Stuff that shouldn't be in any league config ever, because:
- It gets people into trouble with their gameserver provider
- Or it's none of the league's business
tv_port "27020" // STV port
tv_enable "1" // enables Source TV
host_framerate "0" // unlocks server framerate, essentially
tv_password "tfclSTV" // STV password. ***REQUIRED FOR MATCHES, DO NOT CHANGE***
tv_name "TFCL SourceTV Bot" // STV name in scoreboard. change this if you want
hostname "TCFL 6s Match" // server name in server browser. change this if you want
Stuff that probably doesn't work considering the state of the source server engine:
sv_clockcorrection_msecs "30"
host_thread_mode "1" // turns on multithreading if the server supports it
lzma_persistent_buffer "1" // keeps a persistent buffer for LZMA decompression to prevent memory from being allocated and unallocated repeatedly
sv_parallel_sendsnapshot "1" // sends packets in parallel