Account Details
SteamID64 76561198004663727
SteamID3 [U:1:44397999]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:22198999
Country United States
Signed Up August 19, 2012
Last Posted February 20, 2020 at 4:44 PM
Posts 1918 (0.4 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.7
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
780 (850 in Drivers)
Refresh Rate
1000Hz Mouse
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G MX518 (hero sensor)
Keyboard Logitech G Pro
Mousepad Zowie G-SR-SE (Red)
Headphones Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80Ohm
Monitor BenQ XL2540 @240Hz
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#12 High quality huge mousepads in Hardware

alright I'm actually making a list now
Glorious XXXL mousepad
1200mm x 600mm x 3mm

mionix alioth xxl
1200mm x 500mm x 3mm
you will have to search ebay or something else and hope one is relatively near you

XXXXXL or XXXXL Corepad deskpad
1500mm x 750mm x 3mm OR 1200mm x 600mm x 3mm
you will have to search ebay or something else and hope one is relatively near you

1200mm x 550mm x 3mm

Stratagem Control Zone XXL Colossus
1200mm x 550mm x 3mm

and of course the various sizes from here

I'm actually thinking about getting the Glorious XXXL mousepad been wanting a mousepad that I could fit my keyboard and monitor on while still having more than a QCK+ worth of space for my mouse lol.

posted about 6 years ago
#10 High quality huge mousepads in Hardware
eddie_calderoncorepad deskpad xxxl is massive and ive been using it for 3 years, but its been out of stock on a lot of online retailers for a couple months so i dont know if they are still made

Ah yes this reminds me that there is also a XXXXXL Corepad deskpad, that is also out of stock basically everywhere I look

150cm x 75cm

posted about 6 years ago
#25 Settle this debate! in Off Topic
MikeMatNobody admits they like pineapple pizza but somehow its always the first one gone at a party

usually because only 1 gets ordered compared to the 5 pepperonis, or the other Pizzas have something on them a lot of people refuse to eat at all such as mushrooms, onions, anchovies, etc. While most people are at least willing to pick off the pineapple because most people do like pineapple just not on their pizza.

Honestly the biggest gripe I have with pineapple on pizza isn't even the flavor, usually it's the texture that really bothers me being on a pizza especially since pineapple bits range from soft and mushy to hard and stringy. Also when picking the pineapple off the pizza I always feel like I got screwed on cheese.

posted about 6 years ago
#8 High quality huge mousepads in Hardware
WoolenSleeveletThe big steelseries qck is terrific

I 2nd this and definitely a way better material than what OP linked. It is a tadd smaller though, you basically have to order one from that ghadilli linked


if you need a mousepad for your whole desk, this is it

I've honestly been too scared to get one myself, but i've read and watched a bunch of reviews and it seems to be pretty high quality.

The "Gamer Edition" on that website is about the same size as the mousepad you currently have.

It's amazing to see a $130 though, but good god that's huge.
here is the 5ft version on linustechtips

posted about 6 years ago
#16 How true is this? in Videos
rmComanglia just below your refresh rate . What this means though the deminishing returns of higher refreshrates on responsiveness also applies to input lag on VSync. More or less a 240.000Hz monitor with VSync on and a fps cap of 239.999 (for the euros out there 239,999fps) will have about the same kind of input lag as a VSync off 120Hz or about ~1.4ms more input lag than a 144Hz monitor vsync off, all while having 0 screen tearing and probably be the smoothest experience you've ever seen provided you can maintain a constant 239.999fps. holy shit, so you can play with 1ms lag and vsync on?
for example i have 60 hz monitor, and constant 120 fps, how much delay do i get?

holy shit, so you can play with 1ms lag and vsync on? Technically yes if you have a 2000Hz monitor (0.5ms from refresh rate + 0.5ms for max frame buffer)

60Hz + 120fps means you're not running vsync but the delay of
60Hz = 16.666ms between refreshes
120fps = 8.333ms between frames
in a perfect world your refresh would happen at the exact moment your monitor receives the 2nd frame thus making your input lag only 16.666ms (not counting signal input latency or pixel transition latency, or any of the other various sources of input lag such as USB poll rate, programmed delays within whatever application you're using, etc etc) but that just isn't going to happen except maybe a handful of times throughout a session. Your worst case would be a refresh that's just before a frame which would mean your monitor wouldn't actually update until about ~25ms later (again not counting other sources of input lag).

