Account Details
SteamID64 76561198004663727
SteamID3 [U:1:44397999]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:22198999
Country United States
Signed Up August 19, 2012
Last Posted February 20, 2020 at 4:44 PM
Posts 1918 (0.4 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.7
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
780 (850 in Drivers)
Refresh Rate
1000Hz Mouse
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G MX518 (hero sensor)
Keyboard Logitech G Pro
Mousepad Zowie G-SR-SE (Red)
Headphones Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80Ohm
Monitor BenQ XL2540 @240Hz
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#10 Micro stutters/input lag only in Pugchamp in Q/A Help

are pugchamp servers sv_pure 2 or sv_pure 1 with an extensive whitelist/blacklist?

posted about 6 years ago
#5 What was the most entertaining season u think? in TF2 General Discussion

S11 the top 4 teams were all very comparable to each other.

The seeding from regular season to actual placement basically flopped

1st seed (Flow) got 4th
2nd seed (br0) got 3rd
4th seed (Mix^) got 2nd
3rd seed (LG) got 1st

Really confusing seeing a LG team at the bottom of Invite but also as the winners of LAN. Did LG pickup the "don't trip" team after regular season but before LAN?

owl"every #1-5 invite team was comparable to each other"

it was mix^ and banny team with occasional tri team or whatever bringing up 3rd lets be real

S11 top 4 was still pretty close...

posted about 6 years ago
#2957 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Roughly equivalent so get the cheapest.
If all are expensive/not available where you live I can give you some other options.
Thanks. I'd like to see the cheaper alternative motherboards and are these also compatible with the 8700k? I said I'd settle with the 8600k but I'm still deciding if I want to spend extra on the 8700k

Keep in mind you're comparing a 6c/6t to a 6c/12t CPUs. There are very-very few things that'll benefit from the extra 6 threads (Video Rendering and File Compression speeds even then having the 6 extra hyper threads would be pretty negligible). Even from a multitasking standpoint going past 6 threads really isn't that important outside of some specific cases that are very unlikely for someone who's main use is going to be at home/school and gaming.

Though this is mostly cause I'm assuming you're going to overclock, otherwise yeah the 8700k will perform better thanks to the extra 500Mhz of turbo speed. If you don't overclock though the argument should be 8600 vs 8700 not 8600k vs 8700k.

posted about 6 years ago
#5 corn jokes, and other great puns in Off Topic

posted about 6 years ago
#1528 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

From the posts above it seems the most ideal solution would be to make a payment system not terribly dissimilar to humblebundle. Put in X amount of dollars = X months of subscription + remainder being considered a straight donation. Without a recurring subscription, of course you can still have a subscription method as well, but I believe having the prior method would be preferable to the majority of people willing to donate/pay you.

Also to give some people an idea the kind of time and effort updating a config actually takes. I actually kept track for a few months of how much time I put into updating my config. In early 2017 I spent roughly ~30hrs updating my config, keep in mind that was just me doing the bare minimum of updating it, correcting errors, testing bugs and fixing broken download links. Between 2013 to the end of 2015 I spent easily 300+ hours updating and making my configs, and I didn't even do it that well. I didn't make an install client for it, I didn't specify every bug I fixed, I didn't make dozens of presets, I didn't make a linux/mac os version. I can only imagine the amount of time Mastercoms has put into this and it really makes me wonder how you could possibly have that much time.

posted about 6 years ago
#9 why does every sens feel soo slooow? in TF2 General Discussion
kpdude idk if anyone has had this problem but every sens i try it just ends up being too slow for me. the thing is if i stick with a sens for like a week or two it just becomes really dull and really slow and i cant play with it. what am i supposed to do i even tried 10.3cm/360 and after a while it just got slow and dull too. help im in a sensitivity hell

A lot of things can be causing you to feel like this.

Roughly 6yrs ago I felt like I had the same issue you're having now. I had a 1000DPI mouse and my ingame sens was 4. This is equal to about 10.3cm/360 like you tried, and I moved my sens up to 6 making it so my sens was about 6.9cm/360, and I still felt that way. I tried a bunch of relatively high sensitivities and even tried mouse accel, always felt that way, so I looked up what kind of sensitivities a lot of FPS pros actually use. Found that a lot of them were playing with sensitivities in the 30cm to 75cm per 360 range for CS. So I decided to try ~23cm/360 after getting a new mouse (g400) and a QCK+ for more mousepad, and I started to aim more with my arm and less with my wrist/fingers and that feeling my sensitivity was to low went away in less than a month. After getting a 144Hz ~4years ago my sensitivity started to feel to high lol, and now I sit around ~52cm/360.

Somethings you might want to try.

-Try arm aiming use a lower sensitivity if you have to.
-Get different mouse feet Corepad (ones with rounded edges) and Hyperglides both work really well and usually have less friction against them than stock mouse feet.
-Try a different mousepad material, or size if necessary.
-Clean your mousepad, especially if you have a hard mousepad.
-Could also try a lighter mouse
-If you notice you press your mouse down into your desk/mousepad stop doing that, this will make it harder to move your mouse and create more wrist strain.

posted about 6 years ago
#6 MY laptop screen is fucked in Hardware
tonmasProbably a loose or faulty display cable connecting the screen to the motherboard.

eh probably not, usually that would distort most of or the entire screen.

