Account Details
SteamID64 76561198004663727
SteamID3 [U:1:44397999]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:22198999
Country United States
Signed Up August 19, 2012
Last Posted February 20, 2020 at 4:44 PM
Posts 1918 (0.4 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.7
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
780 (850 in Drivers)
Refresh Rate
1000Hz Mouse
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G MX518 (hero sensor)
Keyboard Logitech G Pro
Mousepad Zowie G-SR-SE (Red)
Headphones Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80Ohm
Monitor BenQ XL2540 @240Hz
1 ⋅⋅ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ⋅⋅ 128
#23 Mass shooting @ Madden19 tournament in florida in Off Topic

posted about 6 years ago
#21 Mass shooting @ Madden19 tournament in florida in Off Topic

posted about 6 years ago
#17 Mass shooting @ Madden19 tournament in florida in Off Topic

posted about 6 years ago
#35 things 5 ping players do in TF2 General Discussion

Probably unwanted explaination:

TF2 counts basically anything that's sub 20ms ping as "5 ping" on the scoreboard. LAN ping would literally be server tick rate + sub 1ms or ~16ms delay with 0 jitter and 0 loss you also have the advantage of having a significantly better server that isn't glutted with several other game servers. Having say 19ms ping would add a obvious delay especially on a server that's likely has less dedicated resources while also taking on network traffic from more sources for other servers.

Forgot who said it (probably corsa though) "if I had 5 ping I would've dodged that"

posted about 6 years ago
#67 The State of ESEA-Invite (a nerd essay) in TF2 General Discussion
judasComanglia "I don't record demos outside of matches" most of these players didn't stream at the time either and the few who did most of them didn't have archiving enabled on twitch. I'm assuming it's either the same or worse now.i mean, the matches are usually when a player plays their best because that's when it matters the most. scrims you try goofy shit to see if it works, have ringers, maybe throw because you're bored, shit like that because there's nothing on the line. but when match time comes around that's when things actually matter, so that's the demo that they're most likely gonna review. plus esea saves the STV of every match that gets played (minus all the times it gets fucked up) which provides a better idea of what is going on overall, you can see enemy positioning, uber %, see who's dead on what team. overall matches are, in my opinion, the best demos to watch and i imagine that these players feel the same way

"goofy shit to see if it works"
You need to understand why something worked or didn't work.

"have ringers"
you can still individually review yourself

"maybe throw because you're bored"
stop playing then cause it's a literal waste of everyone's time.

"when match time comes around that's when things actually matter"
this is why you should review before. I mean it helps if you're going into Thursday but not Tuesday. Plus you get to pick your scrims not your matches. Ex. MAL would probably learn a lot more from reviewing a scrim against Mentality or New God Flow than they would in a match vs Froyo. Plus doing something like this means you not only have to do a map review you also have to do a STV review separately which is perfectly fine it just requires a fair chunk more time.

"he best demos to watch and i imagine that these players feel the same way"
They might feel that way but I still highly doubt many players in invite actually review their own demos or STV team demos match or not on a weekly basis.

posted about 6 years ago
#64 The State of ESEA-Invite (a nerd essay) in TF2 General Discussion
aim-we literally scrim 5 nights a week for 3+ months doin map reviews and the community just chalks it up as 'not enough effort'

While I do agree with you in that a lot of people are seriously under estimating the amount of time and effort Invite players put into playing. Have you considered Invite in general is putting in the wrong kind of effort or to little of a different kind? How many full teams in Invite review scrim STVs? How many individual players in Invite review their own demos and or VODs? I'd honestly be surprised if more than a handful of players or teams in Invite did this and I'd be in utter disbelief if any team in invite did all those things on a weekly basis. It's not like it takes a massive amount of time either a map review can be combined with a STV review and realistically you only need to review a couple rounds.

While I've never played invite the few times I was trying to improve in 6s in general I asked several invite players if I could get a demo of them playing so I could review it. You know the answer I got? "I don't record demos outside of matches" most of these players didn't stream at the time either and the few who did most of them didn't have archiving enabled on twitch. I'm assuming it's either the same or worse now.

posted about 6 years ago
#62 The State of ESEA-Invite (a nerd essay) in TF2 General Discussion
Kalkindid someone say undefeatedKalkintime to summon the skaters

Kalkin I can't take this trolling stop.

posted about 6 years ago
#7 Gpus for sale in Hardware
aim-too good to be real

nah shdsteel almost literally bathes in spare PC parts.

posted about 6 years ago
#15 YO MP5 BOYS in CS2 General Discussion

What are the actual stats of the MP5?

From what I'm reading this weapon is useless and doesn't have any real niche.