Minimum input lag = 16.666ms
Max = ~25ms

-me going on a tangent here-

Not counting other sources of input lag such as (this is brief list not all sources and or causes of input lag)
USB Pollrate of whatever input you're putting in (usually 1, 2, 4 or 8ms)
Signal Processing input lag - bit tricky here but this can be anywhere from microseconds to several dozen milliseconds
Signal travel input lag - probably a better word for this but it's basically how long the signal takes to get from the GPU to the Monitor over the cable typically measured in nanoseconds.
Pixel Transition - varies widely depending on how different or similar the transition is, what kind panel you use, and several other factors can be anywhere from microseconds(Really good CRTs) to several milliseconds (Really shitty LCDs)
Frame Buffer - varies quite a bit and largely tied to your framerate on how much input lag this can add.
Application Input lag - Also hard to give real numbers for but here is someone testing input lag within csgo and not counting display lag etc. basically CSGO delays input by about ~12.3ms at 144FPS on average.

Since I don't know all the equipment you use I'll give my setup as a very rough example.
BenQ XL2540 @240Hz with Instant Mode and Premium OD without any ULMB settings
1440x1080 stretched
for simplicity I'm just going to say I have a flat 240fps
wired Logitech G403 @ 1000Hz
Pre-Rendered Frames = 1
Single GPU

In the scenario where I press mouse1 to see when +attack occurs in tf2.

240Hz = 4.166ms between refreshes
240FPS = 4.166ms between frames
Pixel transition = ~1.1ms to ~3.9ms
Signal Processing (for scaling 1440x1080 to 1920x1080) = 0.15ms - 0.3ms
USB Pollrate = 1ms
Click Latency = ~10ms (this is a rough guess the only numbers I can find are comparing mice to each other and the the G403 is 4ms slower than a G400 in terms of click latency)
Application latency = (using numbers for csgo as it's likely similar) 5ms to 21.66ms

Minimum input lag = ~20.42ms
Max input lag = ~45.18ms

even then I'm still missing several other points of input lag (most of which are negligible at being sub 1 microsecond)

posted about 6 years ago
#9 How true is this? in Videos
TobI've also never seen anyone in TF2 mention that higher FPS affects airstrafing. You can test this easily by going on a jump server where you get double the fps as you would in a pub

Not quite, if you're somewhere around ~18fps and below it starts to negatively affect your movement speed among other things iirc. I can't seem to find the source on this I vaguely remember a video of someone comparing the movement speed of engineer at 1fps vs 10fps vs 15fps vs 30fps or something similar.

As to whether the video is true or not it depends on what part of the video. If you're asking about the title

"Do Vsync and FPS Matter in TF2?"

Short Answer is Yes.

Long Answer is still yes.

I'll start with VSync though. VSync will always add input lag usually equal to your refresh rate + a bit more if you don't bother limiting your framerate just below your refresh rate . What this means though the deminishing returns of higher refreshrates on responsiveness also applies to input lag on VSync. More or less a 240.000Hz monitor with VSync on and a fps cap of 239.999 (for the euros out there 239,999fps) will have about the same kind of input lag as a VSync off 120Hz or about ~1.4ms more input lag than a 144Hz monitor vsync off, all while having 0 screen tearing and probably be the smoothest experience you've ever seen provided you can maintain a constant 239.999fps.

