Account Details
SteamID64 76561198004663727
SteamID3 [U:1:44397999]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:22198999
Country United States
Signed Up August 19, 2012
Last Posted February 20, 2020 at 4:44 PM
Posts 1918 (0.4 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.7
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
780 (850 in Drivers)
Refresh Rate
1000Hz Mouse
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G MX518 (hero sensor)
Keyboard Logitech G Pro
Mousepad Zowie G-SR-SE (Red)
Headphones Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80Ohm
Monitor BenQ XL2540 @240Hz
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#19 Best gaming mousepad?? in Q/A Help
ScrewballQCK/+/Heavy blows but the QCK limited is good. The regular QCK and QCK+ don't have stitched edges and are therefore prone to peeling.

Glorious PC Gaming Race and SlothMat are also pretty great from my exspirience. Artisan supposedly make the best pads money can buy but they cost an arm and a leg.

QCK+ I had used for 2 years has some peeling
QCK Heavy I have used for ~18months + 2 years at work no peeling
QCK XXL going on ~3 years (honestly didn't realize I've had it this long)

posted about 6 years ago
#8 who is the best/worst player/map/weapon in the gam in The Dumpster
kawawho is the best/worst/top/bottom/middle/switch/dominant/map/weapon/attachment/loadout/season/team in the game

FaZe Rain SteadyScope/Martyrdom/Silencer with M40A3 on Shipment with a NetDuma router?

posted about 6 years ago
#13 High Sensitivity in TF2 General Discussion
SetsulWhy is it misleading?
Blame-_-I'm assuming a sensitivity of below this value with an incredibly high DPI, presumably you would reach a point where the human hand cant make a small enough movement to move under 2 pixels - I'm wondering if anyone knows roughly the cut off for "pixel perfect aim".
It's obviously relevant for this.

Misunderstood the context. Thought you were replying to something different with that line.

posted about 6 years ago
#11 High Sensitivity in TF2 General Discussion
SetsulAlso it is related to the DPI of your mouse.

ehh this is a tadd misleading

if all you change is you dpi and you don't change any other settings including in game sensitivity the smallest angle you can move your mouse doesn't get any smaller. If you double your DPI and half you ingame sensitivity the smallest arc angle you can move is halved despite having the same inch/cm per 360. Whether or not you'll notice that kind of difference though depends on your FOV, resolution, where on the the screen you're looking for the difference, how far your screen is from you, the size of your screen, etc.

basically ingame sensitivity determines your minimum arc, your dpi determines the smallest real world movement that that count happens at.

Sensitivity = 1

200 DPI
Inch/360 = ~81.81818181
degrees per inch = ~4.400000
smallest in game arc movement = Degrees per inch / Dots per inch** = ~0.022000

800 DPI
Inch/360 = ~20.45454545
degrees per inch = ~17.600000
smallest in game arc movement = Degrees per inch / Dots per inch** = ~0.022000

distance to move in real world
200DPI = 0.005 inches
800DPI = 0.00125 inches

*some rounding was done in the formulas
**I'm fairly certain I've used the wrong formula for determining the minimum movement of arc but I'm certain that in this example 200DPI and 800DPI would have the same minimum

posted about 6 years ago
#9 High Sensitivity in TF2 General Discussion
Blame-_-Thanks for the replies. When I said "one pixel" I was meaning the movement of one pixel of the crosshair on a 1920x1080p monitor, so apologies for any confusion surrounding the nature of my question. So, from what I've read here, high sens shouldn't be a problem then unless the numerical in game value is ridiculously high?

3.5 or lower + whatever DPI you like is about as close as a good recommendation anyone can give you in terms of "pixel" accuracy on a 1080p screen. Just don't do stupid shit like 200 DPI with 10 ingame sens.

posted about 6 years ago
#6 High Sensitivity in TF2 General Discussion
Pixel skipping doesn't exist.
2.7128 is a sensitivity wo1fwood used for an example and not some magic value beyond which the source engine will stop working.

Even with this mindset the "2.7128" number is wrong. it assumes you have 90fov at 1920x1080 which is incorrect you actually have ~106fov. 2.7128 would be correct at 1920x1440 with 90fov in game though.

posted about 6 years ago
#4 High Sensitivity in TF2 General Discussion
Blame-_-What is the highest possible sensitivity you can use whilst still being able to move 1 pixel in game? And does tftv think mega high sensitivity as a general rule caps you in terms of aim skill ceiling?

Depends on resolution and in game FOV and m_yaw(note that 90 fov in game isn't always 90FOV)


m_yaw = 0.022 (default)

calculate the sensitivity and then the useful DPI

Basically you're looking for something that is equal to or less than the DPI you're using. *note pretty sure this calculation of useful DPI is based of the center of the screen and isn't the same for the far edge of your screen* using the calculator on this website give you a max sensitivity of about ~3.6 since 16:9 has a ~106FOV.