MP5 vs MP7


  • Less noise
  • Faster move speed (about 8% faster move speed)


  • Less Damage (27 vs 29)
  • More Spread while moving possibly ingeneral (makes no sense at all the silenced weapons in the game have less spread... it will have the worst move spread of all SMGs...)


  • Cost
  • Magazine Size and total ammo
  • Kill Award
  • Recoil (both say "85" which is pretty dumb I thought most silenced weapons had less recoil vs stock)
  • Penetration
  • "Stopping Power"

basically the MP5 forces you to play more like if you had an actual rifle with terrible damage. The only thing I could think of for usage is going for a "quiet" loadout or something that's just plain dumb.

posted about 6 years ago
#6 What should my Network Setting be with a high ping in Q/A Help

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't interpolation related to packet loss, and not ping?

Yes and No. Technically interpolation would also be used if the server is unable to send a frame in the timespan expected.


you have set

cl_updaterate 66
cl_cmdrate 65
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_interp .0152 

All is well and good assuming the server constantly gets 66 updates to you (or more) 100% of the time, but the server may not be able to do so for various reasons i.e. Packet Loss, The server is crap and can't keep up, the server (or any hop between you and the server) is being attacked and causing wildly fluctuating packet times thus delaying updates from the server to you, the game you're playing isn't the most stable thing, etc. Say you're suddenly getting only 60 updates per second but no packet loss your interp would need to be "cl_interp 0.0167" in order to be applied correctly.

Typically speaking the higher your ping the more hops and distance you have between yourself and the server which means there are more points that failure or delays can happen.

To my (admittedly rather limited) knowledge cl_interp_ratio is for update drops (either via the server or packetloss) while cl_interp is for delays. (Technically they both apply to both but more so to one than the other) Most people have more issues with delays than packetloss assuming a wired connection. To add to this basically every server I've played at least fluctated from ~64 updates to ~67 updates per second.

posted about 6 years ago
#4 Stream Frame Drops in Q/A Help

It appears that StreamLabs OBS was set to "Auto" for server (I swear I had this manually set before, I know in my early July streams I definitely did cause I was still using regular OBS and checked that setting hasn't changed). I manually set it to Chicago US East and issue didn't occur the last time I streamed. According to streamlabs "Auto" is the best setting cause it automatically pick the "best" server lol more likely it picks the 1st "acceptable" server.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 What should my Network Setting be with a high ping in Q/A Help
VisThere aren't any settings that will mirracly improve your ping.

That's not the point of the question though...

He's asking for what would give him the best hit registration / most enjoyable experience.

Regardless of what class you play.

cl_updaterate 66
cl_cmdrate 65 

according to mastercoms cl_cmdrate is set lower than cl_updaterate to have smoothing be applied to server updates and not client updates *my understanding of this could be wrong*

If you main a projectile/particle class (Soldier, Demo, Pyro and Medic)

cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_interp .0152 (a value of 0 would be fine as well)

If you main a hitscan class (Scout, Heavy, Sniper and Spy)

cl_interp_ratio 2 (possibly higher)
cl_interp .0228 (possibly higher but this should work fine)

or (for basically the same thing)

cl_interp_ratio 3
cl_interp .0152

I didn't add Engineer to either list cause I can see an argument both ways. On 1 hand a low interp value would be better for Rescue Ranger + less latency to hitting a sentry with a wrench + less latency to start building on the other hand a higher interp setting would give better overall hit registration for PvP melee and hitscan weapons.

mastercomfig seems to generally recommend these other settings as well

net_compresspackets 1
net_compresspackets_minsize 128
rate 196608 // 1.57 Mbps default rate from CS:GO
net_splitpacket_maxrate 196608
net_splitrate 1 // How many packets to split per frame
net_maxcleartime 0.020346

mastercomfig seems to have several settings for the below but I picked out the "balanced" ones for you.

net_maxroutable 1200
net_maxfragments 1200
posted about 6 years ago
#11 Comfortable chair in Hardware
the301stspartanSteelcase leap 2 is goat. I sit on absolute clouds ever since I got it.

If you're lucky you can find a used one for half price (if not broken, it's not any worse than new)

I lucked out so hard with this. My work was about to throw away a Steelcase Leap from ~2004 because it was old and covered in dirt but otherwise 100% fine (no tearing, nothing was falling off, original parts, height/arm/lumbar adjustments all still worked). Asked my manager if I could just take it home and they were like "why? thing has been sitting for over a decade... whatever go ahead." vacuumed it for like 2 hours and it's basically brand new. The chair costed like $2000 when the company bought it...