FPS higher = better basically all the time even if it's well above your refresh rate. How much depends alot on how the game is designed for instance having more than 1000fps actually significantly hurts your experience in source engine games. CSGO registers when you fire on a per frame basis so if you shoot someone just after a frame is sent you have to wait the full amount of time for the next frame to be rendered for your shot to be registered so even if you have a 60Hz monitor the difference between 80fps and 300fps is even more apparent as it'll make the difference of about 11.2ms of when your shot is fired (as well as where it's placed which matters on how fast you were moving your mouse how much that can be off) Here is a short clip of what I'm talking about with someone using scripts *this doesn't happen in TF2 or CSS or other source engine games. So I would say having a higher FPS is probably even more important in CSGO than it is in TF2. Higher FPS will always equal less average input lag assuming no bugs.

Usually when higher =/= better is usually due to dependencies expecting a specific or lower framerate (such as mastercoms points out that TF2 has some things that expect 300 or less FPS not sure what actually starts to get screwy over 300fps but I wouldn't be surprised lol) That or you particularly hate screen tearing so 120 fps on a 60Hz monitor probably wouldn't be as awful as say 133fps on a 60Hz monitor.

posted about 6 years ago
#75 What would a team of 6 yous be like? in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 6 years ago
#1396 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

Interesting didn't realize you did have all of them commented on github they weren't on the cfgs that I pulled out of the vpk. I see in one of your comments you have

r_occlusion 1 // use CPU to have the GPU skip rendering of unseen models/props

If this is the case wouldnt it be a slight improvement for CPU bound systems to use 0 even if it means the GPU is used significantly more?

posted about 6 years ago
#1394 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

been awhile since I looked at your config, have to say I like alot of the work you're doing but it's mildly infuriating to have to go through 4 text files just to figure out which shadow or lighting quality I'm using.


Some other things

fps_max - Why is this set to 240, and not for instance 300?
r_norefresh 1 - what's this?

how do you feel about the new hud element that's being enforced by default
tf_use_match_hud I think

cl_mute_all_comms 1 - The wording in the github repository you have for commands is a bit ambiguous. As I understand it this means you have the ability to mute all comms from people at will, not necessarily all comms by default right?

for the texture settings why do you have mat_filtertextures in there twice with opposite values?

for mid-low which has the description of max performance but without bugs and good visibility, so why is
r_eyes 1 (in the characters_medium section) used

cl_particle_batch_mode 1 and 2 - what's the difference between these 2 settings

cl_smoothtime - you have this at 0.1 when you used to recommend cl_smoothtime 0.0455 what changed?

hud_escort_interp 0.1 - what is this?

snd_mixahead - you have this at 0.08 is this actually the best value for a reason or could it be set lower without issues such as 0.066

I don't understand alot of the sound commands so I'm just going to copy a paste the ones I'm primarily wondering about

snd_spatialize_roundrobin 1
dsp_room 0
dsp_facingaway 30
dsp_speaker 50
dsp_water 14
dsp_spatial 40
snd_defer_trace 1 
snd_disable_mixer_duck 0

are their any differences beyond sound quality itself such as latency with different settings

recommended launch options for better FPS or less frame variance but without necessarily destroying the way the game looks

posted about 6 years ago
#6 Reddit weapon opinions in TF2 General Discussion
  • caber is rated terribly even though it's the fucking best weapon in the game[1]

[1] mini caber rant: the caber was NOT nerfed into oblivion, it still does 123 damage with no variance
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it looks less in your hud because it deals its damage in two parts: the hit, and the explosion (and after that, just the hit) so its only visible with combat text batching. it's still good and im honestly very surprised no-one seems to know this

The caber is terrible. 123 damage means nothing unless someone can follow up on the damage. You probably wont be the person to follow up on the damage because 1. if you switched to caber you probably have nothing loaded. 2. The deploy time is so long you'll probably die before you swing (which is also longer than stock). 3. Even if you manage to hit with it you'll be bounced into the air by the explosion and be an easy target.

