago
#67 rip apex in Esports


posted about 9 years ago
#65 rip apex in Esports


posted about 9 years ago
#61 rip apex in Esports


posted about 9 years ago
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