Account Details
SteamID64 76561198004663727
SteamID3 [U:1:44397999]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:22198999
Country United States
Signed Up August 19, 2012
Last Posted February 20, 2020 at 4:44 PM
Posts 1918 (0.4 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.7
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
780 (850 in Drivers)
Refresh Rate
1000Hz Mouse
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G MX518 (hero sensor)
Keyboard Logitech G Pro
Mousepad Zowie G-SR-SE (Red)
Headphones Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80Ohm
Monitor BenQ XL2540 @240Hz
1 ⋅⋅ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ⋅⋅ 128
#128 its back in TF2 General Discussion
FUNKeLegitimately curious, would those anti-cowmangler prefer it remain banned forever for the remainder of time until it is adjusted by valve? We all know valve will takes months (nay, years) to change it regardless of if it's whitelisted, but at least by having it whitelisted, you can channel that anger of the weapon's balance into constructive incentive for valve to step on the gas with it- whereas before rebalancing the weapon might not have been high on the to-do list.

I'm legitimately curious why you would think people would be happy to see a weapon that was banned previously and it's only change since then was to allow for mini-crits while being kritzkrieg'd and I think the afterburn rework was after this point as well but that's not nearly as important. Literally all the criticism for the Cow Mangler from S25 and 26? is still the same.

posted about 6 years ago
#72 its back in TF2 General Discussion

For a moment I thought I was going to be able to bring back this bad boy.

Glad I can't, but have to say it's odd it isn't seeing as the Cow Mangler is unbanned which will have a larger disruption of flow in the game than any other previously banned weapon save the disciplinary action and quick-fix. The Cow Mangler 5000 is an even better weapon now than when it was banned last time, what makes anyone think it'll be ok now?

posted about 6 years ago
#9 packet loss spikes to 30 around every minute in Q/A Help
Dylanso as of the past week I get random packet loss spikes to 30 and my game freezes, this occurs around every minute and is making it very difficult to play. I've looked up and tried many things but nothing seems to work so I'm really just looking for any kind of help

I noticed several of my teammates and players we scrim against have been having issues with NFO servers in Chicago that seems to randomly come and go. Idk if that's necessarily what's going on with you but something is definitely not going well for getting to servers in chicago.

posted about 6 years ago
#5 Clicking out of game window in Q/A Help

Comangliatechnically speaking m_rawinput 1 should prevent this from happening.

otherwise here is a site that calculates a bunch of things including how fast you can move you mouse before it desyncs from your game window.

Things that affect the issue you're having

DPI : Lower = Less likely
Resolution: Higher = Less Likely
Frame Rate: Higher = Less Likely

some examples
400DPI 3 Sens 1920x1080 160fps
9.75m/s before you start to have that desync issue (you'll actually have to move a bit faster to desync hard enough to switch focus away from the game)

800DPI 1.5 Sens 1920x1080 160fps

800DPI 1.5 Sens 1920x1080 80fps

800DPI 1.5 Sens 800x600 80fps

1600DPI 0.75 Sens 800x600 80fps
posted about 6 years ago
#837 recent/new release rap thread in Music, Movies, TV

posted about 6 years ago
#196 The Mouse/Mousepad Thread v2 in Hardware
vulcCurrently using the wired g403 and want to go wireless, I like the shape of the g403 so I would like to stick with that
I’m debating between the g603 and the g703 but the main issue is weight. My g403 weighs 90g while the g703 weighs about 106 and the g603 weighs 112 grams with a single heavy battery and 135 with two heavy batteries. Can anybody with experience with these mice tell me if the weight difference is going to make a big difference?

It's hard to say since there is so many factors with this.

1. you'll no longer have cable drag which means your mouse will actually feel a bit lighter than most other 106g mice.
2. You can use a singular lithium battery and get it closer to 100g.
3. You can get better mouse skates that has less static friction thus making the mouse feel lighter as well. hyperglide just release the g403 style mouse skates
4. You can open up the mouse and remove some of the unnecessary shit to get it closer to the same weight as well.


You can install a paracord mouse cable and replace the mouseskates with the hyperglide ones I mentioned above and have a mouse that's ~90g and feels like it's wireless with less friction.

I have 0 personal experience with going from a wired mouse to a wireless mouse of the exact same shape.

I have A LOT of experience of switching between mice of nearly or exactly the same shape with various mouse skates, cables and weights.

I've used a G400, G400s, G403, G502, Zowie EC2-A, Zowie FK (2014), IntelliMouse Optical and G303.

I've replaced mouse skates on G400, G400s, G403, G502, Zowie EC2-A, IntelliMouse Optical and G303.
I've replaced cables on G400s, G403, G502, IntelliMouse Optical and G303
I've done' weight reduction mods on G400s (-3g end weight 106g), G403 (-4g end weight 83g), G502 (-11g end weight 110g) and IntelliMouse Optical (-2g end weight 84g)

Also if anyone has any tips on weight reduction for the G502 that doesn't include drilling holes into the shell I'm welcome to hear some lol. Trying to make the G502 look almost untouched from the top or sides and keep functionality of stock. Goal weight is ~105g

things I've already done
-change out scroll wheel for g700 style scroll wheel (-2 grams)
-removed screws that hold the base of the mouse to top of the mouse since the clips on the g502 seem to hold together really well (about -0.5 gram)
-removed internal light pipes for the lighting effects + screws that held them in place (-1.5 grams)
-removed blue rubber in the weight holding area (-1 gram)
-removed basically all of the weight cover except the mouseskate thumb area (-6 grams)

posted about 6 years ago
#24 what do Y'ALL DRINK when GAMING in TF2 General Discussion

G2 gatorade or water. Rarely mtn dew.

posted about 6 years ago
#2 Monitor and keyboard help in Hardware

Things the 2430 has that the 2411p doesn't.