Likely what's wrong here is you probably have a faulty ribbon cable (or 2) that controls power to that particular area of your screen. Only way to really confirm that though is to basically near fully disassemble your laptop, remove all the casing around the display power on the display and peel off the top layers of the display to verify that the back-light is lit. Do not actually peel apart the LCD screen though. The outer layer of the display will be a thin transparent sheet of plastic and the next layer will likely be the LCD screen, the LCD screen is the layer that you actually see what is being displayed. Note you will have a hard time seeing whats on the screen without a back light, but you can use a flashlight to do quick checks to see if this is the layer being affected. If you still see the black area you normally see you know for sure that the problem is power getting to those pixels (especially if you display a black image and the normal black area is still darker), if while moving the lcd screen the black area suddenly changes or goes away get smaller etc, it likely means the ribbon cable is ok but it doesn't have good contact. Repairing this part is a pain in the ass and usually not worth it imo.

just for the sake of clarity this is where i think your issue is.

Honestly you would be better off finding a similar sized laptop display and replacing your old one with that one, just getting a new laptop, or hook up a standalone monitor via HDMI / VGA or whatever.

Just realized that the ribbons I'm referring to control power only in vertical strips. Horizontal lines like you have mean your display is full on fucked.

posted about 6 years ago
#33 Games that are like comp tf2 in Other Games
ScrewballwonderlandScrewballsquieloverwatchOverwatch plays more like a MOBA than a quake based class shooter.
TF2 doesn't play like a quake based shooter either. its not even quake engine ffs. yeh 20 years ago it was in development to be one, but then they switched to source
The engine has little to do with whether or not a game is Quake-like or not. Unreal Tournament is one of the closest games to Quake and it's engine is completely independently developed. Source is based off GoldSrc which is moded Quake engine. Essentially Source engine is heavily modified Quake engine.

You're definitely just arguing over semantics here.

TF2 isn't quake like in respects to movement beyond rocket/grenade jumping
TF2 isn't quake like in respects of what kind of FPS it is i.e. Arena FPS vs Team Based FPS
TF2 weapons are kinda quake like. As you do have a machine gun, shotgun, rocket launcher, railgun, grenade launcher equivalents. The syringe gun is very loosely like the plasma gun/nail gun, and the flame throwers are technically really shitty high spread LG equivalents.
Medic adds in the role of the bonus 50% hp, plus has the option of kritzkrieg which is basically Quad Damage but is actually Triple damage.
TF2 maps are about as not quake like as it gets item control and item spawns are basically irrelevant or non-existent.

posted about 6 years ago
#34 Steam chat redesign beta in Off Topic

looking at the beta it seems pretty damn cool also noticed they put your profile name where your account name used to be. Definitely a bit more streamer/youtuber friendly in that case.

I hope there will be an option for a small icon mode or something for the friendslist though, can't quite just eye ball my friendslist anymore if a bunch of people are online.
-slightly smaller font
-smaller avatar
-remove the Online (Blue that it currently is) / Busy (Lighter Blue/doesn't seem to be an option in the beta UI anyway though) / Away(Dark Blue it currently is in beta) / Offline(Gray) text and just use a color scheme for it

posted about 6 years ago
#501 Quake Champions Closed Beta in Other Games

What are NA player numbers like now?

When I was first trying the game out it took awhile to find people in que purely because there wasn't that many. with over 8000k players in the last 24 hours, (keep in mind when I was I playing it was like ~900 tops)

this seems to suggest queing atm is good but idk how well that'll go in the long run.

botmode how do you feel about the current state of the game? also you get a 144Hz+ monitor yet?

posted about 6 years ago
#8 Shooting friendly players in TF2 General Discussion is a huge change for hitscan in choke points

all hitscan can go through friendly players.

melee however should go through friendly players it's really dumb when 3 people are all trying to melee 1 person and none of them hit cause all of them hit each other...

posted about 6 years ago
#11 Games that are like comp tf2 in Other Games
VisTF2 is unique.

pretty much this.

everything else is on a different engine, only similar in overall style rather than actual feel and play, or dead.

Closest comparison is technically CSGO or Quake Champions if you play the team modes. Even then that's not that close as both games are still drastically different movement mechanics and fire registration are very different from TF2.

posted about 6 years ago
#1410 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

what does -noassert do?

posted about 6 years ago
#42 HUD Creation Competition in TF2 General Discussion
sandblastYea you can do that in a diff thread just make sure the one you submit here is your final version as you can only submit one HUD during the event.

This part is particularly bugging me as someone who's waiting for the huds to be submitted. The entire process and time length really makes it that all of the huds are going to hit on late June 9th or June 10th. As the timespan really doesn't allow for sufficient time to make, test and polish a complete hud (that works in 4:3 , 16:10 and 16:9) and none of the people who are interested in this don't really get to see the development of the hud or try it out before the deadline. Wouldn't it be just as good as having people who are working on huds just post a github link or similar and then pulling all the huds at a specific time on June 10th?

posted about 6 years ago
#21 Mention your indifference in Off Topic

2 of my department coworkers called in sick today, my supervisor is working out of town, and my actual boss is on vacation. The other 4 people who normally work in this building are either off on vacation or working locating fibers. I'm the only person in this section of building.

posted about 6 years ago
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