Easily the most comfortable chair I've ever used.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 Stream Frame Drops in Q/A Help
Stochast1cover what "48fps" is
Unless OBS is doing something really crazy, 48 there really does mean 48 since they are omitting the NTSC unlike the 24 fps option. I would also imagine twitch wouldn't have any issue with a NTSC framerate either way, but I'm not a twitch engineer. You could always try setting the fps manually with the integer values option, if you really want to be sure, but again, I highly doubt that is the issue you have.
just realized my audio doesn't even stutter during the 2 examples
When you drop frames on twitch, you are just dropping visual frames not the audio stream, so that issue is just another confirmation that you are experiencing frame drops. As a side effect, this is how a viewer can tell that the streamer is having stream issues rather than their own issues which would cause the entire stream to freeze.

While I can't say for certain, I'm pretty sure your issue is a "it is how the internet works" issue and not a "you" issue, especially since your local recordings work fine. Just because your bandwidth isn't choked up doesn't mean any of the hops along the way to twitch aren't. Outside of paying for a business internet connection, which should solve issues from you to twitch, there really isn't much you can do to fix that issue. However, you can definitely try changing your twitch ingest server which can both change the hops your connection uses and give you a less congested server that can handle your stream without dropping.

This is an advantage I do have. I work for the ISP and have direct management access to every hop from my house to the border of my ISPs network until it's handed off to Cogent which has more than enough bandwidth at least to the edge of Chicago. Using tools to test speeds to Twitch's Chicago server suggest I should have significant upstream headroom over my current bitrate, but that may not be indicative of all days/hours or even minutes so I'll try a different server and see how it goes.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Stream Frame Drops in Q/A Help

I've been noticing some serious frame drops for short intervals in the VODs of my stream despite not experiencing them myself ingame. StreamlabsOBS shows 0.1% frame drop to which I had assumed is likely due to some kind of mismatch over what "48fps" is which could either be a true 48 fps OR 47.952fps (23.976 x 2)a difference of 0.048fps which would be a 0.1% loss, but looking at my VODs I find things like this which wouldn't happen afaik if it was a frame rate mismatch between twitch and myself. Which even if that is how this issue is occuring it should occur every ~1000s (16m40s) which doesn't seem to be the case in my VODs. (advanced video stats for the VOD doesn't show any crazy upticks in frame drop matter of fact it shows 1 dropped frame during this) (between 58m45s and 58m48s)

I have some serious frame loss while peeking around the door looking at the enemy's ruins area by tunnel on lakeside. This frame loss only seems to occur for about 1-2s between 56m06s and 56m10s this happens at a few various points throughout my VODs. Even when there doesn't seem to be a whole lot going on.

StreamLabs OBS Specificiations/Details

  • Updated just before the refrenced VOD to 0.9.8 iirc issue was occurring before as well.
  • 1280x720 @48FPS
  • Filter: Lanczos (doesn't seem to have affected framerate/stability was on bilinear a few weeks ago)
  • Bitrate: 4750 Kbps // was at 5400Kbps when I first started streaming and tried fixing this and have tried 5200, 5000 and now 4750 issue seems -slightly- better (placebo?)
  • NVENC encoding
  • Audio bit rate: 160Kbps (not sure how this could possibly affect it more than the overall bitrate, but I have also tried 96Kbps)
  • Game Capture

Internet/Network Details

  • Speed 80Mbps x 25Mbps (even during peak hours)
  • I have tried both no QoS and QoS that favored twitch packets
  • I've monitored bandwidth on my port and I don't get anywhere close to maxing out bandwidth during streams
  • I have a wired connection
  • I'm not being DDoS'd at least not in the above reference and I'm certain I get to my ISPs network edge with no packet loss, reroutes, or bandwidth throttling. I seem to have not latency issues to the twitch server in chicago and I have no packet loss after testing for 8 hours.

PC Specificiations
Motherboard: Asus Z87-A ATX
CPU: Intel i7-4790K @4.7GHz
CPU Fan: Phanteks PH-TC14PE (max load temps are ~68C)

  • Driver Version: 398.11 (June 5th 2018)

Memory: G.Skill Sniper Series 32GB DDR3 1866MHz
PSU: Cooler Master VSM 650W 80+ Gold
OS: Windows 10 64-Bit (I'm using a very streamlined version of windows 10)

At this point I'm almost 100% sure it's a setting in streamlabs OBS or a mix of settings being to high and the hardware I have isn't fully capable of supporting what I'm using. Anyone have any suggestions? I'd immensely prefer to staying at 720p 48FPS but to achieve the kind of quality I want I can't really go to much lower than 4500 for bitrate.


I've used the exact same hardware for local recordings in the last few months as well but with a bit rate of 12,000 1920x1080 60fps but otherwise same settings (except Lanczos I was using bilinear for this) and the issue didn't occur once in the ~22min recording


just realized my audio doesn't even stutter during the 2 examples I have so now I'm really beginning to wonder if it's hardware related or perhaps how OBS is recording the game (Game Capture vs Window Capture vs Display Capture)

posted about 6 years ago
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