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Signed Up August 8, 2012
Last Posted February 24, 2022 at 10:54 AM
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#26 If this is the future I am scared in TF2 General Discussion

scrims now only last 10 mins as everyone is sweating, breathing heavy, and in serious need of an ice-bath

"why isn't clockwork going to lan"
"tore his ACL double-jumping on badlands spire. Hopes to be back for the fall"

posted about 11 years ago
#15 What was TF2-comp like when crits was enabled? in TF2 General Discussion
PlayItLoudBLoodSirescout 1v1's were first were like throwing dice
Isn't that scout 1v1 now?

good point, to clarify, it was a game of "who wins the favor of the crit gods first"

posted about 11 years ago
#6 What was TF2-comp like when crits was enabled? in TF2 General Discussion

scout 1v1's were like throwing dice

posted about 11 years ago
#8 So wait in TF2 General Discussion

Actually he would still be pretty good once he got into the swing of things. Clockwork and Yz50 still do the super agrro playstyle as it works with superior aim, and the running in of a scout after team fights to meatshot everything is a staple of how HRG plays and they just won lan. Scout isn't terribly hard if you can DM very well. He'd have to think more, but this is video games, not rocket-science.

but... he's not sorry, so what do I care

posted about 11 years ago
#159 National Day of Silence in TF2 General Discussion

how about never say anything with a particular malice or intent to hurt and be mindful of a possible audience who might get hurt...then join the rest of us normal/reasonable human beings who know that words are just words and context makes all the difference. Be intelligent and understand some people will find a way to be offended no matter what you say, so long as you don't go around talking like a mook you should generally have an okay time putting up with everyone's shit.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 cbear in TF2 General Discussion

in swoops the rawdog to save the day

posted about 11 years ago
#17 invite whisperings in TF2 General Discussion

reptile/dion combo returning, confirmed

posted about 11 years ago
#17 Shooting at MIT in Off Topic

they killed one of them

posted about 11 years ago
#124 What yall think of... in TF2 General Discussion

i meant to say: I too use auto-rezoom

posted about 11 years ago
#43 ESEA LAN: who's going? in LAN Discussion



posted about 11 years ago
#65 New update (rip openplugin?) in TF2 General Discussion

so there was a plugin that let people have higher fov and transparent viewmodels? I'm furious I did not know about this. Then again I'm not banned, so that is cool.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 elf in TF2 General Discussion

Tryion vs Ron Burgundy

posted about 11 years ago
#115 What yall think of... in TF2 General Discussion
Root_he posted a new vid

is it me or is this one even worse?

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Steam overlay not working in only TF2 in Q/A Help

I had this problem up until yesterday when I noticed that there were 2 check boxes to enable steam community. Make sure you have both enabled. One is in the settings menu when you right click on steam and go to "in-game." The other (and the one I somehow managed to turn off and forget about) can be found by right clicking on TF2 in your games Library and going to "Properties." The check box is on the first window that pops up.

posted about 11 years ago
#88 What yall think of... in TF2 General Discussion
mand this week on "snipers who cant aim but dont miss"

is this the new thing now? people play sniper and cant keep their crosshair on the model to save their life but still hit 95% of the shots they take?

I get your sentiment, it is an off trend. I would say though that before TF2 I was primarily a flick aimer, tracking was never a skill I learned in the TFC sniper niche community, and most of my shots in the AA vid or any other sniper vid I had are flick mostly. For this reason I was never really any good at scout until I practiced tracking, and then of course I still sucked :|

The "quickiness" of the headshots in the vid (by that I mean to express the way the shots register on the player in a way that feels different then other snipe vids ive seen...and i get linked a lot) I'm starting to believe is likely due to some combination of editing demos that lack player prediction, and Korean net

n0gravWhy do we even care anyway? When people make threads like this about people in tf2lobby we get mad at them but when an ex invite player makes this thread about a player on the other side of the world we are suddenly interested in finding an answer.

Well I made the thread to get a general consensus after messaging a few people and getting iffy responses. Most people seemed to think it was sketchy, I did to, but I felt I might have lead them to that idea just by pointing out the vid to them. I did the same with this thread, it seems, but I did not think it would get to 3 pages. Just like one or two guys saying "legit" or "hacks" with an inordinate amount of +frags to the popular opinion.

But you guys should watch the demo I posted on the first page toward the bottom, I watched it with the glow-outline we use for casts, def did not seem like any sort of wallhack and the aiming seemed legit too. I don't want to theorize beyond that over what is meant to be a highlight reel.

posted about 11 years ago
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