Download links: TF2Maps - Github
Mostly minor fixes. We recommend any leagues looking to run this map to use this version instead of F2/F2A
- Added sightline blocker from balcony, as you could camp spawndoors as sniper easily and barely be visible.
- Resolidified the metal fences outside spawn and in lobby. [I never intended to remove rocket jumping off them].
- Added line decal across metal beam same height as the texture [useful for demomen rolling out]. If you can't see it use 'r_renderoverlayfragment 1'
- Re-added hiding spot above the river window on 2nd as we didn't have a vote on it.
- Fixed highground next to choke being 4 unites too high by accident.
- Fixed the mid bush using the wrong model
- Fixed fence props blocking light.
- Doubled the amount of lighting bounces in an effort to make the map brighter. [it prolongs the compile time]
- Clipped a hiding spot on mid that was accidentally introduced in f1
- Fixed a sniper angle where you could shoot through a stack of boxes on last.
- Clipped spot you could get stuck in if crouching on last.
- Removed solidity of wood planks & lamps on last point. They were solid due to a mistake.
- Improved several instances of clipping across the map, specifically in corners to allow for smoother movement.
- Fixed several detailing inconsistencies with stock gullywash.
If you are aware of any issues gameplay/visual/performance please come forward so it can be adressed and fixed.
Future changes: [F4 or later]
- Replacing detailing displacements with brushes outside the playable area to prevent rendering issues and engine errors.
- Finding a solution for the mid forward spawn so that the door being open doesn't interfere with movement above.
Should be up on serveme.