This should remain true regardless of DPI
400 DPI max of ~3.6 ingame
800 same
1600 same

106FOV (max for resolution)
m_yaw 0.022

max sens = ~2.7

m_yaw 0.022

max sens = ~ 5.08


so to take extreme examples here

m_yaw 0.022

12000 DPI
max sens = ~8.138

so unless you wanted to force a custom resolution that's lower than 640x480 or found a mouse that did more than 12000DPI without skipping /double counts this is your max sensitivity.

cm/360 = 0.4256127259322148
in/360 = 0.16756406532764362

posted about 6 years ago
#19 Configs and Tweaks to improve fps in Customization
sagespeedyUpdated Chris' and Cowmanglia's Config link doesnt work for mesorry the server fell down (literally)
should work now

Why did you choose an augmentin box?

posted about 6 years ago
#30 Free Game Megathread in Other Games
morwannegParadox has some pretty shitty DLC practices, but their games are alright.

At least the majority of their DLC during the sales are 60-90% off unlike some other games, but I also truly despise how paradox does DLCs. Way to fucking many of them and you can't even buy something like a season pass...

posted about 6 years ago
#5 Voice pitch in Off Topic

I laughed near the end when I fucked up the pronunciation of a word really bad and that's how I hit that "143Hz"

posted about 6 years ago
#3 tftv drinking game in Off Topic

posted about 6 years ago
#11 We sports bois in Esports
Cornpop16ComangliaNot terribly surprising competitively TF2 is the 3rd largest team based FPS in NA on PC.

ESEA CSGO: ~1000
OWLeague OW: ~680
ESEA TF2: ~100
ESL RSS: ~75

I don't know if you can truthfully call TF2 larger than R6 considering they have more active players, way larger tournaments, and giant T1 orgs.

It's also quite young for an esport and unlike blizzard with overwatch, ubisoft didn't advertise or attempt to build the game as an esport from the beginning.

Though I will admit I'm not sure about the 75 figure I pulled as I can't find anything suggesting a regular season playing like CSGO and TF2 has, and had to base it off the largest tournaments and teams that are currently active in the ESL ladders looking through previous cups ESL has had for RSS max of 127 team + ~16 pro teams would suggest team counts of 143, but most of these other cups that have any kind of sizeable number are around ~70 teams though I didn't count any community/smaller leagues for TF2/CSGO/OW and RSS overall seems to be way less fragmented than those interms of that.

But yes you're right RSS is likely as large or slightly larger than TF2 currently on PC. Odds are about 1-2 years from now RSS will likely be closer to current OW in size.

posted about 6 years ago
#8 We sports bois in Esports

Not terribly surprising competitively TF2 is the 3rd largest team based FPS in NA on PC.

ESEA CSGO: ~1000
OWLeague OW: ~680
ESEA TF2: ~100
ESL RSS: ~75

posted about 6 years ago
#10 Whats wrong with my mouse? in Q/A Help
kpso i got a new mouse a cheap one and i get in game,i boot up some mge and i tried to flick and my mouse just went crazy like it went the opposite direction what is this?

You've reached the max tracking speed of your mouse. Mice react in various ways when this is reached.

Higher quality mice when they reach this point usually either stop virtually all sensor input or very slowly moves in the same direction that you're moving.

Crap quality mice spaz out usually having major jitter going toward the direction you were moving the mouse and then resetting to it's last known position or just flicking your ingame view straight down or up.

kphas anyone ever had this problem?

Yes, this used to be an issue every player dealt with in the past.

for example here is the max tracking speed of the WMO 1.1a @125Hz

Xtrac Ripper XXL 0.9 m/s
SS QCK+ 1.6 m/s
Xtrac Hammer 1.3 m/s
Custom Cloth 1.2 m/s

In comparison to the G400s from 2013 and Zowie FK from 2014 both had a max tracking speed of roughly 4.0m/s at 500Hz or 1000Hz.

kp it feels like i can only move my mouse around very slowly if i move too fast its going to have a seizure or something,DPI is 800 and ingame sens is really slow relatively,whats causing this problem,anyone?

Low Quality Sensor and/or USB poll rate is set to 125Hz when it could be 500 or 1000 and/or your mousing surface is terrible/dirty

kpanything i can do to sort of deal with this cause i cant buy a new mouse atm

Get a better mouse

Make sure you don't have dust/hair on the sensor.

Clean your mousepad as good as you can or get a mousepad with a better max tracking speed. In my experience mousepads with the best max tracking speeds tend to be Black Cloth with a slightly rough feel i.e. QCK or similar, for some reason mousepads that feel smooth are usually worse. Ex. Razer Goliathus Control probably has a higher max tracking speed than the Razer Goliathus Speed.

If your mouse has software that allows you to adjust DPI and or polling rate trying changing it. Most mice work best at either 400 or 800 DPI, if you're on 125Hz try 500Hz or 1000Hz may improve you max tracking speed by a small bit (WMO 1.1a at 500Hz goes from 1.6m/s on a QCK to about 2.0m/s)
mouse usb poll rate overclocking only use on mice that don't have software/ no on board controller otherwise it won't work. Really crappy and Really old optical mice do best at 250Hz or 500Hz.

Try using various mouse accel settings it was super popular back in the day with quake largely because people couldn't move their mouse that fast.

posted about 6 years ago
#13 Configs and Tweaks to improve fps in Customization

The Cowmanglia 5000 here, would like to inform you that if you have a SSD DONT FUCKING DEFRAG IT!!!

Thank you,


posted about 6 years ago
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