  • S Switch (allows changing monitor profiles with a single button press)
  • Stronger Stand with alignment markings
  • Monitor can be tilted forward and back with alignment markings
  • Extra HDMI port, D-Sub, Mic jack
  • USB ports
  • Height adjustment can go 10mm higher

The monitors have literally the exact same Display, and I can only assume the firmware and thus performance, color quality, etc or absolutely the same on both. Basically the 2430 has a lot of the things most would consider "extras" I'd get a 2411p unless you specifically want the extra ports (USB, HDMI, Mic jack) though I strongly recommend against the headphone and mic jacks on monitors. Not sure if it's just me but they seem to always have really shitty audio quality.

posted about 6 years ago
#6 Could I Dishwash my Keyboard? in Q/A Help

I wouldn't do it.

I mean technically yes you can, but you would have to discharge all the electricity stored in the capacitors AND you would have to let is sit for long enough / drain out for long enough to become completely dry which given the design of a lot of keyboards is next to impossible or take over a month unless you disassemble it. Which if you were to do that you might as well do it the right way and just use rubbing alcohol pads/wipes and individually clean and wipe everything down.

posted about 6 years ago
#109 III in LAN Discussion

Assuming nothing terrible happens cu@

Might actually get to see one of the Oceans =D


Having never been to a LAN were I needed to rent a PC&Monitor I have several questions to ask.

  1. What kind of PCs and Monitors would I expect to be able to rent?
  2. What kind of desk space am I looking at. I'm sure I can't fit my 3ft wide QCK XXL but will I have plenty of space for a QCK Heavy?
  3. How much configuration "needs" to be done to the rental PCs. Will games/programs at the event already be pre-installed? Will they be set to "High Performance" mode? Will I have the ability to change Nvidia Control Panel settings if it's a Nvidia GPU? Will I have local admin privileges?
  4. What kind of bandwidth is available if I have to download stuff?
posted about 6 years ago
#36 whats ur ms in Off Topic

60 hz lisdexamphetamine and jolt cola

nice preclick dude. Visual Stimuli at fastest reach the brain from the eye at about ~30ms. Travel time (brain to fingers) to be able to click that fast would put you over 75ms real fast and that's ignoring the time it takes from the brain to communicate from the visual cortex to the motor cortex.

Fastest recorded reaction times are done via Auditory Stimuli as it takes ~7ms to reach the brain and the reaction time is measured at the eyelids or jaws, and is done with a sound that should scare the participant. Reaction time is approx 35ms at this point. The fastest average auditory reaction time recorded at the arms for a male olympic athlete is 58ms.

Finally just considering input lag alone you probably have over 25ms of input lag before you even begin to see the transition on your 60Hz setup (you have at least 16.7ms of delay right there + at least 1ms from your mouse).

As a final note I've done reaction time testing while on and not on my adhd meds and it made no difference in my fastest reactions (it did improve my minimum however). Caffeine while already alert is at best a 5ms reduction.

oh now that I'm more awake

posted about 6 years ago
#24 whats ur ms in Off Topic
ShneakyComanglia[*] Set Browser to use hardware accelerationAgree with everything else listed but personally I find I get more consistent scores with hardware acceleration disabled.

Saved on leaderboard as ''.

might vary a bit for most but on my work PC tested 10 times with hardware acceleration on and 10 without and my average was only a 4ms difference in favor of hardware accel but honestly that's pretty negligible so probably not a big deal if it's on or not.

posted about 6 years ago
#24 Any good alternatives for TF2Center? in The Dumpster

Could be worse, could have the issue where you're locked out of 60% of lobbies cause you rarely use the service and you must be shit if you have less than 100 lobbies in 2018

posted about 6 years ago
#21 whats ur ms in Off Topic

There's a lot factors that go into reaction time + this one also has all the factors of input lag. If I was to do this again later today when I'm more awake say 6PM my time it would be close to 160ms on my gaming pc. If I was to start exercising and eating right again I'd probably be close 150ms again.
my reaction time from this last weekend while I had a cold

directstar1Im a 17 year old with perfect health, and my lowest is 270ms. Help
  • Get a monitor with instant input (Gaming Monitor or CRT)
  • Higher Refresh = Better
  • Set Browser to use hardware acceleration
  • Use High Performance Power Options
  • close the majority of your background processes
  • 1000Hz Mouse
  • Mouse with low click latency Chart
  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Be hydrated
  • Don't be sick
  • Eat Well
  • Exercise
  • Do the benchmark when you would normally play or feel the most alert.
  • Don't do this on a phone
Marxist240 ms and I've had 4 beers. I'm a 30 year old god Owl.

Peak reaction time and for the most part average reaction time doesn't drop until mid to late 30s for most.

posted about 6 years ago
#7 Tabbing out with dual monitor in Q/A Help

technically speaking m_rawinput 1 should prevent this from happening.

otherwise here is a site that calculates a bunch of things including how fast you can move you mouse before it desyncs from your game window.

Things that affect the issue you're having

DPI : Lower = Less likely
Resolution: Higher = Less Likely
Frame Rate: Higher = Less Likely

some examples
400DPI 3 Sens 1920x1080 160fps
9.75m/s before you start to have that desync issue (you'll actually have to move a bit faster to desync hard enough to switch focus away from the game)

800DPI 1.5 Sens 1920x1080 160fps

800DPI 1.5 Sens 1920x1080 80fps

800DPI 1.5 Sens 800x600 80fps

1600DPI 0.75 Sens 800x600 80fps

posted about 6 years ago
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