Given a different scenario where you already have your caber out and why would you? IronBomber and Regular Stickies are more consistent and safer for you. If you're sacking you're literally throwing away a demoman to get 0 kills cause you have to have the caber out at least 1s before you hit someone (who is probably buffed and has a fair bit more than 123hp) and the switch time is also 1s which in that time period you could've fired 3 stickies or 3 pipes. Even just comparing it to other melees alone it doesn't have the utility of pain train, it doesn't have the reward factor or range eyelander has, it doesn't have the overall usefulness or range of the Scotsman Skullcutter which is better vs opponents at less than 78hp and ones with more than 123hp which given the scenarios that would require you to switch to melee i.e. no loaded ammo and/or someone is sub 78hp and you have no teammates around. The only time the caber could be seen as being useful is if you're jumping with a sticky jumper, fire all of your grenades, and then caber and hit 3+ snipers in a pub and even then just using the regular sticky bomb launcher for the jump and all would proabably be more effective.

posted about 6 years ago
#47 sigafoo was right in TF2 General Discussion
ZestyPlease do not comment on the intentions of legendary player Cole the Engie Main in this thread unless you have an IQ greater than 130

Shit, the only people who have a shot main medic and heavy apparently. They're the only other classes that have some form of known higher education.

posted about 6 years ago
#4 Stutter issues when others use internet in TF2 General Discussion

Just for anyone wondering April 23rd is the day net neutrality protections ended.

Good luck hope disabling qos on your router fixes it.

posted about 6 years ago
#2 Stutter issues when others use internet in TF2 General Discussion

you have 200 x 35 so you're probably not maxing out bandwidth causing this to happen. Could be possible though that you're having some kind of QoS issue where it's heavily prioritizing known UDP traffic either on your end or your ISPs end. Which isn't surprising given all the things you mentioned (mumble, discord and facebookcalls) are all VoIP traffic which would be among the first things considered for prioritization.

So Step 1. Log into your router and look at your QoS settings (if enabled) if it's enabled given the bandwidth you have just disable it.

Step 2. Call your ISP and see if they do any Network prioritizing for VoIP traffic. (this will be rough cause tier-1 and probably tier-2 will have no clue what you're asking)

also did this issue occur for you starting on Apr 23, 2018?

posted about 6 years ago
#62 top 5 snipers in TF2 General Discussion

in terms of impact they had while playing high level 6s

sheep > tviq > flippy > clockwork > powah

unless you're asking for a current top 5 as in last ~4 months

EU: credu (only sniper in the last 4 months that I saw a clip of and thought. "Oh shit that was good"), puoskari
NA: happycool (did really well with getting 1 or 2 picks and switching off of sniper), Scizor (probably the most consistent sniper in 6s NA atm), slemnish (definitely the best sniper for post season)

there are a few other people who do pretty well at sniper even in 6s but rarely touched the class this last season.

no clue about other regions for current snipers


Honorable Mention:
Platinum using a Huntsman...

TheFragile52 posts in and only one person mentions justin. cmon fam.

Justin was a beast. Wish I could've watched more with him playing

posted about 6 years ago
#21 Best gaming mousepad?? in Q/A Help
ScrewballComangliaScrewballQCK/+/Heavy blows but the QCK limited is good. The regular QCK and QCK+ don't have stitched edges and are therefore prone to peeling.

Glorious PC Gaming Race and SlothMat are also pretty great from my exspirience. Artisan supposedly make the best pads money can buy but they cost an arm and a leg.

QCK+ I had used for 2 years has some peeling
QCK Heavy I have used for ~18months + 2 years at work no peeling
QCK XXL going on ~3 years (honestly didn't realize I've had it this long)
QCK Heavy i used lasted 6 months and started peeling. This seems to be about the normal lifespan for all my non stitched pads. Do you rest your forearm on your pad or no? That probably has a significant impact on how long non stitched pads will last for you. TBH i don't see any point in getting a non stitched pad when stitched pads cost about the same.

I used to rest my forearm on my mousepad the entire time I have a qck+ and qck heavy I did and I still do at work, but at home I have my mouse pad about ~6 inches away from the edge and I have a smaller mouse pad there for where I rest my forearm, this mousepad is a cheap monoprice one that also doesn't have stitched edges and also has no fraying.

not that I'm disagreeing with your point entirely though. Mousepads really should have stitched edges at the price point gaming mousepads are sold at.

posted about 6 years ago
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